Introduction to Java for Programmers
Introduction to Java for Programmers, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 207 lectures, based on 1375 reviews, and has 9586 subscribers.
You will learn about Write stand-alone applications using the Java language and the Eclipse IDE. Accurately implement Object-Oriented concepts using Java features such as classes, interfaces and references. Create well-scoped classes using packages. Write programs which both handle and create exceptions. Read and write data using input and output streams. Use the Java Collections Framework to work with groups of objects. This course is ideal for individuals who are This training course is designed for programmers who want to move into the Java language. It is particularly useful for This training course is designed for programmers who want to move into the Java language.
Enroll now: Introduction to Java for Programmers
Title: Introduction to Java for Programmers
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 207
Number of Published Lectures: 207
Number of Curriculum Items: 207
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 207
Original Price: $189.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Write stand-alone applications using the Java language and the Eclipse IDE.
- Accurately implement Object-Oriented concepts using Java features such as classes, interfaces and references.
- Create well-scoped classes using packages.
- Write programs which both handle and create exceptions.
- Read and write data using input and output streams.
- Use the Java Collections Framework to work with groups of objects.
Who Should Attend
- This training course is designed for programmers who want to move into the Java language.
Target Audiences
- This training course is designed for programmers who want to move into the Java language.
Course Summary
With over 200 videos and 20 hours of content, this online Java training course is designed to provide a solid foundation in Java programming and Eclipse for programmers who are already proficient in another language. Besides learning the basic structure and syntax of the language, you will also learn object-oriented principles and how they are applied in Java applications. In addition, this training course covers more advanced features of the language such as abstract classes, interfaces, generics, packages, and exception handling. Finally, you will learn two foundational API libraries: I/O streams and collections. This online training course is current to Java 7 and uses the Eclipse IDE.
If you are a complete beginner with no programming experience, please see our Learn to Program with Java for Complete Beginners courses, instead.
Hands On Learning
Unlike other online training courses, you are encouraged to actively participate in the learning experience by running example files during lectures and performing coding challenges during labs. Each lab session includes review videos so you can compare your solution to the instructor’s.
Bonus Content
This training course comes complete with working example and lab solution files as well as a link to optionally purchase the workbook used in the video at a discount.
About the Instructor
Jamie Romero is a dynamic instructor and expert Java programmer. He has taught over 350 classes to programmers from companies like Hewlett-Packard, Lockheed Martin, and Boeing. Jamie’s energetic style and up-beat attitude are just what you need for an online training course.
Some recent comments about Jamie’s classes:
- “Jamie was a great instructor. He cut through the fluff and gave us the core of what I need to start using Java right away.”
- “Great instructor that knows the material and is enthusiastic about Java. It helped very much in getting through the course.”
- “Jamie exhibits a mastery of the material, to such a degree that his ability to explain it is very effective. Explanations are very detailed, and presented in a very understandable way. He is an excellent instructor.”
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Overview
Lecture 2: Optimizing your Udemy Experience
Lecture 3: Do You Need the Course Manual?
Lecture 4: How to Get the Optional Course Manual
Lecture 5: Download Student Files
Lecture 6: Windows 10 Setup
Lecture 7: Computer Setup
Chapter 2: Getting Started with Java
Lecture 1: Objectives
Lecture 2: What is Java?
Lecture 3: How to Get Java
Lecture 4: A First Java Program
Lecture 5: About Your First Java Program
Lecture 6: Compiling and Interpreting Applications
Lecture 7: The JSDK Directory Structure
Lecture 8: Labs
Lecture 9: Lab Review
Chapter 3: Eclipse
Lecture 1: Objectives
Lecture 2: Introduction to Eclipse
Lecture 3: Installing Eclipse
Lecture 4: Running Eclipse for the First Time
Lecture 5: Editors, Views, and Perspectives
Lecture 6: Creating a Project and Class
Lecture 7: Running a Java Application
Lecture 8: Debugging a Java Application
Lecture 9: Importing Existing Java Code into Eclipse
Chapter 4: Datatypes and Variables
Lecture 1: Objectives
Lecture 2: Primitive Datatypes
Lecture 3: Declarations
Lecture 4: Variable Names
Lecture 5: Numeric Literals
Lecture 6: Character Literals
Lecture 7: Strings and String Comparisons
Lecture 8: String API Documentation
Lecture 9: Immutable Strings
Lecture 10: String Literals
Lecture 11: Arrays
Lecture 12: More Arrays
Lecture 13: Non-Primitive Datatypes
Lecture 14: The Dot Operator
Lecture 15: Labs
Lecture 16: Labs 1 and 2 Review
Lecture 17: Lab 3 Review
Lecture 18: Labs 4-6 Review
Lecture 19: Lab 7 Review
Chapter 5: Operators and Expressions
Lecture 1: Objectives
Lecture 2: Expressions
Lecture 3: Assignment Operator
Lecture 4: Arithmetic Operators
Lecture 5: Relational Operators
Lecture 6: Logical Operators
Lecture 7: Increment and Decrement Operators
Lecture 8: Operate-Assign Operators
Lecture 9: The Conditional Operator
Lecture 10: Operator Precedence
Lecture 11: Implicit Type Conversions
Lecture 12: The Cast Operator
Lecture 13: Labs
Lecture 14: Lab 1 Review
Lecture 15: Lab 2 Review
Lecture 16: Lab 3 Review
Chapter 6: Control Flow
Lecture 1: Objectives
Lecture 2: Statements
Lecture 3: Conditional (if) Statements
Lecture 4: Adding an else if
Lecture 5: Conditional (switch) Statements
Lecture 6: while and do-while Loops
Lecture 7: for Loops
Lecture 8: Looping Through an Array
Lecture 9: Enhanced for Loop
Lecture 10: The continue Statement
Lecture 11: The break Statement
Lecture 12: Labs
Lecture 13: Labs 1-4 Review
Lecture 14: Labs 5-6 Review
Chapter 7: Methods
Lecture 1: Objectives
Lecture 2: Methods
Lecture 3: Calling Methods
Lecture 4: Defining Methods
Lecture 5: Method Parameters
Lecture 6: Scope
Lecture 7: Labs
Lecture 8: Lab 1 Review
Lecture 9: Lab 2 Review
Chapter 8: Object-Oriented Programming
Lecture 1: Objectives
Lecture 2: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
Lecture 3: Classes and Objects
Lecture 4: Fields and Methods
Lecture 5: Encapsulation
Lecture 6: Access Control
Lecture 7: Inheritance
Lecture 8: Polymorphism
Lecture 9: Demonstrating Polymorphism with Arrays
Learn by the Byte
Engaging Courses from Expert Instructors
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 18 votes
- 2 stars: 23 votes
- 3 stars: 126 votes
- 4 stars: 452 votes
- 5 stars: 756 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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