HTML5 Game Development : Beginner to Pro
HTML5 Game Development : Beginner to Pro, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 61 lectures, 11 quizzes, based on 162 reviews, and has 1689 subscribers.
You will learn about Create stunning games that will run in most modern browsers, desktop and mobile. Understand how to approach a complex interactive game for a client. Understand how to approach multi-player games using web sockets. How to add the bells and whistles to your game that make it stand out in the market This course is ideal for individuals who are Students wishing to learn about 2d game authoring or Developers who want to use the HTML5 canvas for complex graphic content. or Students who want to learn tips and tricks from a pro on interactive sprite animation or Developers who want to learn how to create platform, tiled, card and puzzle games. It is particularly useful for Students wishing to learn about 2d game authoring or Developers who want to use the HTML5 canvas for complex graphic content. or Students who want to learn tips and tricks from a pro on interactive sprite animation or Developers who want to learn how to create platform, tiled, card and puzzle games.
Enroll now: HTML5 Game Development : Beginner to Pro
Title: HTML5 Game Development : Beginner to Pro
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 61
Number of Quizzes: 11
Number of Published Lectures: 61
Number of Published Quizzes: 11
Number of Curriculum Items: 73
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 73
Original Price: $44.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create stunning games that will run in most modern browsers, desktop and mobile.
- Understand how to approach a complex interactive game for a client.
- Understand how to approach multi-player games using web sockets.
- How to add the bells and whistles to your game that make it stand out in the market
Who Should Attend
- Students wishing to learn about 2d game authoring
- Developers who want to use the HTML5 canvas for complex graphic content.
- Students who want to learn tips and tricks from a pro on interactive sprite animation
- Developers who want to learn how to create platform, tiled, card and puzzle games.
Target Audiences
- Students wishing to learn about 2d game authoring
- Developers who want to use the HTML5 canvas for complex graphic content.
- Students who want to learn tips and tricks from a pro on interactive sprite animation
- Developers who want to learn how to create platform, tiled, card and puzzle games.
HTML5 Games run on just about all devices. Learn how to create them from someone who has spent the last 20 years creating casual games. All HTML5 games are based around a knowledge of displaying content on a Canvas using JavaScript. We use the latest JavaScript version, ES6, so as well as learning game development you will also learn the latest JavaScript syntax. In this course we start with the basics of individual images on a Canvas. From there we move onto sprites – developing step by step a sprite library that you are free to use in your own games. The library allows you to display frame animated sprites that show a flip book of images to display walking and running characters and much more.
You will learn:
About physics to easily add dynamic collision detection to your games.
How to create platform games, puzzleand card games.
How to add multiple layers of audio.
How to add a preloader to your games.
How to add the bells and whistles that make your game stand out.
How to handle multiple users via WebSockets.
All code is free to use in your own games. The course contains lots of assets and code examples that you are free to use in your own games. As a course student you also have access to an online tool for creating spritesheets and animations.
Having completed this course you will be ready to develop any 2d game. Only a basic knowledge of HTML and Javascript are assumed, all ideas are explained with examples you can try and resources you can use in your own games.
Take a look at the trailer to see the kind of content that you will be building once you’ve studied the course. HTML5 Game Development is great fun to learn and the skills you learn in this course will greatly improve your JavaScript skills which will be useful in your Web Development career.
Student reviews
“Great Course!!! I am learning so much. Nicholas is very good at presenting a concept explaining it and then implementing it into code all the while, allowing me the student to code along addressing any nuances that may be there. He is also very responsive to any questions. I know that enrolling into this course was a great decision and I already have the confidence to begin planning and developing my first game”
“If you’re looking for the stepping stones to becoming a Game Developer with HTML5, this is the best starting stone you could possibly find. Love this course!!”
“This is the first game development course I have been through where I really feel like I am being taught by an absolute expert/professional in the field.”
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Join the Facebook Group
Lecture 2: JavaScript in 12 Easy Lessons – e-book
Lecture 3: What are you going to learn
Lecture 4: Using Web Server for Chrome
Lecture 5: Using GitHub
Lecture 6: Setting up a web server on Windows
Lecture 7: Setting up a web server on a Mac
Lecture 8: Setting up a web server on Linux
Lecture 9: Creating, testing and inspecting your test page
Chapter 2: Getting started with the HTML5 Canvas
Lecture 1: Showing a single image on a HTML5 canvas
Lecture 2: Using the resources
Lecture 3: Multiple sprites and frame refreshing
Lecture 4: Multiple sprite states and destroying sprites
Lecture 5: Adding interactivity
Lecture 6: Using sprite sheets
Chapter 3: Animating your sprites
Lecture 1: Introducing frame animation
Lecture 2: Canvas transforms
Lecture 3: Adding user interaction to control the sprite
Chapter 4: Let's make a noise
Lecture 1: Using the AudioContext interface
Lecture 2: Adding music
Lecture 3: Adding sound events to a simple game
Chapter 5: Creating a collapse game
Lecture 1: Initialising the collapse game
Lecture 2: Understanding the different game states and different sprite states.
Lecture 3: Finding the connected sprites using recursion
Lecture 4: Updating the game grid, spawning new sprites and handling the drop
Chapter 6: Physics is fun
Lecture 1: Introducing the Matter physics engine
Lecture 2: Adding physics bodies to sprites
Lecture 3: Adding mouse events to the physics engine
Lecture 4: Controlling sprite animations with physics
Chapter 7: Using Spritoon
Lecture 1: How to use the Spritoon app
Lecture 2: Rigging a character with the Spritoon online app
Lecture 3: Overview of the Spritoon library
Lecture 4: Matrices to move, rotate and scale sprites in a parent-child hierarchy
Chapter 8: OK – we know enough, let's make a real game
Lecture 1: Save the bear – navigate a polar bear across melting icebergs
Lecture 2: Controlling the user character and adding a UI
Lecture 3: Adding a download progress bar
Lecture 4: Adding instructions and updating sprite layering
Chapter 9: Platformers
Lecture 1: Preloading and scrolling a platform game
Lecture 2: Handling the user character
Lecture 3: Collision testing
Chapter 10: Games where the computer is the opponent
Lecture 1: Initialising the reversi game
Lecture 2: Adding player moves
Lecture 3: Adding computer moves
Chapter 11: Card games
Lecture 1: Initialising the game
Lecture 2: Handling drag and drop
Lecture 3: Dealing from the stack
Chapter 12: Save and Load
Lecture 1: Save and load – server-side
Lecture 2: Save and load – client-side
Chapter 13: Particle effects
Lecture 1: Introducing particle effects
Lecture 2: Using sprites with the particle effect
Lecture 3: Adding an emitter and gravity
Lecture 4: Using global composite operations
Lecture 5: Adding particle effects to a game
Chapter 14: Multi-player games
Lecture 1: Installing node.js
Lecture 2: Handling server-side code
Lecture 3: Handling client-side code
Chapter 15: Professional tools
Lecture 1: Adobe Animate
Lecture 2: Texture Packer and PhysicsEditor
Lecture 3: Cocos2d Creator
Lecture 4: Phaser.js
Lecture 5: Bonus Lecture
Nicholas Lever
Game developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 7 votes
- 3 stars: 24 votes
- 4 stars: 46 votes
- 5 stars: 76 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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