Java Object-Oriented Programming: AP Computer Science B
Java Object-Oriented Programming: AP Computer Science B, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 278 lectures, 12 quizzes, based on 100 reviews, and has 2841 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn object-oriented programming in Java. Study basic algorithms and data structure using Java Meet the course requirements for AP Computer Science B (2nd Semester) Complete review materials for AP Computer Science Exam and College Level Java Programming Courses This course is ideal for individuals who are Working individuals who want to learn data structure and algorithms using Java or Students who want to take AP Computer Science Exam or Programmers who finished the first Java Programming course and seeking for Java Programming course at intermediate level. It is particularly useful for Working individuals who want to learn data structure and algorithms using Java or Students who want to take AP Computer Science Exam or Programmers who finished the first Java Programming course and seeking for Java Programming course at intermediate level. .
Enroll now: Java Object-Oriented Programming: AP Computer Science B
Title: Java Object-Oriented Programming: AP Computer Science B
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 278
Number of Quizzes: 12
Number of Published Lectures: 256
Number of Published Quizzes: 12
Number of Curriculum Items: 290
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 268
Original Price: $49.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn object-oriented programming in Java.
- Study basic algorithms and data structure using Java
- Meet the course requirements for AP Computer Science B (2nd Semester)
- Complete review materials for AP Computer Science Exam and College Level Java Programming Courses
Who Should Attend
- Working individuals who want to learn data structure and algorithms using Java
- Students who want to take AP Computer Science Exam
- Programmers who finished the first Java Programming course and seeking for Java Programming course at intermediate level.
Target Audiences
- Working individuals who want to learn data structure and algorithms using Java
- Students who want to take AP Computer Science Exam
- Programmers who finished the first Java Programming course and seeking for Java Programming course at intermediate level.
[CS 23]
[Please watch all preview videos before signing up this course]
[This is the 2nd semester of College Level Java Course. Please make sure that you have done 1st semester College Level Java equivalent course before signing up this course. You may signed up both at the same time but make sure you have enough capability to handle this course.]
This course covers the second semester of AP Computer Science which includes complete introduction for Java Object-Oriented programming. The course is suitable for people who are seeking for a on-line class for introduction to Java programming, who are preparing for AP Computer Science Exam in high school and who want to sharpen their knowledge in Java.
This part B course includes complete tutorials for Java Object-Oriented Programming, Program Analysis, and introduction to algorithms which included recursive programming, data structure and algorithm development. This course revolutionize the way computer science is taught. Instead of teaching textbook chapter by chapter.
This course will be focused on an example program in each lecture. Lucid big idea in computer science will be introduced by the example program. It is followed by explanation of Java syntax and other language features. Practice questions, quizzes, and programming exercises will be given thereafter to enhance the understanding of the idea and to help to improve programming efficiency and test scores.
A spiral study model is suggested for student to build up good programming habits and shorten learning cycles in programming.
I would proudly say that this is one of the best Java Programming course on-line ever.
In this course, you will get:
(1) On-line lectures (with .pdf slides)
(2) sample programs (in Java)
(3) Quiz and exams (in multiple choice format) with solution
(4) AP format exam with solution.
(5) Free-online textbook access.
(6) Free on-line related information links and book chapters.
(7) Demo programs
(8) Lab projects
(9) Chapter projects.
(10) Facebook Q&A support and Gmail responses.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction (You may skip if you are ready.)
Lecture 1: Overview of this Java Programming Course (AP Edition)
Lecture 2: Overview of AP Computer Science Part 2: OOP/GUI/Algorithms
Lecture 3: Get the College Level Java 1 (AP Computer Science A)
Lecture 4: Think Java
Lecture 5: How to master Java Programming?
Lecture 6: AP Computer Science A Practices by University of Washington & Runestrone
Lecture 7: Installation of Java Software and BlueJ
Lecture 8: Why BlueJ?
Lecture 9: Java 8 Standard Edition Installation Guide 9(Stand-alone Version)
Lecture 10: InlelliJ IDEA, Java JDK 10, and Android Studio
Lecture 11: Java JDK 11
Lecture 12: Eclipse IDE Installation
Chapter 2: Unit 3/Chapter 9: Revisit AP CSA Ch.9 – Classes and Objects
Lecture 1: Class Definition and Object Creation
Lecture 2: Lab Project: Program Styles (Review, skip if done)
Lecture 3: [Java Coffee Break] Objects and Data Encapsulation
Lecture 4: Constructors (Overloading, Overwriting) (revisti)
Lecture 5: Lab Project: Fuel1 (Review, skip if done)
Lecture 6: Reference Variables (Accessing String, Array, ArrayList, and Objects) (revisit)
Lecture 7: Lab Project: Fuel2 (Review, skip if done)
Lecture 8: Scope of Members (Static/Instance, Local/Global) (revisit)
Lecture 9: Lab Project: Fuel3 (Review, skip if done)
Lecture 10: Visibility Modifiers (revisit)
Lecture 11: Lab Project: Fuel4 (Review, skip if done)
Lecture 12: Classes and Objectes (1): Static Members (revisit)
Lecture 13: Lab Project: Fuel5 (Review, skip if done)
Lecture 14: Classes and Objects (2) : Data Encapsulation 1 (revisit)
Lecture 15: Classes and Objects (3): Data Encapsulation 2, Pass Objects to Methods (revisit)
Lecture 16: Classes and Objects (4): Immutable Objects and Classes (revist)
Lecture 17: Static versus Instance Properties
Lecture 18: this Reference (revisit)
Lecture 19: Chapter Project: Catapult Projectile (review, skip if done)
Lecture 20: eC Learning: Quality MOOC STEM Education
Chapter 3: Unit 4/Chapter 10: Object-Oriented Thinking (Examples of Ch. 9 Topics)
Lecture 1: Design of Classes
Lecture 2: Demo Program: Course Class and Coherence
Lecture 3: Demo Program: BMI Class, Completeness and Design Conventions
Lecture 4: Lab Project: BMR class
Lecture 5: Lab Project: Geometric 1
Lecture 6: Demo: Conversion of Structural Program to Object-Oriented Program
Lecture 7: Class Use Relationship (Association, Composition and Aggregation)
Lecture 8: [Java Coffee Break] Class to Class Relationship
Lecture 9: Lab Project: Geometric 2
Lecture 10: Lab Project: Stack Of Integers
Lecture 11: Standard Methods for Object Class
Lecture 12: Use of this Reference
Lecture 13: String, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer I (Separation of Responsibilities)
Lecture 14: String, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer II (Separation of Responsibilities)
Lecture 15: Demo Program: Check Palindrome (String Processing)
Lecture 16: Demo Program: Loan Class
Lecture 17: [Java Coffee Break] Java Top Level Classes
Lecture 18: Lab Project: Geometric 3
Lecture 19: Math Processing I: (Data/Object Type Conversion)
Lecture 20: Lab Project: Raw ArrayList Type and Element Removal in an ArrayList
Lecture 21: Lab Project: Raw ArrayList Type and Element Removal in an ArrayList (Answer)
Chapter 4: Unit 4/Chapter 11: Inheritance and Polymorphism
Lecture 1: Inheritance (Super Class and Subclass)
Lecture 2: super keyword
Lecture 3: Polymorphism
Lecture 4: Overriding and Overloading
Lecture 5: [Java Coffee Break] Inheritance
Lecture 6: Lab Project: Geometric 4
Lecture 7: Demo Program: numbers package
Lecture 8: Casting and instanceof Operator
Lecture 9: Demo Program: equality package
Lecture 10: Dynamic Binding
Lecture 11: Lab Project: Geometric 5
Lecture 12: [Java Coffee Break] Polymorphism and Java Platform-independency
Lecture 13: Base class Constructor (people package)
Lecture 14: The protected Data and Methods (people package: Non-AP Topic)
Chapter 5: Unit 4/Chapter 12: Exception Handling and I/O (Binary I/O Optional)
Lecture 1: Exception-Handling Overview
Lecture 2: Exception Types
Lecture 3: Exception Handling
Lecture 4: Advanced Topics (finally, Rethrowing, and Chained Exceptions)
Lecture 5: Defining Custom Exception Classes
Lecture 6: Assertions
Lecture 7: [Java Coffee Break] Object-Oriented Programming is for Module Management
Lecture 8: Lab Project: Geometric 6
Lecture 9: File Class (Non-AP Topic)
Lecture 10: Stream Class and Basic I/O Concepts (Non-AP Topic)
Lecture 11: Data Stream (Non-AP Topic)
Lecture 12: Buffered Stream (Non-AP Topic)
Lecture 13: Console Stream and Object Stream (Non-AP Topic)
Lecture 14: [Java Coffee Break] Java Core Classes
Lecture 15: Lab Project: Geometric 7 (Non-AP Lab Project)
Lecture 16: Advanced Object Stream (Non-AP Topic)
Lecture 17: Random Access File (Non-AP Topic)
Chapter 6: Unit 4/Chapter 13: Abstract Classes and Interfaces
Lecture 1: Abstract Classes
Lecture 2: Abstract Number Class
Lecture 3: Lab Project: Geometric 8
Lecture 4: Calendar and GregorianCalendar Class (Non-AP Topic)
Lecture 5: Demo Program: absfinal package
Lecture 6: Anonymous Class
Eric Chou
IEEE Senior Member, an engineer and an inventor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 10 votes
- 4 stars: 37 votes
- 5 stars: 48 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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