Introduction to Docker and the DCA Certification
Introduction to Docker and the DCA Certification, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 87 lectures, 9 quizzes, based on 217 reviews, and has 1498 subscribers.
You will learn about Improve their odds of passing the Docker Certified Associate exam Understand how to package applications into portable and scalable containers Deploy and scale applications in a cluster using Docker Swarm Master the important aspects of Docker – Images, Volumes, Repos and Networks This course is ideal for individuals who are Any app developer looking to make their applications portable and platform independent or DevOps engineers looking to simplify their CI/CD processes and deployment environments or Any professional who wishes to master Docker or Any individual looking to take and pass the Docker Certified Associate exam It is particularly useful for Any app developer looking to make their applications portable and platform independent or DevOps engineers looking to simplify their CI/CD processes and deployment environments or Any professional who wishes to master Docker or Any individual looking to take and pass the Docker Certified Associate exam.
Enroll now: Introduction to Docker and the DCA Certification
Title: Introduction to Docker and the DCA Certification
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 87
Number of Quizzes: 9
Number of Published Lectures: 87
Number of Published Quizzes: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 96
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 96
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Improve their odds of passing the Docker Certified Associate exam
- Understand how to package applications into portable and scalable containers
- Deploy and scale applications in a cluster using Docker Swarm
- Master the important aspects of Docker – Images, Volumes, Repos and Networks
Who Should Attend
- Any app developer looking to make their applications portable and platform independent
- DevOps engineers looking to simplify their CI/CD processes and deployment environments
- Any professional who wishes to master Docker
- Any individual looking to take and pass the Docker Certified Associate exam
Target Audiences
- Any app developer looking to make their applications portable and platform independent
- DevOps engineers looking to simplify their CI/CD processes and deployment environments
- Any professional who wishes to master Docker
- Any individual looking to take and pass the Docker Certified Associate exam
Docker is a tool which has greatly simplified the task of packaging your application, along with all its dependencies into lightweight, portable units called containers. These containers are platform independent and can be executed on any host which runs a Linux kernel.
Docker is one of the hottest tools in the market right now as a lot of teams have learned how to use it to break up their large, monolithic applications into smaller and more manageable units – often called microservices. This has allowed development teams to work on microservices independently and package it into a container once it is ready.
Docker has also eased the pain of DevOps teams who often need to manage the deployment processes and environments – since containers can run independently of each other, they can simply focus on deploying containers rather than worrying about dependencies for each application.
Container orchestration tools such as Docker Swarm and Kubernetes have made it very easy to deploy microservices to a cluster and scale them according to demand.
For these reasons, Docker is a technology which you need to know if you’re an app developer or DevOps engineer.
This course introduces you to all the main concepts of Docker, and focuses on getting you up and running with the tool in all the lab sections. The main topics of this course include:
Images: Templates to define your container
Containers: What they are and how Docker helps you create them
Storage: Volumes, Bind Mounts and tmpfs to manage data in containers
Networks: Regulate connectivity to your containers whether on individual hosts or in a cluster
Docker Swarm: The built-in container orchestration tool
Docker EE, UCP and DTR: The enterprise offerings of Docker
Hope you enjoy the course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: You, This Course and Us
Lecture 2: Course Materials
Lecture 3: The Requirement: A Portable Application
Lecture 4: The Solution: Containers
Lecture 5: Making Containers: Introducing Docker
Chapter 2: Docker Community Edition Installation
Lecture 1: Exploring Docker's Community and Enterprise Editions
Lecture 2: Docker Toolbox vs Docker for Mac
Lecture 3: Installation of Docker Toolbox
Lecture 4: Installation of Docker on Ubuntu
Lecture 5: Create your Docker ID
Lecture 6: Verify your Docker Installation
Lecture 7: Test your Docker Installation
Chapter 3: Docker Images
Lecture 1: Working With Docker: Images and Containers
Lecture 2: The Format of a Dockerfile
Lecture 3: The .dockerignorefile
Lecture 4: The Escape Parser Directive
Lecture 5: Our First Docker Image and Container
Lecture 6: More Dockerfile Instructions: RUN, ENV, WORKDIR
Lecture 7: Set the Container's Starting Point: The ENTRYPOINT Instruction
Lecture 8: Define a Build in a Base Image: The ONBUILD Instruction
Lecture 9: Stop a Container Once its Work is Done: The STOPSIGNAL Instruction
Lecture 10: Share a Docker Image
Lecture 11: Pushing an Image to a Dockerhub Repo
Lecture 12: Another Way to Store Images: Saving to and Loading from .tar Files
Lecture 13: Search for Docker Images: The docker search Command
Lecture 14: Examine your Image: The docker inspect Command
Lecture 15: Cleaning up Images: Remove Unused and Dangling Images With docker prune
Lecture 16: Deleting an Image: The docker image rm command
Chapter 4: Docker Containers
Lecture 1: Container Basics: Create, Start and Stop
Lecture 2: Restarting a Container: The docker restart Command
Lecture 3: Connect to a Container: The docker attach Command
Lecture 4: Interacting with a Container: The docker exec Command
Lecture 5: Examine your Container Using docker inspect
Lecture 6: Debugging a Container: View Container Logs
Lecture 7: More Debugging: View Processes of a Running Container
Lecture 8: Cleaning up Containers: Remove Unused Containers With docker prune
Lecture 9: Remove Specific Containers using docker rm
Lecture 10: Dealing with a Zombie Container: The docker kill Command
Lecture 11: Renaming a Docker Container
Lecture 12: What has Changed in my Container?: The docker container diff Command
Lecture 13: Saving the Container State: The docker container commit Command
Lecture 14: Mapping Container Ports to its Host
Lecture 15: Putting it Together: From Dockerfile to an NGINX App
Chapter 5: Storage in Docker
Lecture 1: Managing Data in Docker
Lecture 2: Understanding Volumes
Lecture 3: Understanding Bind Mounts
Lecture 4: Understanding tmpfs Mounts
Lecture 5: Create a Volume
Lecture 6: Start a Container with a Volume
Lecture 7: Attach a Read-Only Volume to a Container
Lecture 8: Inspecting Details of a Volume
Lecture 9: Cleaning up Volumes: Prune Unused Volumes
Lecture 10: Observing Changes to a Volume
Lecture 11: Start a Container with a Bind Mount
Lecture 12: Start a Container with a tmpfs Mount
Chapter 6: Container Orchestration with Docker Swarm
Lecture 1: Introducing Container Orchestration and Docker Swarm
Lecture 2: Preparing a Cluster: Provision the Nodes of the Swarm
Lecture 3: Create the Swarm: Set up the Master and Worker Nodes
Lecture 4: Deploy a Service in the Swarm
Lecture 5: Scaling Our Service
Lecture 6: Inspecting the Nodes in a Swarm
Lecture 7: Take a Swarm Node Offline: Drain a Worker
Lecture 8: Update and Remove a Swarm Service
Lecture 9: Global Services: Deploy App to All Nodes in a Swarm
Lecture 10: Protect Sensitive Data: Creating Secrets
Lecture 11: Removing Nodes from a Docker Swarm
Lecture 12: Alter the Swarm Hierarchy – Promoting and Demoting Swarm Nodes
Chapter 7: Docker Networks
Lecture 1: The Different Network Drivers in Docker
Lecture 2: Create a Bridge Network
Lecture 3: Containers and Networks: Connecting and Disconnecting
Lecture 4: Inspect a Network
Lecture 5: The Network for Swarms: Creating an Overlay Network
Lecture 6: Creating a Host Network
Lecture 7: Network Cleanup: Pruning and Removing Networks
Chapter 8: Docker's Enterprise Edition and the Universal Control Plane (UCP)
Lecture 1: Installing Docker EE on Ubuntu
Lecture 2: Installing Universal Control Plane (UCP) on Ubuntu
Lecture 3: Who Uses Docker: Creating Users and Teams in UCP
Lecture 4: What Users Can Do: Granting Permissions
Lecture 5: Create Docker Objects in UCP: Creating a Volume from the Web UI
Chapter 9: The Docker Trusted Registry (DTR)
Lecture 1: DTR Installation
Lecture 2: Create a DTR Repo
Lecture 3: Pushing to and Pulling from DTR
Lecture 4: Delete Image from a DTR Repo
Loony Corn
An ex-Google, Stanford and Flipkart team
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 8 votes
- 2 stars: 9 votes
- 3 stars: 46 votes
- 4 stars: 75 votes
- 5 stars: 79 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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