Java EE 8 RESTful Web Services Cookbook
Java EE 8 RESTful Web Services Cookbook, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.9, with 81 lectures, based on 50 reviews, and has 330 subscribers.
You will learn about Be able to use JAX-RS to create modern RESTful web services on Java EE 8 Be able to protect your REST resources with JSON Web Token (JWT) Be able to integrate dependency injection into your RESTful web services Be able to use JAX-RS filters Be able to host Java methods as REST resources Be able to integrate Java Persistence API into your REST resources Be able to implement caching in your REST resources Be able to host Java classes as REST resources Be able to use return JSON data in response to client requests Be able to validate client requests to your RESTful web services Be able to create asynchronous REST services Be able to consume file objects in your REST services Be able to return file objects from your REST resources Be able to send cookies to clients from your REST resources This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to master rest web service development with Java EE 8 or Anyone who wants quick answers to web service questions on Java EE 8 or Anyone who desires to learn how to use JAX-RS API on Java EE 8 or Anyone who wants to develop Java web services in a standardized way or Anyone who wants to take their Java web services to the next level It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to master rest web service development with Java EE 8 or Anyone who wants quick answers to web service questions on Java EE 8 or Anyone who desires to learn how to use JAX-RS API on Java EE 8 or Anyone who wants to develop Java web services in a standardized way or Anyone who wants to take their Java web services to the next level.
Enroll now: Java EE 8 RESTful Web Services Cookbook
Title: Java EE 8 RESTful Web Services Cookbook
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.9
Number of Lectures: 81
Number of Published Lectures: 81
Number of Curriculum Items: 81
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 81
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Be able to use JAX-RS to create modern RESTful web services on Java EE 8
- Be able to protect your REST resources with JSON Web Token (JWT)
- Be able to integrate dependency injection into your RESTful web services
- Be able to use JAX-RS filters
- Be able to host Java methods as REST resources
- Be able to integrate Java Persistence API into your REST resources
- Be able to implement caching in your REST resources
- Be able to host Java classes as REST resources
- Be able to use return JSON data in response to client requests
- Be able to validate client requests to your RESTful web services
- Be able to create asynchronous REST services
- Be able to consume file objects in your REST services
- Be able to return file objects from your REST resources
- Be able to send cookies to clients from your REST resources
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to master rest web service development with Java EE 8
- Anyone who wants quick answers to web service questions on Java EE 8
- Anyone who desires to learn how to use JAX-RS API on Java EE 8
- Anyone who wants to develop Java web services in a standardized way
- Anyone who wants to take their Java web services to the next level
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to master rest web service development with Java EE 8
- Anyone who wants quick answers to web service questions on Java EE 8
- Anyone who desires to learn how to use JAX-RS API on Java EE 8
- Anyone who wants to develop Java web services in a standardized way
- Anyone who wants to take their Java web services to the next level
JAX-RS is the industry standard in developing REST web services on the Java EE platform. This course will help you develop your own REST web services using Java EE in a solution based approach.
This course is a cookbook style, solutions based approach to developing REST web services with Java EE that will help you be able to
- use JAX-RS to create modern RESTful web services on Java EE 8
- protect your REST resources with JSON Web Token (JWT)
- integrate dependency injection (CDI) into your RESTful web services
- use JAX-RS filters
- host Java methods as REST resources
- integrate Java Persistence API (JPA) into your REST resources
- implement caching in your REST resources
- host Java classes as REST resources
- create asynchronous REST services
- consume file objects in your REST services
- return file objects from your REST resources
- send cookies to clients from your REST resources and much more
This course will teach you how to use the standards based Java EE API to solve common challenges.
So sign up now and be on your way to developing modern REST web services with Java API for RESTful web services on the Java EE platform.
Sign up now and I’ll see you in the course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Intro
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: A note on reviews
Chapter 2: Solutions
Lecture 1: [Java EE Cookbook] What is JAX-RS?
Lecture 2: What are RESTful web services?
Lecture 3: [Java EE Cookbook] How do I configure JAX-RS in my application?
Lecture 4: [Java EE Cookbook] How do I register a class as a rest resource?
Lecture 5: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I register a method as a resource method?
Lecture 6: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I register a method as a resource method?
Lecture 7: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I host a method at a specific resource path?
Lecture 8: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I set the content return type of a resource?
Lecture 9: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I set the content return type of a resource?
Lecture 10: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I set the content type a resource consumes?
Lecture 11: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I set the content type a resource consumes?
Lecture 12: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I map HTTP methods to my resource methods?
Lecture 13: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I set path parameters/variables in my resource URIs?
Lecture 14: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I get the value of the path parameter/variable?
Lecture 15: @PathParam
Lecture 16: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I restrict the pattern of the path parameter?
Lecture 17: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] Can I set a default value for path parameters/variables?
Lecture 18: @DefaultValue
Lecture 19: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I grab query parameters from a request URIs?
Lecture 20: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I set default value for query parameters/variables?
Lecture 21: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I grab the value of cookie parameters?
Lecture 22: @CookieParam
Lecture 23: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I grab a value from the headers of a request?
Lecture 24: @HeaderParam
Lecture 25: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I get the values of a POSTed form? (1)
Lecture 26: @FormParam
Lecture 27: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I get the values of a POSTed form? (2)
Lecture 28: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I get the values of a POSTed form? (3)
Lecture 29: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I integrate JPA into my JAX-RS application?
Lecture 30: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I integrate JPA into my JAX-RS application?
Lecture 31: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I integrate JPA into my JAX-RS application?
Lecture 32: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I integrate dependency injection in my web service?
Lecture 33: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I integrate dependency injection in my web service?
Lecture 34: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I integrate dependency injection in my web service?
Lecture 35: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I return a list of entities to the client?
Lecture 36: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I return a list of entities to the client?
Lecture 37: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I return a list of entities to the client?
Lecture 38: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I validate JPA entities POSTed to my resources?
Lecture 39: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I validate JPA entities POSTed to my resources?
Lecture 40: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I customize validation error messages?
Lecture 41: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I customize validation error messages?
Lecture 42: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I integrate logging into my JAX-RS resources?
Lecture 43: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I set cookies for the client?
Lecture 44: [Java EE 8 Cookbook] How do I customize the response I send to the client?
Lecture 45: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I accept and consume file objects in my resources?
Lecture 46: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I accept and consume file objects in my resources?
Lecture 47: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I accept and consume file objects in my resources?
Lecture 48: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I return file objects from my resources?
Lecture 49: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I return file objects from my resources?
Lecture 50: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] What are JAX-RS filters?
Lecture 51: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I ask the client to cache a resource?
Lecture 52: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I ask the client to cache a resource?
Lecture 53: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I change an HTTP method in client requests?
Lecture 54: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I change an HTTP method in client requests?
Lecture 55: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I protect my resources with Json Web Token (JWT)?
Lecture 56: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I protect my resources with Json Web Token (JWT)?
Lecture 57: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I protect my resources with Json Web Token (JWT)?
Lecture 58: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I protect my resources with Json Web Token (JWT)?
Lecture 59: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I protect my resources with Json Web Token (JWT)?
Lecture 60: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I protect my resources with Json Web Token (JWT)?
Lecture 61: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I protect my resources with Json Web Token (JWT)?
Lecture 62: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I protect my resources with Json Web Token (JWT)?
Lecture 63: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I implement async processing in my Jax-RS Resources?
Lecture 64: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I impelement async processing in my Jax-RS Resources
Lecture 65: [JAVA EE 8 COOKBOOK] How do I get hold of JAX-RS context objects?
Lecture 66: What is Jakarta EE?
Chapter 3: Setup
Lecture 1: Installing Java 8
Lecture 2: Installing NetBeans
Lecture 3: Use of other IDEs
Lecture 4: Insomnia REST client
Lecture 5: Maven
Lecture 6: GIT
Lecture 7: Code sample
Chapter 4: Application Servers and Java EE App Deployments
Lecture 1: What is an Application Server?
Lecture 2: What is an Application Server?
Lecture 3: What is Payara Server?
Lecture 4: What is Payara Micro?
Lecture 5: How do I deploy a Java EE app with Payara Micro?
Lecture 6: How do I deploy a Java EE app with Payara Micro?
Luqman Saeed
Software Engineer, Business Systems Consultant
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 13 votes
- 5 stars: 25 votes
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