GraphQL with iOS and SwiftUI: The Complete Developers Guide
GraphQL with iOS and SwiftUI: The Complete Developers Guide, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.46, with 99 lectures, based on 128 reviews, and has 1166 subscribers.
You will learn about GraphQL structured query language Integrating GraphQL in iOS applications using Apollo Framework Creating their own custom server, which serves GraphQL queries and mutations MVVM Design Pattern in SwiftUI Apps This course is ideal for individuals who are Students who wants to learn about GraphQL structured query language or Students who wants to integrate GraphQL into their SwiftUI applications or Students who wants to learn how to build their own custom GraphQL server in NodeJS It is particularly useful for Students who wants to learn about GraphQL structured query language or Students who wants to integrate GraphQL into their SwiftUI applications or Students who wants to learn how to build their own custom GraphQL server in NodeJS.
Enroll now: GraphQL with iOS and SwiftUI: The Complete Developers Guide
Title: GraphQL with iOS and SwiftUI: The Complete Developers Guide
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.46
Number of Lectures: 99
Number of Published Lectures: 99
Number of Curriculum Items: 99
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 99
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- GraphQL structured query language
- Integrating GraphQL in iOS applications using Apollo Framework
- Creating their own custom server, which serves GraphQL queries and mutations
- MVVM Design Pattern in SwiftUI Apps
Who Should Attend
- Students who wants to learn about GraphQL structured query language
- Students who wants to integrate GraphQL into their SwiftUI applications
- Students who wants to learn how to build their own custom GraphQL server in NodeJS
Target Audiences
- Students who wants to learn about GraphQL structured query language
- Students who wants to integrate GraphQL into their SwiftUI applications
- Students who wants to learn how to build their own custom GraphQL server in NodeJS
GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs, and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data. GraphQL is gaining popularity at a very fast pace and more and more companies are exposing their data using GraphQL. Some are even saying that GraphQL is the new REST and in a span of few years, it will become the default way for implementing APIs.
Check out the contents of the course:
Understanding GraphQL
In this section, you will learn the concepts behind GraphQL technology and how it is different from REST. You will learn about queries, mutations, fragments and subscriptions.
Countries App
In this section, you will learn how to consume Countries GraphQL API. You will learn how to integrate the Apollo framework with your iOS application, download schema, generate models and then finally display them in your SwiftUI application.
Understanding MVVM Design Pattern
In this section, you will learn the concepts behind the MVVM Design Pattern. You will learn the purpose of each component and how it fits in with the MVVM pattern.
Countries App – Building Using MVVM Pattern
In this section, you will revisit the Countries App and reimplement it using the principles of MVVM Design Pattern. You will learn how to implement container view models, read only view models in SwiftUI application.
Weather App
In this section, you will learn how to implement a Weather App in SwiftUI using GraphQL weather API. You will also implement the city search capability, which will allow you to search weather for a city by name.
GitHub App
In this section, you will learn how to consume the GitHub GraphQL API. You will start by getting comfortable with the GitHub GraphQL API using their build-in explorer. Next, you will integrate it with your SwiftUI application. You will allow the user to list their ten most recent repositories, as well as top starred repositories. Finally, you will implement the mutation, so users can add new repositories to their GitHub profile from right within the iOS application.
Getting Started with Apollo Server
In this section, you will learn how to implement a custom Apollo Server using NodeJS and JavaScript. You will learn about the GraphQL type system, schemas and how resolvers can be used to resolve the queries.
Movies App
In this section, you are going to implement a complete Movies App. You will learn to construct a custom GraphQL server using the Apollo framework and then you will make the iOS client in SwiftUI framework.
1) Knowledge of Swift Language is recommended
2) Knowledge of SwiftUI is recommended
3) Some knowledge of NodeJS and JavaScript is recommended but not required
By the end of this course, you will be comfortable using GraphQL with your iOS applications.
Hope you enjoy the course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: About the Instructor
Lecture 3: Prerequisites
Lecture 4: Exercise Files
Chapter 2: Understanding GraphQL
Lecture 1: What is GraphQL?
Lecture 2: GraphQL vs REST
Lecture 3: Core Concepts
Lecture 4: Queries
Lecture 5: Resources: Queries
Lecture 6: Mutations
Lecture 7: Resources: Mutations
Lecture 8: Fragments
Lecture 9: Resources: Fragments
Lecture 10: Subscriptions
Lecture 11: Resources: Subscriptions
Chapter 3: Country App
Lecture 1: What we will be building?
Lecture 2: What is Apollo for GraphQL?
Lecture 3: Installing Apollo CLI
Lecture 4: Resources – Installing Apollo CLI
Lecture 5: Adding Apollo Package to the SwiftUI App
Lecture 6: Resource: Adding Apollo Package to the SwiftUI App
Lecture 7: Downloading Schema and Adding Code Generation Script
Lecture 8: UPDATE – Code Generation Script
Lecture 9: Resource: Downloading Schema and Adding Code Generation
Lecture 10: Fetching All Countries
Lecture 11: Displaying Countries in SwiftUI List
Lecture 12: Implementing GetCountryByCode Query in GraphQL
Lecture 13: Displaying Country Info
Chapter 4: Understanding MVVM Design Pattern
Lecture 1: What are Design Patterns?
Lecture 2: What is MVVM?
Lecture 3: Why MVVM?
Lecture 4: MVVM Architecture and Web APIs
Lecture 5: Difference Between ViewModel and Model
Chapter 5: Countries App – MVVM Design Pattern
Lecture 1: Agenda
Lecture 2: Implementing CountryListViewModel and CountryViewModel
Lecture 3: Displaying Countries on Screen Using CountryListViewModel
Lecture 4: Implementing CountryDetailViewModel
Lecture 5: Displaying Country Details on the Screen
Chapter 6: Weather App
Lecture 1: What we will be building?
Lecture 2: Resource
Lecture 3: Tour of the App
Lecture 4: Constructing GraphQL Query to Get Weather By City
Lecture 5: Implementing WeatherViewModel
Lecture 6: Fetching the Weather
Lecture 7: Displaying Weather on Screen
Chapter 7: GitHub App – Setup
Lecture 1: What we will be building?
Lecture 2: Understanding GitHub GraphQL API
Lecture 3: Resource: GitHub GraphQL API
Lecture 4: Tour of the Starter Project
Chapter 8: GitHub App – Fetching and Displaying Latest Repositories
Lecture 1: Constructing GetAllRepositoriesForUser GraphQL Query
Lecture 2: Generating GitHub Personal Access Token
Lecture 3: Sending Access Code with GraphQL Request in Headers
Lecture 4: Implementing RepositoryListViewModel and RepositoryViewModel
Lecture 5: Displaying List of All Latest Repositories
Lecture 6: Resources
Chapter 9: GitHub App – Mutations
Lecture 1: Constructing the Create Repository Mutation Query
Lecture 2: Testing CreateRepository Mutation Query
Lecture 3: Resource: Mutation Query and Query Variables
Lecture 4: Implementing AddRepositoryViewModel
Lecture 5: Integrating AddRepositoryScreen with AddRepositoryViewModel
Lecture 6: SOLUTION: Integrating AddRepositoryScreen with AddRepositoryViewModel
Chapter 10: GitHub App – Fetching and Displaying Top Repositories
Lecture 1: Constructing GraphQL Query for Top Repositories
Lecture 2: Implementing getTopRepositoriesForUser in RepositoryListViewModel
Lecture 3: Implementing RepositoryNode Protocol
Lecture 4: Switching Views Between Latest Repositories and Top Repositories
Chapter 11: Getting Started with Apollo Server
Lecture 1: Understanding the Apollo Server
Lecture 2: Exercise Files
Lecture 3: Installing Node and Required GraphQL Packages
Lecture 4: Fetching All Books (Query)
Lecture 5: Fetch Book by Id (Query)
Lecture 6: Automatically Restarting Server Using Nodemon
Lecture 7: Adding New Book (Mutation)
Lecture 8: Resources
Chapter 12: Schema Basics
Lecture 1: Schema Definition Language
Lecture 2: Supported Types
Lecture 3: Query Driven Schema Design
Chapter 13: Movies App – Displaying Movies
Lecture 1: What we will be building?
Lecture 2: Tour of the Starter Project
Lecture 3: NOTE: Running the Apollo Server Using NodeJS
Lecture 4: Constructing GetAllMovies Query
Lecture 5: Implementing MovieListViewModel and MovieViewModel
Lecture 6: Displaying Movies on the Screen
Lecture 7: Constructing GetAllMovies Query with Filter
Lecture 8: Constructing GetAllGenres GraphQL Query
Lecture 9: Implementing GenreListViewModel and GenreViewModel
Lecture 10: Implementing GenreSelectionView
Lecture 11: Filtering and Displaying Movies on the Screen
Mohammad Azam
Apple Featured iOS Developer and iOS Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 14 votes
- 4 stars: 33 votes
- 5 stars: 76 votes
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