Introduction to Java Programming for Online Learners
Introduction to Java Programming for Online Learners, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 3.95, with 142 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 251 reviews, and has 2295 subscribers.
You will learn about Introduce the student to Java Build solid Java programming skills for anyone wanting to learn the language Aid online students taking self-directed courses, or courses with minimal instructor interaction Challenge the student to work with the code and engage in the material This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginning programmers or Programmers making a switch to Java from another language or Online Programming students in Java courses or Advanced High School Students who want to get a jump on university level programming courses in computer science/management information systems. It is particularly useful for Beginning programmers or Programmers making a switch to Java from another language or Online Programming students in Java courses or Advanced High School Students who want to get a jump on university level programming courses in computer science/management information systems.
Enroll now: Introduction to Java Programming for Online Learners
Title: Introduction to Java Programming for Online Learners
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 3.95
Number of Lectures: 142
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 135
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 148
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 141
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Introduce the student to Java
- Build solid Java programming skills for anyone wanting to learn the language
- Aid online students taking self-directed courses, or courses with minimal instructor interaction
- Challenge the student to work with the code and engage in the material
Who Should Attend
- Beginning programmers
- Programmers making a switch to Java from another language
- Online Programming students in Java courses
- Advanced High School Students who want to get a jump on university level programming courses in computer science/management information systems.
Target Audiences
- Beginning programmers
- Programmers making a switch to Java from another language
- Online Programming students in Java courses
- Advanced High School Students who want to get a jump on university level programming courses in computer science/management information systems.
This course provides instruction through video lectures and materials which will teach (you) the student how to program in Java from the very basic level to an intermediate level of programming. The intent is to aid anyone who is struggling in learning how to program and would like to see practical examples and demonstrations. This course is not affiliated with any university and will not provide answers to any homework assignments for any reason. Topics covered will include but not be limited to:
- Syntax and commands
- Creating variables
- Creating methods
- Working with files
- Exception handling
- Creating Classes
- Object-Oriented programming basics
- Basic Unit Testing
- Graphics and GUI programming
In the end, this course is a stand-alone course, however it would be a huge aid to the online student who is taking a self-directed course, an individual who is trying to learn how to program, or even a high school student looking to get a head start on computer science material they might encounter in college. The material is organized in a start-to-finish fashion, building on knowledge with each section, so it is best to proceed through each section in order. Each section should amount to about a week worth of learning, lining up with most popular online course formats. Additionally, the course works hard to build practical knowledge that will help a student excel in their coursework, and also builds a strong foundation for a start to a career in programming for anyone looking to learn!
As an added bonus, several useful programs are built throughout this course, and the end result of the course includes full source code for a working Sudoku game, amongst other programs, such as card game score calculators and basics physics formula calculation programs.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Programming
Lecture 1: Course Overview – Welcome
Lecture 2: Welcome to computer programming!
Lecture 3: Install Visual Studio Code [optional]
Lecture 4: Install Java 15.0.2 on Windows
Lecture 5: Configuring Windows for manual java programming
Lecture 6: Program 1: Writing our first program — Hello World
Lecture 7: Simple Debugging, Fixing a Program, and dealing with problems while programming
Lecture 8: Install an IDE – Eclipse Oxygen [June 2017 release] on Windows
Lecture 9: Installing an IDE – Netbeans [skip if using Eclipse]
Lecture 10: Creating Projects [Both Eclipse and NetBeans
Lecture 11: Programming Syntax Basics
Lecture 12: PIAT [Putting it all together]: Simple Output
Lecture 13: Sudoku 1: Printing a Sudoku Grid
Lecture 14: Sample Code for Section 1
Lecture 15: SectionOneResources
Chapter 2: Programming With Variables
Lecture 1: Introduction to Types – Part 1: Number Types
Lecture 2: Storing Types in Variables – Part 1: Number Types
Lecture 3: Introduction To Types – Part 2: Non-Number Types
Lecture 4: Storing Types as Variables – Part 2: Non-number Types
Lecture 5: Simple Input using the Scanner
Lecture 6: Simple Input using the Buffered Reader
Lecture 7: Working With Variables and Math!
Lecture 8: PIAT: Simple Physics Calculators
Lecture 9: Sudoku 2: Gathering game conditions and input from the user
Lecture 10: Sample Code for Section 2
Lecture 11: Section Two Resources
Chapter 3: Control Statements and Methods
Lecture 1: Boolean Logic (true/false)
Lecture 2: Control statement: if … else
Lecture 3: Nested if…else control statements, AND and OR operations
Lecture 4: ADVANCED: switch and ternary operators
Lecture 5: Introduction to Methods
Lecture 6: Coding With Methods
Lecture 7: PIAT: Simple Physics Calculator with a Menu
Lecture 8: Sudoku 3: Checking input
Lecture 9: Sample Code for Section 3
Lecture 10: Section Three Resources
Chapter 4: Loops – Repetitive User Input
Lecture 1: Looping – overview and syntax structure
Lecture 2: While loops
Lecture 3: Do…While Loops
Lecture 4: For loops
Lecture 5: Review and Practical Example: Preventing Bad User Input with Loops
Lecture 6: Advanced Topic: Recursion and The Fibonacci Sequence
Lecture 7: PIAT: Simple Physics Cacluator with Menus and Repetitive User Input
Lecture 8: Sudoku 4: Validated input, Repetitive input, Solve entire Grid.
Lecture 9: Software Engineering Time out: Plan before you Program!
Lecture 10: PIAT Advanced: Scorekeeper for 500 [a card game]
Lecture 11: Sample Code for Section 4
Chapter 5: Basic data structures (Arrays)
Lecture 1: Introduction to Arrays
Lecture 2: Coding With Arrays
Lecture 3: Passing variables to methods in Java
Lecture 4: Enhanced For Loop
Lecture 5: Making Copies of Arrays
Lecture 6: Sorting Arrays
Lecture 7: PIAT: Star Trek Spaceships
Lecture 8: Sudoku 5: Using arrays in the Sudoku Program for Grid Values and Solution Values
Lecture 9: Sample Code for Section 5
Chapter 6: Object Classes and Basic Inheritance
Lecture 1: Getting a new project setup to begin our study of classes
Lecture 2: Creating custom classes and working with constructors – Default Constructor
Lecture 3: Working with properties in our custom classes – part 1
Lecture 4: Working with properties in our custom classes – part 2
Lecture 5: Creating custom classes and working with constructors – Explicit Constructor
Lecture 6: Working with other methods in our custom classes
Lecture 7: Introduction to inheritance – part 1
Lecture 8: Introduction to inheritance – part 2
Lecture 9: Adding the car and truck classes
Lecture 10: The system without any inheritance
Lecture 11: Creating Subclasses using the extends keyword [part 1]
Lecture 12: Creating Subclasses using the extends keyword [part 2]
Lecture 13: Overriding Base class methods
Lecture 14: Testing the toString() methods
Lecture 15: Overloading methods to create options
Lecture 16: PIAT: Star Trek Ships By Class
Lecture 17: Sudoku 6: Solver class
Lecture 18: Sample Code for Section 6
Chapter 7: Abstract Classes and Interfaces
Lecture 1: Introduction to Interfaces
Lecture 2: Introduction to Abstract Classes
Lecture 3: PIAT: Part 1: Autolot – Polymorphism and Writing code to the interface.
Lecture 4: PIAT: Part 2: Autolot – Polymorphism and writing code to the interface.
Lecture 5: Further Study: Implementing the Comparable interface and Overriding Equals
Lecture 6: Programming with the Strategy Pattern: Creating classes to represent behavior.
Lecture 7: Sudoku 7: Abstracting Player And Game Behaviors
Lecture 8: Sample Code for Section 7
Chapter 8: Testing with JUnit
Lecture 1: Introduction to Unit Testing – Part 1
Lecture 2: Introduction to Unit Testing – Part 2
Lecture 3: Creating the Tests and Writing Tests for the Constructors
Lecture 4: Testing Mutators and Accessors; finish Constructor Testing
Brian Gorman
Microsoft Azure MVP, Developer, Trainer, and Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 7 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 25 votes
- 4 stars: 82 votes
- 5 stars: 131 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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