Introduction to Java Programming
Introduction to Java Programming, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 3.2, with 76 lectures, based on 146 reviews, and has 29325 subscribers.
You will learn about Basics of Java Programming Object Oriented Programming in Java Threads in Java I/O Streams in Java Garbage Collection in Java Exception Handling in Java Generics in Java Collections in Java This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner Java Programmers curious to learn the fundamentals of Java. or Students interested in programming who want to learn Java. It is particularly useful for Beginner Java Programmers curious to learn the fundamentals of Java. or Students interested in programming who want to learn Java.
Enroll now: Introduction to Java Programming
Title: Introduction to Java Programming
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 3.2
Number of Lectures: 76
Number of Published Lectures: 76
Number of Curriculum Items: 76
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 76
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Basics of Java Programming
- Object Oriented Programming in Java
- Threads in Java
- I/O Streams in Java
- Garbage Collection in Java
- Exception Handling in Java
- Generics in Java
- Collections in Java
Who Should Attend
- Beginner Java Programmers curious to learn the fundamentals of Java.
- Students interested in programming who want to learn Java.
Target Audiences
- Beginner Java Programmers curious to learn the fundamentals of Java.
- Students interested in programming who want to learn Java.
Java is one of the most common, in-demand computer programming languages owned by the Oracle Corporation. Our associates at Academy of Computing & Artificial Intelligence got together and after carefully analyzing the top must learn computer programming languages in 2020, we were able to conclude that Java is the 3rd most used programming language according to stackoverflow. Furthermore, java has an average salary of $102,000 according to indeed making it a widely used and highly applicable language.
“Java is celebrating its 24th birthday this year and has been one of the most popular programming languages used for developing server-side applications. Java is a practical choice for developing Android apps as it can be used to create highly functional programs and platforms.
This object-oriented programming language does not require a specific hardware infrastructure, is easily manageable, and has a good level of security. Moreover, it is easier to learn Java in comparison to languages such as C and C++. No wonder, nearly 90 percent of Fortune 500 firms rely on Java for their desktop applications and backend development projects.
Despite its industry age, the Java is incredibly stable and not heading for retirement anytime soon. This makes Java one of the most desirable languages among programmers in 2020.” (Belani, 2020)
Hence, we came up with this course to benefit the students who are curious to learn the basics of Java.
You will learn the following –
• Basics of Java Programming
• Object Oriented Programming in Java
• Threads in Java
• I/O Streams in Java
• Garbage Collection in Java
• Exception Handling in Java
• Generics in Java
• Collections in Java
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Java ( Java Basics )
Lecture 1: Java Project Setup
Lecture 2: Code construct of Java
Lecture 3: Java Commenting
Lecture 4: Variables
Lecture 5: Java – Data Types
Lecture 6: Java – If Statement
Lecture 7: Java -Switch Statement
Chapter 2: Object Oriented Programming in Java
Lecture 1: Entering the Object oriented programming world – Classes & Objects
Lecture 2: Classes & Objects
Lecture 3: Creating Objects from Classes
Lecture 4: Constructors
Lecture 5: Methods (parameter vs arguement)
Lecture 6: Method Overloading
Lecture 7: Method Overloading Demo
Lecture 8: Data Abstraction
Lecture 9: Encapsulation
Lecture 10: Inheritance
Lecture 11: Inheritance Demo
Lecture 12: Inheritance – instanceof Demo
Lecture 13: Static
Lecture 14: Abstract Classes
Lecture 15: Nested Classes – Inner Class
Lecture 16: Object Oriented Programming – Lab Exercise 1 [With Solution]
Lecture 17: Object Oriented Programming – Lab Exercise 2
Chapter 3: Threads
Lecture 1: Creating Threads [Extending the Thread Class]
Lecture 2: Creating Threads [Using Runnable Interface]
Lecture 3: getName(),getId(),getPriority(),setPriority(3),getState(),MIN_PRIORITY, NORM_PRI
Lecture 4: Pausing the execution of a thread
Lecture 5: Synchronization Part 1 [Method Synchronization]
Lecture 6: Synchronization Part 2 [Synchronized Block]
Lecture 7: Deadlock – Threads
Chapter 4: I/O Streams
Lecture 1: I/O Streams [Introduction]
Lecture 2: Byte Streams
Lecture 3: Byte Streams Demo
Lecture 4: Character Streams
Lecture 5: Character Streams Demo
Lecture 6: Creating Directories
Lecture 7: Listing Directories
Lecture 8: Java Object Serialization – Write an object to a file
Lecture 9: Java Object Serialization Serialization – Read an object from file
Lecture 10: Java Object Serialization – Transient variable
Chapter 5: Java Garbage Collection
Lecture 1: Java Garbage Collection Part 1
Lecture 2: Java Garbage Collection Part 2
Lecture 3: Java Heap Space
Chapter 6: Exception Handling
Lecture 1: Exception Handling – Introduction
Lecture 2: Exception Handling – Termination Demo
Lecture 3: TryCatchDemo
Lecture 4: Multiple CatchBlock Demo
Lecture 5: TryAndFinally Demo
Chapter 7: Few more topics
Lecture 1: Introduction to Generics
Lecture 2: Debugging – Difference between Step Into and Step Over in the Eclipse debugger
Chapter 8: Java Collections
Lecture 1: Arrays Part 1
Lecture 2: Arrays Part 2 -Insert search delete (unordered array)
Lecture 3: ArrayList Demonstration
Lecture 4: Vector [Lecture & Demo]
Chapter 9: Guided Programming Tutorials
Lecture 1: Find factorial of a number using recursion
Lecture 2: Splitting the string using the split() method
Lecture 3: Find the GCD (Greatest Common Devisor)
Lecture 4: String reverse example using recursion
Chapter 10: Guided Programming Tutorials Part 2
Lecture 1: Tutorial 1 – Introduction
Chapter 11: Source codes
Lecture 1: Inheritance Demo [My_Calculation]
Lecture 2: Exception Handling – Termination Demo [Source Code]
Lecture 3: Exception Handling – TryCatch Demo [Source Code]
Lecture 4: Exception Handling – MultipleCatch Demo [Source Code]
Lecture 5: Exception Handling – TryAndFinally Demo [Source Code]
Lecture 6: Exception Handling – CustomException Demo [Source Code]
Lecture 7: Thread Demo 1 [Source code]
Lecture 8: Thread Demo 2 [Source code]
Lecture 9: Thread Demo 3 [Source code]
Lecture 10: Thread Demo 4 [Source code]
Lecture 11: Write a Java program that takes two numbers as input and display the product
Lecture 12: Write a Java program to print the sum (addition), multiply, subtract, divide
Lecture 13: Write a Java program to print the area and perimeter of a circle.
Lecture 14: Write a Java program to count the letters, spaces, numbers and other character
Lecture 15: Write a Java program that takes five numbers as input to calculate and print t
Lecture 16: Write a Java program to check whether Java is installed on your computer.
Academy of Computing & Artificial Intelligence
Senior Lecturer / Project Supervisor / Consultant
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 13 votes
- 2 stars: 7 votes
- 3 stars: 21 votes
- 4 stars: 40 votes
- 5 stars: 65 votes
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