How to Make a Website Without Coding- WordPress & Web Skills
How to Make a Website Without Coding- WordPress & Web Skills, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 123 lectures, based on 180 reviews, and has 10759 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn to create a business site with testimonials, clear calls to action, and eCommerce capabilities to sell products online Learn to create a blog with images, video, email capture forms, and beautiful share buttons Learn to create an online resume/portfolio with visual representation of skills, lightbox for displaying portfolio images, and a simple contact form for others to get in touch Choose the right domain name for your site Get your web hosting set up Learn how to make a logo Learn to optimize your website for search engines Learn to add and manage content on your website Learn how to use some of the best tools for web developers Learn how to sell products on your website Become proficient in WordPress to create websites for yourself or others Learn to create responsive, mobile friendly websites This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to create a website for their business (to sell products, showcase services, or display contact info) or Anyone who wants to create a resume/portfolio website (to display skills, experience, and resume, or showcase past projects and portfolio items) or Anyone who wants to create a blog (to accompany a business site, capture emails, or as a personal blog) or Anyone who wants to learn how to develop websites in general or Anyone who wants to learn how to use WordPress to develop websites It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to create a website for their business (to sell products, showcase services, or display contact info) or Anyone who wants to create a resume/portfolio website (to display skills, experience, and resume, or showcase past projects and portfolio items) or Anyone who wants to create a blog (to accompany a business site, capture emails, or as a personal blog) or Anyone who wants to learn how to develop websites in general or Anyone who wants to learn how to use WordPress to develop websites.
Enroll now: How to Make a Website Without Coding- WordPress & Web Skills
Title: How to Make a Website Without Coding- WordPress & Web Skills
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 123
Number of Published Lectures: 123
Number of Curriculum Items: 123
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 123
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn to create a business site with testimonials, clear calls to action, and eCommerce capabilities to sell products online
- Learn to create a blog with images, video, email capture forms, and beautiful share buttons
- Learn to create an online resume/portfolio with visual representation of skills, lightbox for displaying portfolio images, and a simple contact form for others to get in touch
- Choose the right domain name for your site
- Get your web hosting set up
- Learn how to make a logo
- Learn to optimize your website for search engines
- Learn to add and manage content on your website
- Learn how to use some of the best tools for web developers
- Learn how to sell products on your website
- Become proficient in WordPress to create websites for yourself or others
- Learn to create responsive, mobile friendly websites
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to create a website for their business (to sell products, showcase services, or display contact info)
- Anyone who wants to create a resume/portfolio website (to display skills, experience, and resume, or showcase past projects and portfolio items)
- Anyone who wants to create a blog (to accompany a business site, capture emails, or as a personal blog)
- Anyone who wants to learn how to develop websites in general
- Anyone who wants to learn how to use WordPress to develop websites
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to create a website for their business (to sell products, showcase services, or display contact info)
- Anyone who wants to create a resume/portfolio website (to display skills, experience, and resume, or showcase past projects and portfolio items)
- Anyone who wants to create a blog (to accompany a business site, capture emails, or as a personal blog)
- Anyone who wants to learn how to develop websites in general
- Anyone who wants to learn how to use WordPress to develop websites
What if you could learn to make a blog, portfolio, or business website over the weekend? Without prior experience and without writing code.
Now you can.
Learn by making 3 different websites
You'll learn how to get your website live on the internet (registering a domain name, hosting, etc.), how to use WordPress [dot] org, and other web tips like making a logo and SEO basics.
Then we'll actually build 3 different websites together, step by step, from start to finish. We'll make a blog, a business site, and an online resume/portfolio. Each website is completely responsive, so it will look good on any screen, tablet, or smartphone.
To see the actual websites we're going to build in the course, check out the first video in sections 5, 6, and 7.
Some of the main things you'll learn in the course
- how to use WordPress (dashboard, toolbar, themes, plugins, Jetpack, pages, posts, users, comments, menus, widgets)
- how to choose the right domain name
- how to register a domain name
- how to set up web hosting
- how to install WordPress
- why use subdomains and how to set one up
- how to set up Google Analytics
- how to use Chrome Developer Tools
- how to add an email capture form
- how to add eCommerce capabilities and sell products on your site
- where to get free, commercial-use images
- where to get free, commercial-use web icons
- how to make a logo
- on-page SEO
- off-page SEO
- how to make sure your website looks good on any screen, tablet, or smartphone
- the best free tools for web developers and designers
- tons of topics explained and defined
This course is very comprehensive and packed with content so that you can learn everything you need to know to create a website. And remember, if this course doesn't provide the value you expected, you can get a full refund within 30 days.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Course
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 2: Course Structure
Chapter 2: Getting Started
Lecture 1: Getting Started Intro
Lecture 2: What is a Domain Name? How to Pick the Right Name
Lecture 3: How to Register a Domain Name
Lecture 4: What is Web Hosting?
Lecture 5: How to Get the Cheapest Web Hosting
Lecture 6: How to Connect your Domain and Web Host
Lecture 7: How to Install WordPress
Lecture 8: How to Change HostGator and WordPress Passwords
Lecture 9: What is a Subdomain?
Lecture 10: How to Set Up a Subdomain
Chapter 3: WordPress Overview
Lecture 1: What is WordPress?
Lecture 2: Difference between and
Lecture 3: WordPress Dashboard and Toolbar
Lecture 4: Intro to themes
Lecture 5: Finding a theme
Lecture 6: Customizing a theme
Lecture 7: Summary of finding and customizing a theme
Lecture 8: Clearing your cache
Lecture 9: Intro to plugins
Lecture 10: Intro to widgets
Lecture 11: What is Jetpack?
Lecture 12: How to set up a account
Lecture 13: Mojo Marketplace
Lecture 14: Intro to pages and posts
Lecture 15: Adding and editing posts
Lecture 16: Post format
Lecture 17: Post categories
Lecture 18: Post tags
Lecture 19: Adding and editing pages
Lecture 20: Menus (Navigation Bar)
Lecture 21: Media (images, audio, video)
Lecture 22: Intro to users
Lecture 23: Intro to comments
Lecture 24: Using the Disqus comment system
Lecture 25: What is shortcode?
Lecture 26: What are child themes?
Chapter 4: Web Resources, Design, and SEO
Lecture 1: Image file types .png vs .jpg vs .gif
Lecture 2: Where to get free, commercial-use images
Lecture 3: Editing images with PicMonkey
Lecture 4: How to make an icon-based logo
Lecture 5: How to make a letter-based logo
Lecture 6: Chrome developer tools, HTML, and CSS
Lecture 7: Responsive web design and testing different screen sizes
Lecture 8: What is SEO (search engine optimization)?
Lecture 9: Improving SEO through on-page and off-page SEO
Lecture 10: Finding keywords- Google Keyword Planner (on-page SEO)
Lecture 11: Titles, meta description, Yoast SEO plugin (on-page SEO)
Lecture 12: How to get backlinks (off-page SEO)
Lecture 13: Setting up Google Analytics
Lecture 14: Google Webmaster Tools & submitting XML sitemap
Chapter 5: Creating an Online Resume/Portfolio
Lecture 1: Resume/Portfolio website showcase
Lecture 2: Installing the Veecard Theme
Lecture 3: Easy Updates Manager Plugin
Lecture 4: Full Screen Background Image Plugin
Lecture 5: Adding your logo, favicon, and veecard file
Lecture 6: Editing the homepage bio and contact info
Lecture 7: Editing theme fonts, colors, and texture
Lecture 8: Adding social media profiles
Lecture 9: Meta description and meta tags
Lecture 10: Editing the footer
Lecture 11: Connecting Google Analytics
Lecture 12: Permalink structure, adding pages, and menus
Lecture 13: Customizing the resume page
Lecture 14: Customizing the portfolio page
Lecture 15: On-page SEO with the Yoast Plugin
Lecture 16: Overview of completed website
Chapter 6: Creating a Blog
Lecture 1: Blog website showcase
Lecture 2: Installing theme and Easy Updates Manager Plugin
Lecture 3: Connecting Google Analytics
Lecture 4: Social networks auto-poster plugin
Lecture 5: Sidebar and social media icons
Lecture 6: Customizing the footer
Lecture 7: Disqus Comment System
Lecture 8: SumoMe Smart Bar CTA button
Lecture 9: SumoMe email capture pop-up
Lecture 10: SumoMe email capture scroll box
Lecture 11: SumoMe floating share buttons
Lecture 12: Mashshare share buttons
Lecture 13: SumoMe contact form
Lecture 14: Easy Bootstrap Shortcode Plugin
Lecture 15: Creating a blog post
Lecture 16: Permalinks and on-page SEO
Lecture 17: Related Posts by Zemanta Plugin
Lecture 18: Adding a menu (navigation bar)
Lecture 19: Left sidebar widgets
Lecture 20: Simple Custom Post Order Plugin
Lecture 21: Broken Link Checker Plugin
Lecture 22: Homepage SEO title, meta description, and logo
Lecture 23: Turning on caching and deleting plugins
Lecture 24: Overview of completed website
Chapter 7: Creating a Business Site
Lecture 1: Business website showcase
Hoku Ho
Web Developer, Designer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 13 votes
- 4 stars: 49 votes
- 5 stars: 112 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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