Java: SOLID Principles and Top Design Patterns
Java: SOLID Principles and Top Design Patterns, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 5, with 52 lectures, 8 quizzes, based on 6 reviews, and has 38 subscribers.
You will learn about *Master* the most important and fundamental design patterns in modern Software Engineering within the *Java* ecosystem Learn and internalize the S.O.L.I.D principles of design like seasoned *Senior Developers* do. Get a deep understanding of the WHAT, WHY, and HOW for those *Fundamental Design Patterns*. Get a full Architectural exposition (with UML) of each pattern as well as *real-world* scenarios with hands-on coding examples for each pattern. Work on and complete Object Oriented *Java* assignments that will push your understanding of those patterns deeper and more fundamentally. Learn how to *identify* the *best pattern* for the given Architectural challenge. This course is ideal for individuals who are *Java* developers who want to learn to Design, Architect, and ultimately develop *better code*. or Developers who want to get a deep understanding of what makes GREAT *Software Architecture*. It is particularly useful for *Java* developers who want to learn to Design, Architect, and ultimately develop *better code*. or Developers who want to get a deep understanding of what makes GREAT *Software Architecture*.
Enroll now: Java: SOLID Principles and Top Design Patterns
Title: Java: SOLID Principles and Top Design Patterns
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 5
Number of Lectures: 52
Number of Quizzes: 8
Number of Published Lectures: 52
Number of Published Quizzes: 8
Number of Curriculum Items: 60
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 60
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- *Master* the most important and fundamental design patterns in modern Software Engineering within the *Java* ecosystem
- Learn and internalize the S.O.L.I.D principles of design like seasoned *Senior Developers* do.
- Get a deep understanding of the WHAT, WHY, and HOW for those *Fundamental Design Patterns*.
- Get a full Architectural exposition (with UML) of each pattern as well as *real-world* scenarios with hands-on coding examples for each pattern.
- Work on and complete Object Oriented *Java* assignments that will push your understanding of those patterns deeper and more fundamentally.
- Learn how to *identify* the *best pattern* for the given Architectural challenge.
Who Should Attend
- *Java* developers who want to learn to Design, Architect, and ultimately develop *better code*.
- Developers who want to get a deep understanding of what makes GREAT *Software Architecture*.
Target Audiences
- *Java* developers who want to learn to Design, Architect, and ultimately develop *better code*.
- Developers who want to get a deep understanding of what makes GREAT *Software Architecture*.
We all want to become better software developers and be able to call ourselves “Software Engineers” or “Software Architects”, but to do that you first have to master a number of design patterns.
This course will put you on a track to that destination.
We will teach you how to recognize when to use specific design patterns to build complex systems in a divide-and-conquer manner so that complexity is reduced and abstracted.
But rather than learning all the design patterns out there, we have curated the most important, top fundamental GoF Design Patterns for you.
All of that in the context of the Javaprogramming language.
We start with full understanding of the S.O.L.I.D Design Principlesand how they in turn relate to those design patterns. We eplain everything in the context of real-world problems as well as specific code examples.
At the end of the course you will get to Architect a solution by coding John Conway’s Game of Life simulation which will run on variety of devices.
Complex software systems are plagued with three major issues:
Timelines are stretched as requirements change.
Multiple developers have a hard time coordinating their efforts.
Code redundancy.
This in turn creates issues with maintenance and overall flexibility for adding new features. In general this means poorly designed systems that are hard to maintain and are not adaptable.
One answer to all the above problems is having a proper design and architecture. Think of a skyscraper being built. There is always a high-level blueprint. This blueprint is used to show everybody involved (from architects to supply chain to construction workers to machinery scheduling etc…) what is being worked on.
Everybody understands and follows the same vision.
A blueprint has a number of commonly understood elements which repeat themselves across many projects. For example all buildings need electrical wiring and plumbing, they might need elevators, and cooling systems, and underground parking lots, and of course stairs. They also usually are connected to the electrical grid and water supply as well as… roads.
All these common elements follow certain standards that have been improved over many many years and across many many projects. They are well understood and can be used almost like recipes.
In Software Engineering we also have a set of elements that repeat themselves across many projects. For example all software applications need to create objects, they need to communicate state change across those objects, they need to be able traverse over collections of those objects. In other words, if you want to be a better developer then you need to become proficient in those elements that have been time-tested. In the Software Engineering world these elements are known as “Design Patterns”
This course will teach students how to recognize when to use specific design patterns to build complex systems in a divide-and-conquer manner so that complexity is reduced and abstracted.
This will help you to design projects in an Architectural manner before any major development happens and can be used to shorten development time and reduce maintenance costs.
Design patterns are important because they are time-tested recipes or solutions to well-known software engineering problems. When creating software applications certain problems recur in a pretty predictable fashion so rather than ‘reinvent’ the wheel we will have an assortment of, if you will, wheels to choose from.
We will teach you this in a slightly different manner than you probably have been taught before. We will take a practical approach (i.e. specific examples) but the power of Design Patterns comes from their ‘concept’ and we will teach you the concept of those design patterns so that you are fully able to change them and modify them to your needs. In addition we will look at how to combine all those patterns into something greater: an architecture.
A well designed Architecture is this magical thing where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
This is what we will strive to teach you.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: What are Design Patterns and why do we need them?
Lecture 2: The Design Patterns Covered in This course.
Lecture 3: The WHY Of Software Architecture.
Lecture 4: Why use UML?
Lecture 5: Organized vs. Unorganized code.
Lecture 6: Setting Up the IDE and Java Environment
Lecture 7: *OPTIONAL*: UML Refresher.
Chapter 2: What makes a Great Architecture?
Lecture 1: Hallmarks of Good Architecture.
Lecture 2: S.O.L.I.D Design Principles.
Lecture 3: SOLID *Practice Session* – Single Responsibility Principle(SRP)
Lecture 4: SOLID *Practice Session* – Open/Closed Principle (OCP)
Lecture 5: SOLID *Practice Session* – Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
Lecture 6: SOLID *Practice Session* – Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
Lecture 7: SOLID *Practice Session* – Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
Chapter 3: Singleton Design Pattern
Lecture 1: Understanding The Singleton Pattern
Lecture 2: Singleton Pattern – Architectural Considerations Part#1 – Simple Approach
Lecture 3: Coding Part #1A – Practical Logger Example using Simple Singleton in Java
Lecture 4: Coding Part #1B- Abstract Logger Example using Simple Singleton in Java
Lecture 5: Coding Part #1C- Full SOLID Logger Example using Simple Singleton in Java
Lecture 6: Singleton Pattern – Thread-Safety Revisited – Better Solutions
Lecture 7: Singleton Pattern – Architectural Considerations Part#2 – Singleton Attacks
Lecture 8: Singleton Pattern – Architectural Considerations Part#3 – Enum Singletons
Lecture 9: Singleton Pattern – Part#1 – **Extra** Coding Exercises
Chapter 4: Factory Method Design Pattern
Lecture 1: Understanding the Factory Method Pattern
Lecture 2: Architectural Considerations for Factory Method Pattern
Lecture 3: Coding the Factory Method Pattern in Java
Lecture 4: Factory Method Pattern Coding Exercises
Chapter 5: Builder Design Pattern
Lecture 1: Understanding Builder Design Pattern
Lecture 2: Architectural Considerations for Builder Design Pattern
Lecture 3: Coding the Builder Pattern in Java
Lecture 4: Builder Design Pattern Coding Exercises
Chapter 6: Adapter Design Pattern
Lecture 1: Understanding the Adapter Design Pattern
Lecture 2: Architectural Considerations for the Adapter Pattern
Lecture 3: Coding the Adapter Pattern in Java
Lecture 4: Adapter Design Pattern Coding Exercises
Chapter 7: Strategy Design Pattern
Lecture 1: Understanding the Strategy Design Pattern
Lecture 2: Architectural Consideration for the Strategy Design Pattern
Lecture 3: Coding the Strategy Design Pattern in Java
Lecture 4: Strategy Design Pattern Coding Exercise
Chapter 8: Observer Design Pattern
Lecture 1: Understanding the Observer Design Pattern
Lecture 2: Architectural Consideration for the Observer Design Pattern
Lecture 3: Coding With Observer Pattern – Chat Application
Lecture 4: Observer Design Pattern Coding Exercise
Chapter 9: State Design Pattern
Lecture 1: Understanding the State Design Pattern
Lecture 2: Architectural Consideration for the State Design Pattern
Lecture 3: Coding With State Pattern Part #1 – Introducing the Media Player Application
Lecture 4: Coding With State Pattern Part #2 – Architecting Media Player Application
Lecture 5: Coding With State Pattern Part #3 – Coding the Media Player Application
Chapter 10: Course Assignment – The Game of Life
Lecture 1: About John Conway's Game Of Life Simulation
Lecture 2: A Word about the "Game of Life" Architecture
Chapter 11: Final Thoughts
Lecture 1: Where do you go from here?
Lecture 2: Thank you!
Piotr Paweska
Software Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
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- 3 stars: 0 votes
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- 5 stars: 6 votes
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