Interview Faqs & Ans: Javascript, NodeJS, ReactJS, AngularJS
Interview Faqs & Ans: Javascript, NodeJS, ReactJS, AngularJS, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 2.65, with 235 lectures, based on 37 reviews, and has 3963 subscribers.
You will learn about Ability to answer the interview questions in Javascript, NodeJS, ReactJS, AngularJS This course is ideal for individuals who are All Experienced candidates who are looking for jobs and preparing for interviews or All Fresh candidates who are looking for jobs and preparing for interviews It is particularly useful for All Experienced candidates who are looking for jobs and preparing for interviews or All Fresh candidates who are looking for jobs and preparing for interviews.
Enroll now: Interview Faqs & Ans: Javascript, NodeJS, ReactJS, AngularJS
Title: Interview Faqs & Ans: Javascript, NodeJS, ReactJS, AngularJS
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 2.65
Number of Lectures: 235
Number of Published Lectures: 235
Number of Curriculum Items: 235
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 235
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Ability to answer the interview questions in Javascript, NodeJS, ReactJS, AngularJS
Who Should Attend
- All Experienced candidates who are looking for jobs and preparing for interviews
- All Fresh candidates who are looking for jobs and preparing for interviews
Target Audiences
- All Experienced candidates who are looking for jobs and preparing for interviews
- All Fresh candidates who are looking for jobs and preparing for interviews
Hello and Welcome To the course :
Interview Faqs & Ans: JavaScript, NodeJs, ReactJs, AngularJs
my name is Satish and currently i work as a software developer in Bangalore, India.
This course is from a software engineer who has managed to crack interviews in around 16 software companies.
Sometimes, life gives us no time to prepare, There are emergency times where in we have to buck up our guts and start bringing the situations under our control rather then being in the control of the situation. At the end of the day, All leave this earth empty handed. But given a situation, we should live up or fight up in such a way that the whole action sequence should make us proud and be giving us goosebumps when we think about it right after 10 years.
If you are looking for a job as a software developer in JavaScript or Nodejs or ReactJs or AngularJs or If you are planning to improve/refresh your knowledge in any of these technologies. Then, this course is for you.
So, This is basically an interview preparation course wherein You will be learning different interview questions/answers related to the technologies:
Here, Each and every answer to the interview question is explained in detail with utmost clarity such that it will help you to get a hold on the concepts.
The purpose of this course is:
Get you prepared on the different interview questions asked in different technologies dealt in the course.
The objective is not just to make you memorize the answers for the various interview questions, but to make u understand the concepts and purpose behind those concepts. This will give you a strong hold on the concepts and will help you to improve your confidence in answering any interview questions asked to you. The different set of questions we will be discussing in this course are the actual questions which are asked in the interview process from different companies.
so, if you want to be well prepared for JavaScript, Nodejs, Reactjs, Angularjs interviews and strengthen your conceptual knowledge, then this is the course which will meet your criteria.
Please enroll in the course. We have tried to provide our best. Once enrolled, If you feel the course is not meeting any of your criteria, Please let us know and as per Udemy’s policy, Please refund the course fee.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Interview Faqs & Ans: JavaScript
Lecture 1: what is javascript ?
Lecture 2: write a simple program in javascript ?
Lecture 3: try to call a function of the javascript by clicking on a button in the browser
Lecture 4: name the entity which is used to interact with the browser ?
Lecture 5: name the entity which is used to interact with the browser ?
Lecture 6: is the window object an object of javascript ?
Lecture 7: explain the usage of the function confirm ?
Lecture 8: explain the usage of the function prompt ?
Lecture 9: explain the usage of the function open() ?
Lecture 10: is it possible to navigate the history of urls visited by the user ?
Lecture 11: Please check if the below is a valid pgm ?
Lecture 12: can the document.write() function directly use the return value of a function as
Lecture 13: explain the concept of dynamic type language ?
Lecture 14: Validate the given statements ?
Lecture 15: do we really have '==' operator in javascript ?
Lecture 16: is it possible to create the html form in the run time ?
Lecture 17: in javascript, is the object created with out creating the class ?
Lecture 18: do we really require a constructor to create an array in javascript ?
Lecture 19: what is the diff in the output of 81 + 82 + "85" and "81" + 82 + 85 ?
Lecture 20: explain the client side javascript and server side javascript ?
Lecture 21: if a variable is undefined, do we have a null value in it ?
Lecture 22: list the pop boxes of javascript ?
Lecture 23: can we use the navigator.appVersion string to detect the version of the app we a
Lecture 24: can i use document.body.bgColor="yellow" to change the background color ?
Lecture 25: what is "undefined" and "not defined" ?
Lecture 26: what is the output of the code ?
Lecture 27: does creating private methods a memory efficient solution ?
Lecture 28: explain the concept of closure ?
Lecture 29: define the function add() which is called in the code given ?
Lecture 30: how can we empty the array ?
Lecture 31: does the delete operator affects the global/local variable of type number ?
Lecture 32: does the delete operator deletes the property of an object ?
Lecture 33: does the delete operator delete the prototype property ?
Lecture 34: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 35: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 36: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 37: explain the given code statements ?
Lecture 38: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 39: what is the sideeffect of typeof var1 === "object" ?
Lecture 40: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 41: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 42: why should i be putting the entire content of a javascript source file in a func
Lecture 43: what is "use strict" ?
Lecture 44: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 45: what is Nan ?
Lecture 46: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 47: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 48: write the function which finds out whether a string is a palindrome or not ?
Lecture 49: Implement the mul function called given ?
Lecture 50: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 51: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 52: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 53: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 54: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 55: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 56: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 57: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 58: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 59: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 60: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 61: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 62: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 63: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 64: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 65: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 66: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 67: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 68: explain the two ways of event propogation ?
Lecture 69: how can we close the current window in java script ?
Lecture 70: explain the concepts of let and var
Lecture 71: explain the concept of delegation model ?
Lecture 72: explain the concept of negative infinity ?
Lecture 73: state whether the given statements are true/false ?
Chapter 3: Interview Faqs & Ans: NodeJS
Lecture 1: explain nodejs
Lecture 2: who introduced Node.js and does the software costs us to use it ?
Lecture 3: does nodejs support event looping ?
Lecture 4: why do we need nodejs ?
Lecture 5: explain the api functions in nodejs ?
Lecture 6: what is that which is used to pass errors and data in nodejs ?
Lecture 7: what is meant by non-blocking apis ?
Lecture 8: what are the different options we can use to avoid having callback funtions ?
Lecture 9: what is that code segment which always run in between several asynchronous funct
Lecture 10: list functions which can be done in a non-blocking way using the event loop ?
Lecture 11: what are the different tools used to catch common errors during static analysis
Lecture 12: what is the output of the given code ?
Lecture 13: how child threads are handled in nodejs ?
Lecture 14: how unhandled exceptions are caught by nodejs ?
Lecture 15: when executed, does node.js really take advantage of multiple core resources in
Lecture 16: is the first argument passed to a callback handler really a optional error objec
Lecture 17: explain promises ?
Lecture 18: what is the name of the function which checks whether the variable value is a nu
Lecture 19: what is the problem with the given code snippet ?
Lecture 20: what is the difference between Node.js and Ajax ?
Lecture 21: explain chaining in nodejs ?
Lecture 22: explain streams in nodejs ?
Lecture 23: explain exit codes in nodejs ?
Satish Venkatesh
Software Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 12 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 5 votes
- 5 stars: 10 votes
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