GraphQL by Example
GraphQL by Example, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.63, with 100 lectures, based on 4846 reviews, and has 31044 subscribers.
You will learn about Build a GraphQL server based on NodeJS, Express and Apollo Server Call GraphQL APIs from JavaScript using GraphQL-Request or Apollo Client Handle Authentication/Authorization, Caching, and more Receive real-time updates with GraphQL Subscriptions This course is ideal for individuals who are JavaScript developers looking to learn GraphQL It is particularly useful for JavaScript developers looking to learn GraphQL.
Enroll now: GraphQL by Example
Title: GraphQL by Example
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.63
Number of Lectures: 100
Number of Published Lectures: 100
Number of Curriculum Items: 100
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 100
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build a GraphQL server based on NodeJS, Express and Apollo Server
- Call GraphQL APIs from JavaScript using GraphQL-Request or Apollo Client
- Handle Authentication/Authorization, Caching, and more
- Receive real-time updates with GraphQL Subscriptions
Who Should Attend
- JavaScript developers looking to learn GraphQL
Target Audiences
- JavaScript developers looking to learn GraphQL
More and more teams are choosing GraphQL instead of (or along with) REST for their web APIs. GraphQL queries give clients great flexibility in the way they request data from the server, preventing issues such overfetching or underfetching of data, and allowing multiple resources to be retrieved in a single request.
In this course you’ll learn how to use GraphQL both on the server side and in client applications through practical examples in the form of full-stack JavaScript applications. You will be introduced to all the main GraphQL concepts like schema definition, Queries, Mutations, and Subscriptions, as well as to solution to common requirements such as handling authentication/authorization and client-side caching.
The examples use Apollo Server with Node.js and Express on the backend and React on the frontend, with GraphQL-Request first, then Apollo Client as GraphQL clients. GraphQL-WS is used for subscriptions.
The aim however is not just to cover specific GraphQL libraries, but to give you a more general understanding of the underlying concepts. For instance, GraphQL client libraries are introduced only after learning how to write a simple client “by hand”, to make sure you understand the GraphQL over HTTP format.
This course assumes good knowledge of modern JavaScript, and ideally some familiarity with Node.js/Express and React.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: What is GraphQL
Lecture 2: Required Tools
Lecture 3: Course Advice
Chapter 2: Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Schema Definition
Lecture 2: Apollo Server
Lecture 3: Query Language
Lecture 4: GraphQL Over HTTP
Lecture 5: GraphQL Client
Lecture 6: Github Repository
Lecture 7: Code-First vs Schema-First
Lecture 8: Final Code
Chapter 3: Schema
Lecture 1: Job Board Architecture
Lecture 2: Job Board Project
Lecture 3: Github Repository
Lecture 4: Apollo Server with Express
Lecture 5: Custom Object Types
Lecture 6: Arrays and Non-Nullability
Lecture 7: Database Access
Lecture 8: Field Resolvers
Lecture 9: Resolver Chain
Lecture 10: Documentation Comments
Lecture 11: Object Associations
Chapter 4: Queries
Lecture 1: Starting Code
Lecture 2: GraphQL-Request
Lecture 3: Component State in React
Lecture 4: Query Arguments
Lecture 5: Query Variables
Lecture 6: Exercise: Company by ID
Lecture 7: Bidirectional Associations
Lecture 8: Recursive Queries
Chapter 5: Errors
Lecture 1: Starting Code
Lecture 2: GraphQL Errors
Lecture 3: Custom Errors
Lecture 4: Request States
Chapter 6: Mutations
Lecture 1: Starting Code
Lecture 2: Mutations
Lecture 3: Input Types
Lecture 4: Aside: Database Reset
Lecture 5: Mutation Requests
Lecture 6: Exercise: Delete Job
Lecture 7: Exercise: Update Job
Chapter 7: Authentication
Lecture 1: Starting Code
Lecture 2: Authentication Flow
Lecture 3: Resolver Context
Lecture 4: User-Company Association
Lecture 5: Client Authentication
Lecture 6: Secure Delete
Lecture 7: Exercise: Secure Update
Lecture 8: Where to Authenticate
Chapter 8: Caching with Apollo Client
Lecture 1: Starting Code
Lecture 2: Apollo Client Features
Lecture 3: Apollo Client Setup
Lecture 4: Query Method
Lecture 5: Mutate Method and Auth Link
Lecture 6: Apollo Client Cache
Lecture 7: Fetch Policies
Lecture 8: Cache Manipulation
Lecture 9: Fragments
Chapter 9: Apollo React Integration
Lecture 1: Starting Code
Lecture 2: useQuery Hook
Lecture 3: React Custom Hooks
Lecture 4: Exercise: useJob and useJobs
Lecture 5: useMutation Hook
Lecture 6: useMutation Result
Lecture 7: Exercise: useCreateJob
Chapter 10: Data Loaders
Lecture 1: Starting Code
Lecture 2: N+1 Query Problem
Lecture 3: Batching with DataLoader
Lecture 4: Per-Request Cache
Chapter 11: Pagination
Lecture 1: Starting Code
Lecture 2: Pagination Strategies
Lecture 3: Ordering
Lecture 4: Limit Clause
Lecture 5: Offset Clause
Lecture 6: Basic Pagination UI
Lecture 7: Total Count
Lecture 8: Full Pagination UI
Lecture 9: Final Code
Chapter 12: Subscriptions
Lecture 1: Chat Project
Lecture 2: Github Repository
Lecture 3: Cache updateQuery
Lecture 4: Subscription Definition
Lecture 5: GraphQL-WS Server
Lecture 6: Subscription Resolver
Lecture 7: GraphQL-WS Client
Lecture 8: useSubscription Hook
Lecture 9: WebSocket Protocol
Lecture 10: Connection Params
Mirko Nasato
Software Developer and Mentor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 15 votes
- 2 stars: 31 votes
- 3 stars: 271 votes
- 4 stars: 1528 votes
- 5 stars: 3001 votes
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