Go (Golang) From simple to great. The Complete Guide.
Go (Golang) From simple to great. The Complete Guide., available at $34.99, has an average rating of 4, with 116 lectures, based on 1 reviews, and has 18 subscribers.
You will learn about Start programming in GO language Know and understand the key features of the GO language Know and understand the basic and complex types of the GO language Understand and work with functions, packages, methods in the GO language This course is ideal for individuals who are Novice developers in the GO language It is particularly useful for Novice developers in the GO language.
Enroll now: Go (Golang) From simple to great. The Complete Guide.
Title: Go (Golang) From simple to great. The Complete Guide.
Price: $34.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 116
Number of Published Lectures: 116
Number of Curriculum Items: 116
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 116
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Start programming in GO language
- Know and understand the key features of the GO language
- Know and understand the basic and complex types of the GO language
- Understand and work with functions, packages, methods in the GO language
Who Should Attend
- Novice developers in the GO language
Target Audiences
- Novice developers in the GO language
This is the definitive course for learning the Go programming language.
Ideal for both beginners and experienced developers. The course is full of examples, practical exercises. The course is tried, tested, and proven to teach beginners and seasoned developers alike. The course contains a wealth of materials and resources, so you can learn everything you need to – whatever is right for your ability level.
Once registered, you will have lifetime access to the course. You will be able to study at your own pace. You can always return to content to view it, or explore additional concepts when you’re ready for them. The course also has a 100% money back guarantee.
I know this is the best course in the world for learning the Go programming language. I know you will be completely satisfied with the course. And, if for any reason the course does not work for you, then within the first 14 days you can receive a full refund. Sign up now!
You will greatly benefit from the course, and more importantly, you will have a great time learning the best programming language ever created – the Go programming language – the fastest growing and highest paying programming language in America. Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to create simple, reliable, and efficient software. Go is an excellent choice as it was developed by those who created the C programming language, Unix and UTF-8 – some of the most influential contributions to computer science. Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson created Go as a modern language that easily uses multiple cores, easily implements parallelism, easily works in distributed environments, and easily allows the programmer to write programs. The language has a very simple and user-friendly syntax.
Why did Google create a new language? According to Google, “Go was born out of frustration with existing systems programming languages and environments. Programming has become too complex, and the chosen language is partly to blame. The choice was either efficient compilation, efficient execution, or ease of programming. Programmers who could choose simplicity over safety and efficiency moved to dynamically typed languages such as Python and JavaScript.
Go is an attempt to combine the programming simplicity of an interpreted dynamically typed language with the efficiency and safety of a statically typed compiled language. Go is modern, with support for networked and multi-core computing. Go is the best programming language you can learn today. I started programming in 2000 with Java, I have worked with many languages and Go is the best language I have ever used. Go is the highest paid programming language in America today. Come learn about the greatest programming language ever created.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Chapter 1. Plan.
Lecture 3: About course
Lecture 4: About creators of GO
Lecture 5: Install GO
Lecture 6: Install on Mac
Lecture 7: Install on Linux
Lecture 8: Install on Windows
Lecture 9: Install IDE
Lecture 10: Install GIT
Lecture 11: Summary
Chapter 2: Basic GO
Lecture 1: Chapter 2. Plan
Lecture 2: Code structure
Lecture 3: Formatting
Lecture 4: Naming convention
Lecture 5: Standard Libraries
Lecture 6: Functions
Lecture 7: Formatting verbs
Lecture 8: Data types
Lecture 9: Comparison operators
Lecture 10: Comparison operators
Lecture 11: Logical operators
Lecture 12: Arithmetic operators
Lecture 13: Bits and bytes
Lecture 14: Bitwise operators
Lecture 15: Variables declaration
Lecture 16: Type conversion
Lecture 17: Compiling
Lecture 18: Comments
Lecture 19: Flags and Args
Lecture 20: Visibility blocks
Lecture 21: Basic GO. Summarize
Lecture 22: Practice lesson #1
Lecture 23: Basic GO. Tests
Chapter 3: Flow control in GO
Lecture 1: Flow control. Plan
Lecture 2: Conditional statement
Lecture 3: Nil-value and errors
Lecture 4: If operator
Lecture 5: Switch operator
Lecture 6: For statement
Lecture 7: Debugging
Lecture 8: Labels
Lecture 9: Flow control. Summarise
Lecture 10: Flow control. Practice
Lecture 11: Flow control. Tests
Chapter 4: Basic types
Lecture 1: Basic types. Plan.
Lecture 2: Integers
Lecture 3: Floating
Lecture 4: Casting
Lecture 5: Complex
Lecture 6: Strings
Lecture 7: Unicode
Lecture 8: String conversation
Lecture 9: Constants
Lecture 10: Defined types
Lecture 11: Basic types. Summarise.
Lecture 12: Practice lesson
Lecture 13: Tests
Chapter 5: Composite types
Lecture 1: Composite types. Chapter plan.
Lecture 2: Arrays
Lecture 3: Slices
Lecture 4: Maps
Lecture 5: Structs
Lecture 6: Composite types. Summarise.
Lecture 7: Practice
Lecture 8: Tests
Chapter 6: Functions
Lecture 1: Functions. Chapter plan
Lecture 2: Function declaration
Lecture 3: Arguments of functions
Lecture 4: Recursion
Lecture 5: Duplication code
Lecture 6: Return value from functions
Lecture 7: Value-functions and anonymous
Lecture 8: Iteration variable capture warning
Lecture 9: Pointers
Lecture 10: New and make functions
Lecture 11: Allocation
Lecture 12: Lifetime of variables
Lecture 13: Flags in struct
Lecture 14: Function in struct
Lecture 15: Functions. Summarise.
Lecture 16: Functions. Practice.
Lecture 17: Functions. Tests
Chapter 7: Methods
Lecture 1: Methods. Chapter plan
Lecture 2: Method declaration
Lecture 3: Recipient parameters
Lecture 4: Name conflict
Lecture 5: Functions vs methods
Lecture 6: Method-values
Lecture 7: Setters and getters in GO
Lecture 8: Embedding structures
Lecture 9: Enum and structs
Lecture 10: Pointers in methods
Alex Versus
Full-stack development IT/WEB-products
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 0 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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