How to use VestaCP, CyberPanel, Hestia to Run Multiple Sites
How to use VestaCP, CyberPanel, Hestia to Run Multiple Sites, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 63 lectures, based on 22 reviews, and has 97 subscribers.
You will learn about How to run multiple websites on a VPS using CentOS 7/8 or Ubuntu with VestaCP , HestiaCP or Cyberpanel as the Control Panel, Cloudflare as your DNS provider. All websites we'll setup will use Let's Encrypt All websites will be PHP based running on Ngnx and PHP-FPM setup For the most part we'll use Putty on Windows for the server setup You'll learn how to run multiple websites on full domains and subdomains using cloudflare for all DNS How to setup Centos 8 and Install Cyberpanel How to install WordPress on Cyberpanel or Migrate WordPress from VestaCP to CyberPanel. How to install and use hestiaCP to run WordPress This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to run multiple websites on a VPS or Anyone who wants to run multiple websites on VPS using VestaCp,HestiaCP or Cyberpanle or Anyone who wants to move from Shared Hosting to VPS Hosting or Windows, Mac and Linux users who want to setup a Linux server and install a Free Control panel. or Anyone who wants to learn how to run WordPress on a VPS such as Vultr or Contabo It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to run multiple websites on a VPS or Anyone who wants to run multiple websites on VPS using VestaCp,HestiaCP or Cyberpanle or Anyone who wants to move from Shared Hosting to VPS Hosting or Windows, Mac and Linux users who want to setup a Linux server and install a Free Control panel. or Anyone who wants to learn how to run WordPress on a VPS such as Vultr or Contabo.
Enroll now: How to use VestaCP, CyberPanel, Hestia to Run Multiple Sites
Title: How to use VestaCP, CyberPanel, Hestia to Run Multiple Sites
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 63
Number of Published Lectures: 63
Number of Curriculum Items: 63
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 63
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to run multiple websites on a VPS using CentOS 7/8 or Ubuntu with VestaCP , HestiaCP or Cyberpanel as the Control Panel, Cloudflare as your DNS provider.
- All websites we'll setup will use Let's Encrypt
- All websites will be PHP based running on Ngnx and PHP-FPM setup
- For the most part we'll use Putty on Windows for the server setup
- You'll learn how to run multiple websites on full domains and subdomains using cloudflare for all DNS
- How to setup Centos 8 and Install Cyberpanel
- How to install WordPress on Cyberpanel or Migrate WordPress from VestaCP to CyberPanel.
- How to install and use hestiaCP to run WordPress
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to run multiple websites on a VPS
- Anyone who wants to run multiple websites on VPS using VestaCp,HestiaCP or Cyberpanle
- Anyone who wants to move from Shared Hosting to VPS Hosting
- Windows, Mac and Linux users who want to setup a Linux server and install a Free Control panel.
- Anyone who wants to learn how to run WordPress on a VPS such as Vultr or Contabo
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to run multiple websites on a VPS
- Anyone who wants to run multiple websites on VPS using VestaCp,HestiaCP or Cyberpanle
- Anyone who wants to move from Shared Hosting to VPS Hosting
- Windows, Mac and Linux users who want to setup a Linux server and install a Free Control panel.
- Anyone who wants to learn how to run WordPress on a VPS such as Vultr or Contabo
This course will show you how to setup and run Multiple Websites on your VPS (Virtual Private Server) or VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server). I will be using Vultr as the VPS. I will also use Contabo in the HestiaCP section.
By the end of this course you will be able to run multiple, PHP, HTML, CSS, JS websites on your server. You will be able to create multiple domains and sub-domains while using Cloudflare for your DNS.
Full disclosure, I am using a Windows computer, hence throughout the setup process , I will be using Putty on a Windows PC. You can still follow along via Terminal on Mac or Linux. In the HestiaCP section I used Git Bash which is just like using Terminal, so following along will be easy regardless of your platform.
Update :
I have added videos for Linux and Mac Users. You can follow along using terminal.
I have added videos for setting up Centos 8 and installing Cyberpanel.
I have added a new section for HestiaCP. I would highly encourage you to use HestiaCP instead of VestaCP
The ultimate goal of this VPS course is to enable you run, multiple sites on a VPS account. The skills learned here are transferable to other VPS providers. In the course we’ll use Vultr and Conatbo (HestiaCP section).
Note that I may still add more videos in this course to update it with new panels. I will keep adding the videos in case of any updates or changes in the Web server setup.
Join this course now, and start watching it today.
Feel free to join the course without hesitation.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Course
Lecture 1: Introduction before it begins – Vultr Tutorial
Lecture 2: Important – Latest Update
Lecture 3: What to expect in this course
Lecture 4: Download all the resources from here
Chapter 2: Vultr Intro
Lecture 1: Create a Vultr Account
Lecture 2: Vultr dashboard overview
Chapter 3: Server Deploy
Lecture 1: Putty and puttygen windows
Lecture 2: Deploy Centos 7 Server in Vultr
Lecture 3: Set up server begins
Chapter 4: CentOS 7 Server setup
Lecture 1: Log into to Vultr VPS via putty
Lecture 2: Create new user Centos Vultr server setup
Lecture 3: using puttygen to generate SSH Keys
Lecture 4: Add SSH Keys to Centos via putty on Vultr
Lecture 5: Login via Putty using SSH
Lecture 6: Disable root login and password auth on centos
Chapter 5: Finishing Server setup for CentOS7
Lecture 1: Set Server Timezone Centos 7
Lecture 2: Create a Swap file in Centos 7
Lecture 3: Install IPTables on Centos 7
Chapter 6: Vesta Control Panel and Cloudflare
Lecture 1: Create and restore vultr Snapshot
Lecture 2: Vesta and Cloudflare for DNS
Lecture 3: VestaCP install First step
Lecture 4: Install Vesta CP and add dns to cloudflare
Lecture 5: Change vesta port first video
Lecture 6: How to change VestaCP Port
Chapter 7: Getting ready to host websites
Lecture 1: Vesta Update PHP to 7.2
Lecture 2: PHP Update to any version
Lecture 3: Add a website domain to vesta
Lecture 4: Vesta FTP and upload files to VestaCP
Chapter 8: Install WP
Lecture 1: Install WordPress on Vesta
Lecture 2: Vesta – FTP on plugin install fix
Lecture 3: WordPress Permalinks
Chapter 9: Send Mail
Lecture 1: Vesta + Cloudflare – Send mail
Lecture 2: Intro to the advanced email dns records
Lecture 3: Vesta – Generate DKIM add to cloudflare.
Lecture 4: Vesta add SPF records cloudflare
Lecture 5: Any questions?
Chapter 10: Cyberpanel + Centos 8 + WordPress
Lecture 1: 1 How Deploy Vultr Server and how to choose a location
Lecture 2: 2 Putty – How to use Putty to log into your server
Lecture 3: 3 Putty – Create new user with sudo privileges
Lecture 4: 4 Putty – Puttygen Ssh Keys Authentication Setup
Lecture 5: 5 Putty – Disable Root login and password authentication
Lecture 6: 6 putty – Change time zone
Lecture 7: 7 Terminal – Login and update Centos 8
Lecture 8: 8 Terminal – Create new sudo user
Lecture 9: 9 Terminal – Setup SSH key auth
Lecture 10: 10 Terminal – Disable root login and pass auth
Lecture 11: 11 Terminal – Linux Change Server Time zone
Lecture 12: 12 Install Cyberpanel
Lecture 13: 13 handling Nameservers
Lecture 14: 14 Using Private nameservers
Lecture 15: 15 Using Cloudflare for DNS
Lecture 16: 16 Cyberpanel Install WordPress -File Manger Tutorial
Chapter 11: Ubuntu HestiaCP WordPress setup
Lecture 1: HestiaCP Tutorial new intro
Lecture 2: Deploy Ubuntu on Contabo
Lecture 3: Log into Contabo VPS via SSH
Lecture 4: Ubuntu Create new sudo user
Lecture 5: Setup SSH keys Authentication Login for Ubuntu Server
Lecture 6: Create swap file in Ubuntu
Lecture 7: Contabo Change Server Hostname Ubuntu Debian
Lecture 8: Install hestia
Lecture 9: Hestia CP Walkthrough
Lecture 10: File Manager Overview
Lecture 11: HestiaCP Server backup
Ricky Wahowa
Bizanosa – Teaching about Web technologies – Build Websites
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 8 votes
- 5 stars: 12 votes
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