Java Best Practices for Efficient, Scalable, and Secure Code
Java Best Practices for Efficient, Scalable, and Secure Code, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 124 lectures, 9 quizzes, based on 13 reviews, and has 326 subscribers.
You will learn about Java Best Practices Solid Foundation in OOP Principles Application of SOLID Principles Effective OOP Interview Preparation Hands-On Exam on Object-Oriented Programming Understanding Java Platform Module System (JPMS) Comprehensive Testing Techniques for Java Platform Adoption of TDD, BDD & ATDD Methodologies Object-Oriented Architecture Design The Best Clean Code Practices Application of GoF Design Patterns Preparation for Design Patterns Interviews Stay Updated with Java New Versions Effective Logging Practices in Java Java Secure Coding Practices Designing RESTful Architectures Understanding Software Development Metrics and KPIs Web Application Design Patterns This course is ideal for individuals who are Java Developers: Intermediate and experienced Java developers looking to enhance their skills and adopt industry best practices in Java programming. or Java Enthusiasts and Students: Students and enthusiasts who want to build a strong foundation in Java programming and gain insights into industry-standard practices. or Technical Leads and Architects: Technical leads and architects aiming to reinforce their understanding of Java best practices for designing scalable and maintainable software architectures. or QA Engineers: QA professionals aiming to understand Java best practices to enhance the quality and efficiency of their testing efforts. or QA Automation Engineers: Individuals involved in QA automation who want to improve their Java programming skills and incorporate best practices into their automated testing frameworks. or QA Leads and Managers: QA leads and managers seeking insights into Java best practices to guide their teams in implementing effective and maintainable testing strategies. It is particularly useful for Java Developers: Intermediate and experienced Java developers looking to enhance their skills and adopt industry best practices in Java programming. or Java Enthusiasts and Students: Students and enthusiasts who want to build a strong foundation in Java programming and gain insights into industry-standard practices. or Technical Leads and Architects: Technical leads and architects aiming to reinforce their understanding of Java best practices for designing scalable and maintainable software architectures. or QA Engineers: QA professionals aiming to understand Java best practices to enhance the quality and efficiency of their testing efforts. or QA Automation Engineers: Individuals involved in QA automation who want to improve their Java programming skills and incorporate best practices into their automated testing frameworks. or QA Leads and Managers: QA leads and managers seeking insights into Java best practices to guide their teams in implementing effective and maintainable testing strategies.
Enroll now: Java Best Practices for Efficient, Scalable, and Secure Code
Title: Java Best Practices for Efficient, Scalable, and Secure Code
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 124
Number of Quizzes: 9
Number of Published Lectures: 124
Number of Published Quizzes: 8
Number of Curriculum Items: 133
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 132
Original Price: $29.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Java Best Practices
- Solid Foundation in OOP Principles
- Application of SOLID Principles
- Effective OOP Interview Preparation
- Hands-On Exam on Object-Oriented Programming
- Understanding Java Platform Module System (JPMS)
- Comprehensive Testing Techniques for Java Platform
- Adoption of TDD, BDD & ATDD Methodologies
- Object-Oriented Architecture Design
- The Best Clean Code Practices
- Application of GoF Design Patterns
- Preparation for Design Patterns Interviews
- Stay Updated with Java New Versions
- Effective Logging Practices in Java
- Java Secure Coding Practices
- Designing RESTful Architectures
- Understanding Software Development Metrics and KPIs
- Web Application Design Patterns
Who Should Attend
- Java Developers: Intermediate and experienced Java developers looking to enhance their skills and adopt industry best practices in Java programming.
- Java Enthusiasts and Students: Students and enthusiasts who want to build a strong foundation in Java programming and gain insights into industry-standard practices.
- Technical Leads and Architects: Technical leads and architects aiming to reinforce their understanding of Java best practices for designing scalable and maintainable software architectures.
- QA Engineers: QA professionals aiming to understand Java best practices to enhance the quality and efficiency of their testing efforts.
- QA Automation Engineers: Individuals involved in QA automation who want to improve their Java programming skills and incorporate best practices into their automated testing frameworks.
- QA Leads and Managers: QA leads and managers seeking insights into Java best practices to guide their teams in implementing effective and maintainable testing strategies.
Target Audiences
- Java Developers: Intermediate and experienced Java developers looking to enhance their skills and adopt industry best practices in Java programming.
- Java Enthusiasts and Students: Students and enthusiasts who want to build a strong foundation in Java programming and gain insights into industry-standard practices.
- Technical Leads and Architects: Technical leads and architects aiming to reinforce their understanding of Java best practices for designing scalable and maintainable software architectures.
- QA Engineers: QA professionals aiming to understand Java best practices to enhance the quality and efficiency of their testing efforts.
- QA Automation Engineers: Individuals involved in QA automation who want to improve their Java programming skills and incorporate best practices into their automated testing frameworks.
- QA Leads and Managers: QA leads and managers seeking insights into Java best practices to guide their teams in implementing effective and maintainable testing strategies.
Unlock the full potential of Java development with my comprehensive course on best practices. Whether you’re a Java developer looking to elevate your coding skills, a Development Lead, an Architect, or a QA professional aiming to enhance testing efficiency. This course is your gateway to a higher level of Java expertise. It provides a deep dive into industry-proven techniques.
Key Learning Points:
Solid Foundation in OOP Principles:
Master the fundamental concepts of OOP and discover their direct applications in Java development.
Application of SOLID Principles:
Learn how to apply SOLID principles systematically, ensuring the creation of Java code that is robust, scalable, and easily maintainable.
Object-Oriented Architecture Design:
Develop the skills needed to create scalable and maintainable Object-Oriented Architecture for Java applications, ensuring your projects stand the test of time.
Application of GoF Design Patterns:
Understand and implement the renowned Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns, addressing common challenges encountered in software design.
Preparation for Design Patterns Interviews:
Learn how to navigate design pattern-related problems commonly encountered in interviews, enhancing your problem-solving skills and interview performance.
Effective OOP Interview Preparation:
Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to confidently navigate OOP-related interview questions, enhancing your prospects in job interviews.
Hands-On Exam on Object-Oriented Programming:
Demonstrate your practical proficiency in applying OOP principles through a comprehensive examination, solidifying your understanding of key concepts.
Understanding Java Platform Module System (JPMS):
Explore the benefits of modularity in Java applications using the Java Platform Module System, gaining insights into creating modular and efficient codebases.
Comprehensive Testing Techniques:
Master Unit Testing with JUnit, delve into Integration Testing, and learn to harness the power of Mockito and PowerMockito for effective and reliable testing.
Adoption of TDD, BDD & ATDD Methodologies:
Gain practical experience in Test-Driven Development (TDD), Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), and Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD), transforming your approach to software development.
Web Application Architecture:
We are going to learn the best practices of web application development
Best Practices of REST Architecture Design in Java Applications:
Architecture – that is something what is critically important from the very beginning.
Stay Updated with Java New Versions:
Keep pace with the latest features and improvements in recent Java versions, ensuring you leverage the full potential of the language.
Effective Logging Practices in Java:
Understand the critical role of logging in Java applications and learn best practices using frameworks like SLF4J and Logback.
Secure Coding Practices:
Explore secure coding practices, addressing OWASP Top 10 security issues in Java applications, fortifying your code against potential vulnerabilities.
Designing RESTful Architectures:
Master the principles of RESTful architecture and learn best practices for designing RESTful APIs in Java, ensuring efficient communication in modern software systems.
Understanding Software Development Metrics and KPIs:
Gain insights into the importance of metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) in software development. This knowledge enables informed decision-making and continuous improvement in your development processes.
Embark on this educational journey to become a proficient and well-rounded Java developer, QA professional, architect, or tech lead, armed with the latest industry best practices and techniques. Join us on a journey to master Java best practices and elevate your software development skills to new heights.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Communication plan
Lecture 2: Unlimited access to Learn-IT application for students
Lecture 3: Tips to Improve Your Course Taking Experience
Lecture 4: Additional Free Learning Materials to Use During the Course
Chapter 2: OOP Basics
Lecture 1: Object-oriented programming: Basics
Lecture 2: Classes & Objects
Lecture 3: Different types of Classes, Abstract keyword and Abstract classes
Lecture 4: Interfaces
Chapter 3: OOP Core Principles – Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation and Abstraction
Lecture 1: Inheritance
Lecture 2: Polymorphism and 'final' keyword
Lecture 3: 'static' keyword
Lecture 4: Encapsulation
Lecture 5: Object, JNI and Object class overview
Chapter 4: SOLID Principles
Lecture 1: SOLID principles overview & Single Responsibility Principle
Lecture 2: Open / Closed Principle
Lecture 3: Liskov Substitution Principle
Lecture 4: Interface Segregation Principle
Lecture 5: Dependency Inversion Principle
Chapter 5: PRACTICE: Coding exercises to practice SOLID principles
Chapter 6: ===== OOP: Interview Preparation =====
Lecture 1: How to be prepared for the interview?
Lecture 2: Part 1: OOP Interview – Questions and Answers
Lecture 3: Part 2: OOP Interview – Questions and Answers
Chapter 7: Practice: EXAM OOP & Object-Oriented e-Commerce console applications
Lecture 1: Exam and homework for OOP topic
Chapter 8: Object-oriented Architecture, Clean Code Design (Advanced)
Lecture 1: Clean Code Architecture, Coupling & Cohesion
Lecture 2: Tell, Don’t Ask Pricniple & Data Structures
Lecture 3: Law of Demeter
Lecture 4: KISS Principle in OOP
Lecture 5: YAGNI Principle in OOP
Lecture 6: DRY Principle in OOP | Part 1
Lecture 7: DRY Principle in OOP | Part 2 – Practice
Lecture 8: Packaging Pricniples p.1: Cohesion Principles
Lecture 9: Packaging Pricniples p.2: Coupling Principles and Others
Chapter 9: GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP
Lecture 1: GoF Patterns: Overview
Lecture 2: Creational Patterns
Lecture 3: Structural Patterns, p.1
Lecture 4: Structural Patterns, p.2
Lecture 5: Behevioral Patterns, p.1
Lecture 6: Behevioral Patterns, p.2
Lecture 7: Behevioral Patterns, p.3
Chapter 10: ===== Design Patterns: Interview Questions =====
Lecture 1: Part 1: OOP & Design Patterns Interview – Questions and Answers
Chapter 11: Java Platform Module System: Modules in Java & Migration of Java Apps
Lecture 1: Modules in Java: Modular Application Example
Lecture 2: Migration of Java Apps: Example of migration to a modular application
Chapter 12: Testing for Software Engineers
Lecture 1: Testing for software engineers: Overview
Chapter 13: Unit Testing & JUnit 5
Lecture 1: Unit Testing & JUnit Overview
Lecture 2: JUnit 5 examples VS JUnit 4 + Equivalence class partitioning
Lecture 3: JUnit 5 API (Advanced) & Test Code Coverage
Lecture 4: JUnit 5 API (Advanced p. 2) & Hamcrest Library
Chapter 14: Integration testing & Mockito
Lecture 1: Integration Testing in Java
Lecture 2: Mockito: Part 1
Lecture 3: Mockito: Part 2
Chapter 15: PowerMockito
Lecture 1: PowerMock
Chapter 16: TDD, BDD & ATTD
Lecture 1: Test-driven development: Theory
Lecture 2: BDD & ATTD
Lecture 3: TDD, BDD & ATTD – Practice
Chapter 17: Java: New Versions
Lecture 1: Java 8 Features (Lambda, Stream API, Optional, Effectively Final, etc.)
Lecture 2: java.util.Optional – Optional in Java
Lecture 3: Java 9: Stream API Updates, Multi-Resolution Image, Stack-Walking API, etc.
Lecture 4: Java 9: Process API & CompletableFuture API updates, Interface Private Methods
Lecture 5: Java 9: jlink & jshell
Lecture 6: Java 9: Multi-Release JAR Files & Compact Strings
Lecture 7: Java 9: Deprecated & Removed Features
Lecture 8: Reactive Programming in Java: Flow API, Reactive Streams
Lecture 9: Java 10: ‘var’ variables (Type inference), Docker support, Flex Heap Size, etc.
Lecture 10: Java 10: Other improvements, Removals, Deprecations, Release Versioning
Lecture 11: Java 11: LTS Concept, New HTTP Client, String & Files API Updates
Lecture 12: Java 11: Collection & Predicate API Updates, Nest-Based Access Control & more
Lecture 13: Java 12: CompactNumberFormat, Teeing Collector, String.indent(), transform()
Lecture 14: Java 13: Socket API, newFileSystem() method, ZGC Uncommit Unused Memory & others
Lecture 15: Java 14: Switch expressions, Currency Format, Helpful NullPointerExceptions
Lecture 16: Java 15: Text Blocks, Hidden Classes, new String methods
Lecture 17: Java 16: JEP 395 – Records
Lecture 18: Java 16: instanceof, Day Period Support, Stream.toList() & others
Lecture 19: Java 17: Sealed Classes & other improvements
Chapter 18: Web Application Design Patterns – Best Practices
Lecture 1: DAO (Data Access Object) Design Pattern
Lecture 2: MVC Design Pattern
Andrii Piatakha
Founder and CEO in IT-Bulls, Founder of Learn-IT University
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 8 votes
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