Introduction to Front-End Web Development with HTML5
Introduction to Front-End Web Development with HTML5, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.72, with 32 lectures, based on 9 reviews, and has 1965 subscribers.
You will learn about 1. Create static HTML web pages and landing pages 2. Create complex HTML form 3. Make web pages to have responsive layouts 4. Understand the front-end workflow, programming principles and test-driven development practices 5. Learn the tricks of becoming a developer 6. Understand the importance of setting a web development environment 7. Include audio, images, and video to a web page 8. Use HTML5 lists to call attention to web content 9. Interconnect web resources with hyperlinks This course is ideal for individuals who are Non-programmers or Web Designers or Aspiring Developers or Entrepreneurs and hobbyists or Career changers or Beginners with no prior experience or Anyone that wants to learn front-end web development or Students or Web enthusiasts It is particularly useful for Non-programmers or Web Designers or Aspiring Developers or Entrepreneurs and hobbyists or Career changers or Beginners with no prior experience or Anyone that wants to learn front-end web development or Students or Web enthusiasts.
Enroll now: Introduction to Front-End Web Development with HTML5
Title: Introduction to Front-End Web Development with HTML5
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.72
Number of Lectures: 32
Number of Published Lectures: 32
Number of Curriculum Items: 32
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 32
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- 1. Create static HTML web pages and landing pages
- 2. Create complex HTML form
- 3. Make web pages to have responsive layouts
- 4. Understand the front-end workflow, programming principles and test-driven development practices
- 5. Learn the tricks of becoming a developer
- 6. Understand the importance of setting a web development environment
- 7. Include audio, images, and video to a web page
- 8. Use HTML5 lists to call attention to web content
- 9. Interconnect web resources with hyperlinks
Who Should Attend
- Non-programmers
- Web Designers
- Aspiring Developers
- Entrepreneurs and hobbyists
- Career changers
- Beginners with no prior experience
- Anyone that wants to learn front-end web development
- Students
- Web enthusiasts
Target Audiences
- Non-programmers
- Web Designers
- Aspiring Developers
- Entrepreneurs and hobbyists
- Career changers
- Beginners with no prior experience
- Anyone that wants to learn front-end web development
- Students
- Web enthusiasts
Digital technology has changed the way we work, play, and communicate. In today’s world, digital skills are required to work in many organizations. Even traditional workplaces have evolved to start using one form of technology or the other. One of the ways that organizations remain competitive is to communicate with clients and customers using digital channels.
There is a high demand for an improved online experience. Businesses are responding to changing expectations, engaging with their customers, and building relationships through a diverse range of channels. The channels include the use of email, social media, mobile apps, website contents, and website chats. Front end web development is not only for people who want to work in the technology sector.
Other professionals, including journalists, lawyers, and medical professions, may have the need to understand how the web works. Online marketers and digital analysts who must work with web data may have the need to understand web page structures and how it affects the user.
This course is designed to enable the user to understand layout aesthetics for web pages, the entire web development process, including design, development, and deployment.
You will learn to build REAL world creative and modern web pages from scratch using modern web technologies. The built-in case studies crafted from real-life work environments to equip you with the necessary skill.
What this course covers
1. Create static HTML pages
2. Create complex HTML form.
3. Learn the tricks of becoming a developer.
4. Understand the front-end workflow, programming principles, and test-driven development practices.
5. Understand the importance of setting a web development environment.
6. Structure web pages using HTML5 elements.
7. Include audio, images, and video to a web page.
8. Use HTML5 lists to call attention to web content.
9. Interconnect web resources with hyperlinks.
Target audience
Web Designers
Aspiring Developers.
Entrepreneurs and hobbyists
Career changers
Beginners with no prior experience.
Anyone that wants to learn front-end web development.
Module 1: Introduction to Front End Web Development with HTML5
1.1 Why you need a front-end web development career
1.2 Structure of the course
1.3 How the internet changed society
1.4 How the internet changed communication
1.5 The web as a communication tool for the internet
1.6 Tools of front-end web development
Module 2: Setting Up Front-End Developer Environment.
2.1 What front end developers do at work
2.2 Web design vs web development
2.3 Front end vs backend
2.4 Text editors for coding
Module 3: The Development environment
3.1 Setting a development environment
3.2 What is a browser?
3.3 Importance of browser in web development
3.4 The browser as a development environment
Module 4: Introduction to HTML.
4.1 Basic HTML
4.2 Basic HTML web page
4.3 View web page in a browser
4.4 How to structure a HTML5 page – 1
4.5 How to structure a HTML5 page – 2
4.6 How to structure a HTML5 page – 3
4.7 Add image to a HTML5 web page
4.8 Add audio to a HTML5 web page
4.9 HTML5 Form
4.10 HTML5 Hyperlinks
4.11 Edit web page with google Chrome browser
4.12 HTML5 Lists
4.13 HTML Table
4.14 Impact of web page structure on usability
4.15 HTML5 Resources
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Front-End Web development Overview
Lecture 1: Overview
Chapter 2: Introduction to Front End Web Development
Lecture 1: 1.1: Why you need a front-end web development career
Lecture 2: 1.2: Course content and structure
Lecture 3: 1.3: How internet technology changed the society
Lecture 4: 1.4: The web as a communication tool for the internet
Lecture 5: 1.5: Tools of front-end web development
Chapter 3: Module 2: Understanding the Front-End Development Environment
Lecture 1: 2.1: What front end developers do at work
Lecture 2: 2.2: Web design vs web development
Lecture 3: 2.3: Front- end web development Vs Back-end web development
Lecture 4: 2.4: Text editors for coding
Chapter 4: Module 3: Planning for the Development Environment
Lecture 1: 3.1: What is a Browser?
Lecture 2: 3.2: Importance of Browser in Web Development
Lecture 3: 3.3: The Browser as a Development Environment
Lecture 4: How to use the Google Chrome developer tool
Chapter 5: Module 4: Introduction to HTML.
Lecture 1: 4.1: Structure of Basic HTML
Lecture 2: 4.2: Basic HTML Web Page
Lecture 3: 4.3: View HTML5 Web Page in a Browser
Lecture 4: How to Structure a HTML5 Page – 1
Lecture 5: 4.5: How to Structure a HTML5 Page – 2
Lecture 6: 4.6: How to Structure a HTML5 Page – 3
Lecture 7: 4.7: Add Image and Video to a HTML5 Web Page
Lecture 8: 4.8: Add Image to a HTML5 Web Page
Lecture 9: 4.9: HTML5 Form
Lecture 10: 4.10: HTML5 Hyperlinks
Lecture 11: 4.11: Edit Web Page with Google Chrome Browser
Lecture 12: 4.12: HTML5 Lists
Lecture 13: 4.13: HTML Table
Lecture 14: 4.14: Impact of Web Page Structure on Usability
Lecture 15: 4.15: HTML5 Resources
Chapter 6: Website project
Lecture 1: Website Layout
Lecture 2: User Interface Basics
Lecture 3: Summary
Dr. Joy Alatta
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 5 votes
- 5 stars: 1 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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