Introduction to the MongoDB
Introduction to the MongoDB, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.44, with 41 lectures, based on 3002 reviews, and has 24555 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand difference between relational and document databases Explain such data formats as JSON, Extended JSON and BSON Describe most commonly used BSON data types such as ObjectID, Date, String and NumberInt Understand MongoDB structure – Databases, Collections and Documents Explain how MongoDB server is managed using MongoDB Shell Practice insertion of the documents into the collection Use different query methods such as findOne() and operators such as $and, $or, $gt and $ne Understand and utilize update methods such as updateOne() and updateMany() Become familiar with update operators such as $set, $unset and $inc Successfully delete documents from the collection using deleteOne() and deleteMany() methods Explain what is Aggregation Framework, MongoDB Utilities and Indexes Understand what is external MongoDB driver and what is it's purpose This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to get in touch with MongoDB and understand it's main features and capabilities or Developers who worked with relational databases such as MySQL and want to expand their knowledge towards document databases or Full-stack developers who want to start learning MEAN or MERN stacks – MongoDB is one of the components in those stacks It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to get in touch with MongoDB and understand it's main features and capabilities or Developers who worked with relational databases such as MySQL and want to expand their knowledge towards document databases or Full-stack developers who want to start learning MEAN or MERN stacks – MongoDB is one of the components in those stacks.
Enroll now: Introduction to the MongoDB
Title: Introduction to the MongoDB
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.44
Number of Lectures: 41
Number of Published Lectures: 41
Number of Curriculum Items: 41
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 41
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand difference between relational and document databases
- Explain such data formats as JSON, Extended JSON and BSON
- Describe most commonly used BSON data types such as ObjectID, Date, String and NumberInt
- Understand MongoDB structure – Databases, Collections and Documents
- Explain how MongoDB server is managed using MongoDB Shell
- Practice insertion of the documents into the collection
- Use different query methods such as findOne() and operators such as $and, $or, $gt and $ne
- Understand and utilize update methods such as updateOne() and updateMany()
- Become familiar with update operators such as $set, $unset and $inc
- Successfully delete documents from the collection using deleteOne() and deleteMany() methods
- Explain what is Aggregation Framework, MongoDB Utilities and Indexes
- Understand what is external MongoDB driver and what is it's purpose
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to get in touch with MongoDB and understand it's main features and capabilities
- Developers who worked with relational databases such as MySQL and want to expand their knowledge towards document databases
- Full-stack developers who want to start learning MEAN or MERN stacks – MongoDB is one of the components in those stacks
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to get in touch with MongoDB and understand it's main features and capabilities
- Developers who worked with relational databases such as MySQL and want to expand their knowledge towards document databases
- Full-stack developers who want to start learning MEAN or MERN stacks – MongoDB is one of the components in those stacks
This course is for total beginners in MongoDB.
Goal of the course is to give you understanding of what is MongoDB, which main features it has and of course try to use those features yourself.
**NOTE** This course has edited by hand English Closed Captions (CC) for all lectures. They were also translated to many different languages. Please feel free to enable them in the video player.
You will learn how to perform following actions:
Install MongoDB
Insert documents into the collections
Find documents using different query operators such as $and, $or, $gt
Update documents using update operators such as $set and $unset
Delete documents
You will be also able to explain some advanced MongoDB features such as:
Aggregation Framework
MongoDB Utilities
MongoDB Replica Set
MongoDB external drivers
Enroll now and learn basics of MongoDB!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Let's get connected! Join the Learning Community
Lecture 2: LECTURE – Course Navigation
Lecture 3: LECTURE – Closed Captions for the Video Lectures
Chapter 2: MongoDB Overview
Lecture 1: LECTURE – Where MongoDB is used?
Lecture 2: LECTURE – Relational vs Document Databases
Lecture 3: LECTURE – MongoDB Structure
Lecture 4: LECTURE – MongoDB Shell and MongoDB Server
Chapter 3: MongoDB Installation
Lecture 1: PRACTICE – Installation of the MongoDB on the local computer
Lecture 2: PRACTICE – Launch MongoDB Server and connect to it from the MongoDB Shell
Lecture 3: LECTURE – MongoDB database in the Cloud
Lecture 4: PRACTICE – Exploring MongoDB Shell
Lecture 5: PRACTICE – Installing and Exploring Robo 3T (previously Robomongo)
Chapter 4: Data Formats in MongoDB
Lecture 1: LECTURE – JSON Overview
Lecture 2: LECTURE – Difference between JSON and JavaScript Object
Lecture 3: LECTURE – How Documents are stored in the Database? – BSON Format
Lecture 4: LECTURE – What is Extended JSON?
Lecture 5: LECTURE – Data Types representation in Extended JSON
Lecture 6: LECTURE – How types are stored in BSON?
Chapter 5: Collection Creation and Documents Insertion
Lecture 1: LECTURE – Creation of the new Collection
Lecture 2: LECTURE – Insert Methods insertOne() and insertMany()
Lecture 3: LECTURE – Sample Data Overview
Lecture 4: PRACTICE – Insert Sample Documents into the Collection
Chapter 6: Finding Documents
Lecture 1: LECTURE – Find Methods find() and findOne()
Lecture 2: PRACTICE – Finding Documents
Lecture 3: LECTURE – Query Operators Overview
Lecture 4: PRACTICE – Finding Documents with Query Operators
Lecture 5: LECTURE – Sort, Limit and Skip helper methods
Lecture 6: PRACTICE – Sort, Limit and Skip
Chapter 7: Updating Documents
Lecture 1: LECTURE – Update Methods updateOne() and updateMany()
Lecture 2: LECTURE – Update Operators
Lecture 3: PRACTICE – Updating Documents using Update Operators
Chapter 8: Deleting Documents
Lecture 1: LECTURE – Delete Methods deleteOne() and deleteMany()
Lecture 2: PRACTICE – Deleting Documents
Chapter 9: Advanced MongoDB Features
Lecture 1: LECTURE – MongoDB Aggregation Framework
Lecture 2: PRACTICE – Aggregating Documents
Lecture 3: LECTURE – MongoDB Indexes
Lecture 4: LECTURE – MongoDB Utilities
Lecture 5: LECTURE – What is MongoDB Replica Set?
Lecture 6: LECTURE – MongoDB Drivers
Chapter 10: Wrap Up
Lecture 1: LECTURE – Course Summary and What's next?
Lecture 2: Bonus Lecture
Bogdan Stashchuk | Software Engineer, MBA, PhD
Just keep learning – stashchuk
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 27 votes
- 2 stars: 50 votes
- 3 stars: 378 votes
- 4 stars: 1236 votes
- 5 stars: 1311 votes
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