Java Essentials – Refresher for software developers
Java Essentials – Refresher for software developers, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.66, with 85 lectures, based on 130 reviews, and has 665 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn all of the essential Java skills you need to know Complete overview of the language and important syntax elements Build a deep understanding of the fundamental concepts Great interview prep for Java concepts This course is ideal for individuals who are Java developers who want to brush up their Java skills to prepare for interviews orfurther learning It is particularly useful for Java developers who want to brush up their Java skills to prepare for interviews orfurther learning.
Enroll now: Java Essentials – Refresher for software developers
Title: Java Essentials – Refresher for software developers
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.66
Number of Lectures: 85
Number of Published Lectures: 85
Number of Curriculum Items: 85
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 85
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn all of the essential Java skills you need to know
- Complete overview of the language and important syntax elements
- Build a deep understanding of the fundamental concepts
- Great interview prep for Java concepts
Who Should Attend
- Java developers who want to brush up their Java skills to prepare for interviews orfurther learning
Target Audiences
- Java developers who want to brush up their Java skills to prepare for interviews orfurther learning
Have you learnt Java on the job and never had a formal introduction to the language? Don’t know what you don’t know in Java?
This course is just for you! Get a complete overview of all the basics of Java that you need to know. Including strong foundational understanding of Core Java and makes you ready for interviews. It also addresses any gaps in your knowledge of the language to get you ready to tackle and learn advanced topics.
This is a course you’ll wish you watched sooner!
Watch this course anytime you need to brush up your Java skills. This course is perfect for brushing up all the Java basics before attending interviews!
Taught in the inimitable Java Brains style, this course covers the language syntax basics to Object Oriented programming concepts to exception handling concepts.
Section 1 introduces to the overall Java language ecosystem tackling the JRE, JVM and JDK.
Section 2 introduces you to the setup process to start coding in Java on your computer
Section 3 covers variables and types. Dive into the data types available in Java, understand literals, arrays operators and variable scoping
Section 4 runs through all the essential control structures in Java that you need to know
Section 5 gets you started with Object Oriented programming in Java with classes and objects. Learn about object instances, references, the this reference, variable shadowing and constructors.
Section 6 covers conceptual and practical implications of Object Oriented programming and the associated concepts of encapsulation and access restrictions. Learn about access modifiers, static and final key words and local classes.
Section 7 covers inheritance and polymorphism – access modifiers, inheritance, overriding, interfaces, abstract classes default methods, casting, the toString and equals methods.
Section 8 is all about exception handling. Learn the fundamental syntax structures that allow you to throw as well as catch exceptions. Learn how to create exception classes and best practices for handling exceptions.
After you finish this course, check out the Java Brains’ Java 8 Lambdas course to take your Java learning to the next level!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: The Java language
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Origin and development model
Lecture 3: JDK vs JVM vs JRE
Lecture 4: Implications of the JVM model
Lecture 5: Just-in-time compilation and AOT
Lecture 6: Five design goals of Java
Chapter 2: Java Setup
Lecture 1: Installing JDK
Lecture 2: Running a Java program in IntelliJ
Lecture 3: Running a Java program without IDE
Lecture 4: Running JShell
Chapter 3: Variables and Types
Lecture 1: Dissecting Hello World
Lecture 2: Variable declaration and assignment
Lecture 3: Java essential numeric types
Lecture 4: Primitive types overview
Lecture 5: Literals explained
Lecture 6: Strong static typing
Lecture 7: Type Casting
Lecture 8: Casting and lossy conversions
Lecture 9: Precision loss in numeric operations
Lecture 10: Automatic Type Promotion
Lecture 11: Arrays Primer
Lecture 12: Multidimensional Arrays
Lecture 13: Operators Overview
Lecture 14: Blocks and Variable Scoping
Chapter 4: Control Flow Syntax Structures
Lecture 1: If else statement
Lecture 2: Classic switch statement
Lecture 3: New switch expression
Lecture 4: Classic for loop
Lecture 5: The for-each loop
Lecture 6: Nested loops and for loops compared
Lecture 7: While and do while loops
Lecture 8: break vs continue statements
Lecture 9: Revisiting variable scoping
Chapter 5: Classes and Objects
Lecture 1: Classes vs Objects
Lecture 2: Class Syntax and object creation
Lecture 3: How object references work
Lecture 4: Things to remember
Lecture 5: Variable shadowing and this reference
Lecture 6: Constructor essentials
Lecture 7: Instance arguments and copy constructors
Lecture 8: Call by value vs call by reference
Chapter 6: Access and Encapsulation
Lecture 1: Packages
Lecture 2: The import statement
Lecture 3: Access modifiers explained
Lecture 4: Access modifiers best practices
Lecture 5: The static modifier
Lecture 6: The final modifier
Lecture 7: Nested classes overview
Lecture 8: Local classes and closure variables
Chapter 7: Inheritance and Polymorphism
Lecture 1: Class Inheritance
Lecture 2: Using Inheritance
Lecture 3: Access modifiers with Inheritance
Lecture 4: The super keyword
Lecture 5: Method overriding
Lecture 6: The Override annotation
Lecture 7: Inheritance example
Lecture 8: Revisiting encapsulation with Inheritance
Lecture 9: Constructor calls with inheritance
Lecture 10: Abstract class
Lecture 11: Abstract methods
Lecture 12: Final with inheritance
Lecture 13: Interfaces
Lecture 14: Interface usages
Lecture 15: Interfaces vs abstract classes
Lecture 16: Default methods in Interfaces
Lecture 17: Interfaces Summary
Lecture 18: Polymorphism explained
Lecture 19: Polymorphism scenarios
Lecture 20: Polymorphism with interfaces
Lecture 21: Casting revisited
Lecture 22: Is a relationship
Lecture 23: The Object class
Lecture 24: The toString method
Lecture 25: The equals method
Chapter 8: Exception Handling
Lecture 1: Exception Handling
Lecture 2: The basic elements of Exception Handling
Lecture 3: The try-catch block
Lecture 4: Execution flow in a try-catch block
Lecture 5: throw and the call stack
Lecture 6: Exception types and hierarchies
Lecture 7: Custom exception classes
Lecture 8: Throwable and inherited methods
Lecture 9: Exception Handling Best Practices
Chapter 9: Next Steps
Lecture 1: Congrats! Here's what we covered…
Lecture 2: Next Steps
Koushik Kothagal
Creator of Java Bains
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 46 votes
- 5 stars: 78 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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