Introduction to Azure SQL Database for Beginners
Introduction to Azure SQL Database for Beginners, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.48, with 56 lectures, 7 quizzes, based on 2548 reviews, and has 10130 subscribers.
You will learn about What is Azure Portal and how to use it How to create and configure your first database on Azure SQL Database How to configure and manage firewall rules How to access your Azure SQL Database from on-premises client tools such as SSMS and Azure Data Studio How to manage your Azure SQL Database Server How to create and configure an Azure SQL Server Virtual Machine How to access your Azure SQL Server Virtual Machine using RDP, SSMS and Azure Data Studio This course is ideal for individuals who are IT Professionals or Database Administrators or Database Developers or SQL Server Engineers or Technology Managers It is particularly useful for IT Professionals or Database Administrators or Database Developers or SQL Server Engineers or Technology Managers.
Enroll now: Introduction to Azure SQL Database for Beginners
Title: Introduction to Azure SQL Database for Beginners
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.48
Number of Lectures: 56
Number of Quizzes: 7
Number of Published Lectures: 56
Number of Published Quizzes: 7
Number of Curriculum Items: 63
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 63
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- What is Azure Portal and how to use it
- How to create and configure your first database on Azure SQL Database
- How to configure and manage firewall rules
- How to access your Azure SQL Database from on-premises client tools such as SSMS and Azure Data Studio
- How to manage your Azure SQL Database Server
- How to create and configure an Azure SQL Server Virtual Machine
- How to access your Azure SQL Server Virtual Machine using RDP, SSMS and Azure Data Studio
Who Should Attend
- IT Professionals
- Database Administrators
- Database Developers
- SQL Server Engineers
- Technology Managers
Target Audiences
- IT Professionals
- Database Administrators
- Database Developers
- SQL Server Engineers
- Technology Managers
Cloud Computing is the future and Azure SQL Database is a major part of it. That’s why possessing this skill, is essential in the modern computing Era that we live in.
This course does exactly that: it helps you get started with Azure SQL Database (PaaS) and Azure SQL Server VMs (IaaS) in no time!
With my course, among other, you will learn how to create and manage Azure SQL Databases and VMs, and access them from your on-premises tools, such as SQL Server Management Studio and Azure Data Studio.
“It was very straight forward and easy to understand.”
“The updated course is great! The live demos explain things in simple words, in a step by step manner, making it easier for me to learn Azure SQL.”
“I really enjoyed the course. The instructor clearly explains all the concepts and the live demonstrations are very useful.”
“A quick and very good start with Azure SQL Server and Database.”
“This is a good course i found. Whoever wants to professionally learn and apply on job all the skills here, can easily do that after this course. SQL to Azure migration is ongoing market skill and major requirement. This course shows all steps how to make it possible”
Cloud Computing is the future and databases are the backbone of just about everything in Computing, because data is everywhere. Imagine knowing how to fully manage data in a powerful Cloud Computing platform such as Microsoft Azure. Such knowledge is a must, not only for your personal development as an IT Engineer, Database Administrator or Developer, but also for staying up to date with the latest trends and technologies when it comes to database systems.
This course has been carefully designed, in order to help you getting started with Azure SQL Database fast and easy. Via a well-structured curriculum, it starts with the very basics of Azure SQL Database, and then it moves to a more intermediate-level of knowledge on how you can manage your Azure SQL Database Servers both as a platform (PaaS) and Virtual Machines (IaaS).
So join me into a journey of more than 7 hours and learn all about Azure SQL Database!
You will be able to navigate in Azure Portal and create, manage and use resources and services.
You will be able to create and configure your first Azure SQL Database Server and database (platform as a service – PaaS).
You will be able to configure and manage firewall settings.
You will be able to access your Azure SQL Database using your on-premises tools such as SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and Azure Data Studio.
You will be able to manage your Azure SQL Database Server.
You will be able to create and configure Azure SQL Server Virtual Machines (infrastructure as a service – IaaS)
You will be able to connect to your Azure SQL Server virtual machine via:
RDP (Windows access)
SQL Server Management Studio (SQL access)
Azure Data Studio (SQL access)
Basic knowledge of SQL Server and Databases
Willingness and Excitement to learn something new!
8+ hours of high-quality video lectures and guides
Step by step live demonstrations and guides that can help you get started with Azure SQL Database
Downloadable resources with useful information and links
Useful quizzes for testing your knowledge on each section
A major practice test in the end of the course
Ability to ask the instructor questions via the Q&A section
Certificate on course completion
Also: This course is being updated with new educational material on a regular basis.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Azure Terminology – The Main Terms
Chapter 2: Introducing the Azure Portal
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Meet Azure Portal
Lecture 3: Section Recap
Chapter 3: Creating your First Azure SQL Database
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: What are the Available SQL Deployment Options in Azure?
Lecture 3: Creating the SQL Database and Server
Lecture 4: Firewall Settings
Lecture 5: Section Recap
Chapter 4: Accessing Azure SQL Database
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Accessing SQL Database from within Azure Portal
Lecture 3: Accessing SQL Database from SQL Server Management Studio
Lecture 4: Accessing SQL Database from Azure Data Studio
Lecture 5: Section Recap
Chapter 5: Managing your Azure SQL Database Server
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Azure SQL Server Management Components
Lecture 3: Azure SQL Server Dashboard, Activity Logs and Access Control
Lecture 4: Azure SQL Server Settings
Lecture 5: Azure SQL Server Data Management
Lecture 6: Azure SQL Server Security
Lecture 7: Azure SQL Server Intelligent Performance
Lecture 8: Azure SQL Server Monitoring
Lecture 9: Azure SQL Server Automation
Lecture 10: Azure SQL Server Support & Troubleshooting
Lecture 11: Creating SQL Users for an Azure SQL Database
Lecture 12: Section Recap
Chapter 6: Managing your Azure SQL Database
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Azure SQL Database Dashboard and Management Components
Lecture 3: Overview, Activity Log, Tags and Query Editor
Lecture 4: Power Platform
Lecture 5: Azure SQL Database Settings
Lecture 6: Azure SQL Database Data Management
Lecture 7: Azure SQL Database Integrations
Lecture 8: Azure SQL Database Security
Lecture 9: Azure SQL Database Intelligent Performance
Lecture 10: Azure SQL Database Monitoring
Lecture 11: Azure SQL Database Automation
Lecture 12: Support + Troubleshooting
Lecture 13: Section Recap
Chapter 7: Creating and Accessing an Azure SQL Server Virtual Machine
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Let’s Create an Azure SQL Server Virtual Machine
Lecture 3: Set the Firewall Rules for Virtual Machine and SQL Server
Lecture 4: Accessing the Virtual Machine via RDP
Lecture 5: Accessing the Virtual Machine SQL Instance via SQL Server Management Studio
Lecture 6: Accessing the Virtual Machine SQL Instance via Azure Data Studio
Lecture 7: Section Recap
Chapter 8: Special Topics (Updated)
Lecture 1: Tips on SQL Server Agent Functionality in Azure SQL Database
Lecture 2: How to Enable Stretch Database in SQL Server
Lecture 3: Installing Multiple SQL Server Instances on a Single Azure VM
Lecture 4: Migrating a SQL Server Database from On-Premises to the Azure Cloud (New)
Lecture 5: Azure-Related Enhancements in SQL Server
Lecture 6: Azure Synapse Link in SQL Server
Lecture 7: An Exploration of Azure SQL Database Elastic Pools
Chapter 9: Putting it All Together
Lecture 1: What Have you Learned in this Course?
Chapter 10: Learning More
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
Artemakis Artemiou
Award-Winning Database & AI Expert, Trainer, Author, Speaker
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 15 votes
- 2 stars: 38 votes
- 3 stars: 278 votes
- 4 stars: 1065 votes
- 5 stars: 1152 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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