HTML and CSS Crash Course
HTML and CSS Crash Course, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.75, with 96 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 10 reviews, and has 55 subscribers.
You will learn about How to use HTML tags, content, elements, attributes, and values CSS selectors, properties, and values Learn the basics of using VS Code Developer productivity tips This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner developers interested in coding and web development or Intermediate developers outside of web development that want to quickly learn the basics of HTML and CSS It is particularly useful for Beginner developers interested in coding and web development or Intermediate developers outside of web development that want to quickly learn the basics of HTML and CSS.
Enroll now: HTML and CSS Crash Course
Title: HTML and CSS Crash Course
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.75
Number of Lectures: 96
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 88
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 98
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 90
Original Price: $27.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to use HTML tags, content, elements, attributes, and values
- CSS selectors, properties, and values
- Learn the basics of using VS Code
- Developer productivity tips
Who Should Attend
- Beginner developers interested in coding and web development
- Intermediate developers outside of web development that want to quickly learn the basics of HTML and CSS
Target Audiences
- Beginner developers interested in coding and web development
- Intermediate developers outside of web development that want to quickly learn the basics of HTML and CSS
Learn the basics of HTML and CSS in no time at all! Each video in this course is under 5 minutes long to help you learn faster. The videos were carefully recorded and edited to avoid any major errors that would slow you down. Each video also features hands-on activities for you to follow along with.
HTML and CSS are two of the main coding languages that are used to build web pages. HTML allows you to add different types of text, like paragraphs, headings and lists, to your web pages, as well as images, video, and audio. It’s different from CSS, which is used to add color, change fonts, and change the layout of a web page. HTML is usually the first language a web developer learns, and CSS is the second.
We’ll cover all of the basic concepts of HTML in this course, including tags, content, elements, attributes, and values. We’ll also cover a variety of elements, including paragraphs, headings, lists, anchors, and images. On the CSS side, we’ll cover rules, properties, values, and selectors. By the end of this course, you’ll be ready to explore HTML and CSS on your own and learn about even more advanced elements.
To write code, you need a program called a text editor, so we’ll also learn the basics of using VS Code, which is the most popular text editor today. You’ll learn how to download and install it and how to use it to create projects.
Along the way, you’ll also learn some useful developer productivity tips to help you code even faster. We’ll talk about VS Code extensions, the Live Preview extension, and Emmet, which helps you write code even faster using different shortcuts.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: VS Code
Lecture 1: VS Code Introduction
Lecture 2: Install VS Code
Lecture 3: My VS Code Settings
Lecture 4: Install Live Preview Extension
Lecture 5: VS Code Alternative: Replit
Lecture 6: Getting Help: Google and Stack Overflow
Lecture 7: Downloading code for this course: GitHub
Lecture 8: Advice: Copy first, then improvise
Lecture 9: Introduction Recap
Chapter 2: HTML Basics
Lecture 1: HTML Basics Introduction
Lecture 2: Create HTML file
Lecture 3: Add boilerplate code
Lecture 4: Tags, content, and elements
Lecture 5: Attributes and values
Lecture 6: Title element
Lecture 7: Live Preview alternative
Lecture 8: HTML Basics Recap
Chapter 3: Paragraph Element
Lecture 1: Paragraph Element Introduction
Lecture 2: Paragraph element
Lecture 3: Emmet
Lecture 4: Lorem ipsum text
Lecture 5: HTML comments
Lecture 6: Whitespace
Lecture 7: Advice: Absolutes and exceptions
Lecture 8: Paragraph Element Recap
Chapter 4: Heading Elements
Lecture 1: Heading Elements Introduction
Lecture 2: Heading elements
Lecture 3: Heading order
Lecture 4: Validate HTML
Lecture 5: Heading Elements Recap
Chapter 5: List Elements
Lecture 1: List Elements Introduction
Lecture 2: Ordered list element
Lecture 3: Unordered list element
Lecture 4: List Elements Recap
Chapter 6: Anchor Elements (Links)
Lecture 1: Anchor Elements Introduction
Lecture 2: Creating more HTML files
Lecture 3: Internal links
Lecture 4: External links
Lecture 5: Open link in new tab
Lecture 6: View Page Source
Lecture 7: Anchor Elements Recap
Chapter 7: Image Element
Lecture 1: Image Element Introduction
Lecture 2: Downloading images
Lecture 3: Image element
Lecture 4: Image Element Recap
Chapter 8: Learning More
Lecture 1: Learning More Introduction
Lecture 2: Mozilla Developer Network and HTML elements list
Lecture 3: Deprecated Elements
Lecture 4: Learning More Recap
Chapter 9: CSS Basics
Lecture 1: CSS Basics Introduction
Lecture 2: Creating a CSS file
Lecture 3: Link element
Lecture 4: CSS rules
Lecture 5: CSS comments
Lecture 6: CSS Basics Recap
Chapter 10: CSS Colors
Lecture 1: CSS Colors Introduction
Lecture 2: Background color property
Lecture 3: Hex colors
Lecture 4: RGB colors
Lecture 5: CSS Colors Recap
Chapter 11: CSS Fonts
Lecture 1: CSS Fonts Introduction
Lecture 2: Font properties
Lecture 3: Line height property
Lecture 4: CSS Fonts Recap
Chapter 12: CSS Borders and Spacing
Lecture 1: CSS Borders and Spacing Introduction
Lecture 2: Border properties
Lecture 3: Padding properties
Lecture 4: Margin properties
Lecture 5: CSS Borders and Spacing Recap
Chapter 13: CSS Selectors
Lecture 1: CSS Selectors Introduction
Lecture 2: Class selector
Lecture 3: ID selector
Lecture 4: Selector list
Lecture 5: CSS Selectors Recap
Chapter 14: CSS Elements
Lecture 1: CSS Elements Introduction
Lecture 2: Span element
Lecture 3: Div element
Lecture 4: CSS Elements Recap
Chapter 15: CSS Concepts
Lecture 1: CSS Concepts Introduction
Lecture 2: Specificity
Lecture 3: Cascade
Lecture 4: Inheritance
Lecture 5: !important keyword
Javier Alvarado
Creator of Simple Dev
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 7 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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