Javascript Complete Guide With Practical Javascript Projects
Javascript Complete Guide With Practical Javascript Projects, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.44, with 86 lectures, based on 8 reviews, and has 87 subscribers.
You will learn about What are Javascript variables, why are they used What is Javascript Boolean Logic How to include JS File in HTML CSS Javascript What is conditional statements (if else, switch case, ternary operator), how to use in Javascript How to write Javascript Functions, what are the differences between Function Decleration and Function Expression What is Javascript loops (for loops, while loops, continue and break statements), how to use them How to create Javascript Arrays, Array methods (push, pop, shift, unshift …), Array iteration How to create Javascript objects, how to update them, object methods What is DOM, how to manipulate DOM in Javascript JavaScript is a text-based computer programming language used to make dynamic web pages. What is JavaScript? JavaScript is a curly-braced, dynamically typed, prototype-based, object-oriented programming language. JavaScript is the programming language that allows users to interact with the websites that they're visiting, making it a very important language for webdevelop What are the main uses of JavaScript? JavaScript is a text-based programming language used for client- and server-side development. React vs. Angular vs. Vue: what is the best JavaScript framework? Choosing the best JavaScript framework for your web project depends on what you are lookingfor What is JSON and what is it used for? Because of the evolution of the JavaScript language, JavaScript has a variety of techniques for creating objects. With all of the different JavaScript IDEs available, the best option depends on how you intend to use it, along with your personal preferences. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who trying to learn JavaScript but: 1) still don't really understand JavaScript, or 2) still don't feel confident to code real apps or Take this course if you want to gain a true and deep understanding of JavaScript or If you're interested in using a library/framework like React, Angular, Vue or Node in the future or Those who want to learn the basics of JavaScript, the world's most popular programming language or If you want to get started with programming: JavaScript is a great first language! or People who want to learn Javascript projects or People who want to learn javascript libraries; react, angular, nodejs or People who want to learn javascript project, react node project, node js projects It is particularly useful for Anyone who trying to learn JavaScript but: 1) still don't really understand JavaScript, or 2) still don't feel confident to code real apps or Take this course if you want to gain a true and deep understanding of JavaScript or If you're interested in using a library/framework like React, Angular, Vue or Node in the future or Those who want to learn the basics of JavaScript, the world's most popular programming language or If you want to get started with programming: JavaScript is a great first language! or People who want to learn Javascript projects or People who want to learn javascript libraries; react, angular, nodejs or People who want to learn javascript project, react node project, node js projects.
Enroll now: Javascript Complete Guide With Practical Javascript Projects
Title: Javascript Complete Guide With Practical Javascript Projects
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.44
Number of Lectures: 86
Number of Published Lectures: 86
Number of Curriculum Items: 86
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 86
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- What are Javascript variables, why are they used
- What is Javascript Boolean Logic
- How to include JS File in HTML CSS Javascript
- What is conditional statements (if else, switch case, ternary operator), how to use in Javascript
- How to write Javascript Functions, what are the differences between Function Decleration and Function Expression
- What is Javascript loops (for loops, while loops, continue and break statements), how to use them
- How to create Javascript Arrays, Array methods (push, pop, shift, unshift …), Array iteration
- How to create Javascript objects, how to update them, object methods
- What is DOM, how to manipulate DOM in Javascript
- JavaScript is a text-based computer programming language used to make dynamic web pages.
- What is JavaScript? JavaScript is a curly-braced, dynamically typed, prototype-based, object-oriented programming language.
- JavaScript is the programming language that allows users to interact with the websites that they're visiting, making it a very important language for webdevelop
- What are the main uses of JavaScript? JavaScript is a text-based programming language used for client- and server-side development.
- React vs. Angular vs. Vue: what is the best JavaScript framework? Choosing the best JavaScript framework for your web project depends on what you are lookingfor
- What is JSON and what is it used for? Because of the evolution of the JavaScript language, JavaScript has a variety of techniques for creating objects.
- With all of the different JavaScript IDEs available, the best option depends on how you intend to use it, along with your personal preferences.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who trying to learn JavaScript but: 1) still don't really understand JavaScript, or 2) still don't feel confident to code real apps
- Take this course if you want to gain a true and deep understanding of JavaScript
- If you're interested in using a library/framework like React, Angular, Vue or Node in the future
- Those who want to learn the basics of JavaScript, the world's most popular programming language
- If you want to get started with programming: JavaScript is a great first language!
- People who want to learn Javascript projects
- People who want to learn javascript libraries; react, angular, nodejs
- People who want to learn javascript project, react node project, node js projects
Target Audiences
- Anyone who trying to learn JavaScript but: 1) still don't really understand JavaScript, or 2) still don't feel confident to code real apps
- Take this course if you want to gain a true and deep understanding of JavaScript
- If you're interested in using a library/framework like React, Angular, Vue or Node in the future
- Those who want to learn the basics of JavaScript, the world's most popular programming language
- If you want to get started with programming: JavaScript is a great first language!
- People who want to learn Javascript projects
- People who want to learn javascript libraries; react, angular, nodejs
- People who want to learn javascript project, react node project, node js projects
Hello there,
Welcome to the ” Javascript Complete Guide With Practical Javascript Projects” course.
JavaScript is a programming language for Front End Web Development beside HTML & CSS. Learn JS with Java Scipt projects
This course is for beginners. Before taking this course, you only need to have a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. In our course, the basics of JavaScript are dealt with in detail, and students are provided to test what they have learned with code quizzes prepared for each subject.
JavaScriptis the number one programming language for internet applications.
Here’s how a JavaScript code works, not just how it works. Because in today’s JavaScript world, besides writing a code, you need to know how to debug this topic and be able to read every written JavaScript code. React, javascript, javascript projects, angular project, angular, react projects, angular projects, react Project, javascript Project, app Project, real World Project, javascript libraries, javascript app
JavaScript is a text-based computer programming language used to make dynamic web pages. A must-learn for aspiring web developers or programmers, JavaScript can be used for features like image carousels, displaying countdowns and timers, and playing media on a webpage. With JavaScript online classes, you can learn to build interactive web applications, choose the best framework, and work with other programming languages like HTML and CSS.
During our course, you will be informed about the basics of JavaScript in detail and how to solve problems.
The most important feature that distinguishes this course from the others is that it deals with the most basic issues about JavaScript in detail and helps students to put what they have learned in theory into practice.
In our course, you can test what you have learned on both MAC and Windows computers. You do not need to purchase any tools or applications as free tools and platforms are used.
During the course, I made sure to explain all the topics that may seem complicated to you as simple and detailed as possible. I have used some diagrams to help you understand better.
What is JavaScript?
JavaScript is a curly-braced, dynamically typed, prototype-based, object-oriented programming language. It started as the programming language for the web and is one of the three layers of standard web technologies — the other two being HTML and CSS. JavaScript allows you to create and control content dynamically on a web page without requiring a page reload. Web browsers are able to interpret it, and when triggered by events, modify the HTML and CSS of a web page with dynamic updates. JavaScript also uses asynchronous calls to fetch data from web services in the background. Although it was initially only used in web browsers, JavaScript engines have since been put to use as servers with Node.js, included in desktop application frameworks like Electron, and embedded in phone frameworks like Apache Cordova.
Why is JavaScript important?
JavaScript is the programming language that allows users to interact with the websites that they’re visiting, making it a very important language for web developers to know. In the past, most developers focused on the backend; JavaScript was only relevant when they needed to use visual effects. As web development evolved and the focus shifted towards user experience, programmers started to rely on JavaScript for their frontend code heavily. Today, most sites use JavaScript to fetch and submit data, use logic, and generate HTML in browsers. JavaScript can also communicate asynchronously with data servers in the background without interrupting the user interaction in the foreground. These features make JavaScript not only an important language but a necessary language for modern web development.
What are the main uses of JavaScript?
JavaScript is a text-based programming language used for client- and server-side development. Web developers have used JavaScript since its inception to add simple interactivity to web pages like modals, animated elements, or image slideshows. While that is still one of its primary uses, Javascript has evolved to building complete web applications. SPAs, or single page applications, depend on JavaScript-based frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue to bring a desktop-like application experience to the browser. However, it’s important to note that web browsers aren’t places that make good use of the programming language. Javascript is also popular for building web services and back-end infrastructure with Node.js. React Native, Xamarin, Ionic, and NativeScript frameworks use JavaScript for developing phone apps as well.
React vs. Angular vs. Vue: what is the best JavaScript framework?
Choosing the best JavaScript framework for your web project depends on what you are looking for. React is a popular framework, which means you will find a lot of community support if you need help. It is also considered relatively easy to learn but is being developed at a rapid pace. Angular is a framework that makes data binding easy so that you can template an application faster. It also uses the RxJS library to simplify asynchronous programming and Typescript (which compiles to JavaScript) for a cleaner, less error-prone development process. Some cons of Angular are that it can have a steep learning curve and can be complex. Vue is a lightweight framework, so it is easy to learn, very performant, and flexible. Some cons of Vue are limited plugins, and its flexibility can lead to irregular code.
What is JSON and what is it used for?
Because of the evolution of the JavaScript language, JavaScript has a variety of techniques for creating objects. But, ultimately in the background, JavaScript is using a syntax called JSON. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and is a standard text-based format used to represent objects in JavaScript. The same basic types of data represented in Javascript can also be represented in JSON, including strings, numbers, arrays, booleans, and JavaScript objects. Although JSON is based on the JavaScript object, it is not just used in JavaScript. It is also used as a format to transfer data from a web browser to a server and vice versa because of the format’s simplicity and small size. The JSON format is used in REST APIs for this purpose and has replaced XML as the standard format for many APIs. Because of this, just about any language you use will have a method of converting data into JSON to interact with REST APIs.
What is AJAX and what is it used for?
AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX is a technology that developers use to create better, faster and more interactive web applications. AJAX uses XHTML for content, CSS to style the page, and JavaScript for controlling content dynamically. AJAX allows you to update a web page without reloading the page (this technique is called a “SPA” or Single Page Application), request data for the page after it has loaded, receive data after the page has loaded, and send data to the server in the background. Despite XML being part of the acronym that makes up AJAX, AJAX can send and receive data in any format, including JSON or plain text. While traditional web applications use synchronous methods to send and receive information from a web server, AJAX can use asynchronous API calls in the background without blocking activity in the browser. AJAX is a data-driven rather than a page-driven technology.
How can I teach myself Javascript?
One of the best ways to learn to write code is through an online course that teaches you how to write JavaScript with an instructor that will explain the code, what versions you should use, and why. Learning to develop a real-world application, with an instructor explaining in a step-by-step fashion, will teach you modern code techniques.
What is the best IDE for Javascript?
With all of the different JavaScript IDEs available, the best option depends on how you intend to use it, along with your personal preferences. Webstorm is a popular JavaScript IDE from JetBrains. It provides fast static code analysis, integrated testing, local history, code refactoring, and debugging. While the IDE requires a paid subscription, many developers swear by it because of its compatibility with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Those searching for a free option might prefer VS Code. This general-purpose, open-source IDE comes with IntelliSense, Git integration, and debugging features built-in. Many third-party extensions are available to add new language and programming features, making it one of the more flexible choices. Atom is another general-purpose IDE that is popular with JavaScript developers. It is also free, open-source, and has third-party extensions to add functionality.
When you complete the course;
How you can operate on variables,
Boolean logic,
How to create a conditional statement,
How you can perform transactions with Loops,
How a function is created and why it needs arguments,
How Arrays and Objects, which are basic data structures, are created,
How DOM Manipulation is done,
You will have learned and had the opportunity to test what you have learned with the code quizzes in our course.
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JavaScript is a programming language for Front End Web Development beside HTML & CSS. Learn JS with Java Scipt projects
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Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Javascript Complete Guide With Practical Javascript Projects
Lecture 1: Welcome To The Javascript World
Lecture 2: Configuration of Code Editor
Lecture 3: Project Files
Chapter 2: Basics of Javascript
Lecture 1: Let’s Dive In
Lecture 2: First Code
Lecture 3: Introduction to Javascript
Lecture 4: Linking a Javascript File
Lecture 5: Values and Variables
Lecture 6: Data Types
Lecture 7: Let, Const and Var Keywords
Lecture 8: Basic Operators
Lecture 9: Operator Precedence
Lecture 10: Strings and Template Literals
Lecture 11: If / Else Statements
Lecture 12: Type Conversion and Coercion
Lecture 13: Truthy and Falsy Values
Lecture 14: Equality Operators
Lecture 15: Booleans
Lecture 16: Logical Operators
Lecture 17: Switch Statement
Lecture 18: Statements and Expressions
Lecture 19: Ternary Operator
Chapter 3: Basics of Javascript Part Two
Lecture 1: Strict Mode
Lecture 2: Functions
Lecture 3: Declarations and Expressions
Lecture 4: Arrow Functions
Lecture 5: Functions Can Call Other Functions
Lecture 6: Recap
Lecture 7: Arrays
Lecture 8: Basic Array Operations
Lecture 9: Objects
Lecture 10: Object Notations
Lecture 11: Object Methods
Lecture 12: The For Loop
Lecture 13: Looping Arrays
Lecture 14: Looping Backwards
Lecture 15: The While Loop
Chapter 4: Javascript in the Browser: DOM and Events Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Project What is in the box?
Lecture 2: DOM ( Document Object Model )
Lecture 3: Selecting and Manipulating Elements
Lecture 4: Click Events
Lecture 5: Game Logic 1
Lecture 6: Game Logic 2
Lecture 7: CSS Styles
Lecture 8: Reset Button
Lecture 9: Highscores
Lecture 10: Refactor
Lecture 11: Project Rock Paper Scissors
Lecture 12: Selecting Elements
Lecture 13: Generate Computer Selection and Make Player Selection
Lecture 14: Display Player and Computer Choices on the Page
Lecture 15: Compare Choices and Get Result
Lecture 16: Update Score and Game Over Functionality
Lecture 17: Reset Game Functionality
Chapter 5: How JavaScript Works Behind the Scenes
Lecture 1: Overview of JavaScript
Lecture 2: JS Engine and Runtime
Lecture 3: How JavaScript Code Execute?
Lecture 4: Scope and Scope Chain
Lecture 5: Variable Environment
Lecture 6: This Keyword
Lecture 7: How The This Keyword Works in Action
Chapter 6: Data Structures, Modern Operators and Strings
Lecture 1: Array Destructuring
Lecture 2: Objects Destructuring
Lecture 3: Spread Operator
Lecture 4: Rest Operator
Lecture 5: Short Circuiting
Lecture 6: Let’s Work with Strings 1
Lecture 7: Let’s Work with Strings 2
Lecture 8: Let’s Work with Strings 3
Chapter 7: Arrays Methods
Lecture 1: Simple Methods
Lecture 2: forEach Loop
Lecture 3: map() Method
Lecture 4: filter() Method
Lecture 5: reduce() Method
Lecture 6: find() Method
Lecture 7: flat() and flatMap() Methods
Lecture 8: Sorting Arrays
Chapter 8: Asynchronous Javascript
Lecture 1: Introduction to Async Javascript
Lecture 2: First AJAX Call
Lecture 3: Request Chain
Lecture 4: Promises and Fetch
Lecture 5: Get Data From Promise
Lecture 6: Promise Chain
Lecture 7: Error Handling of Promises
Lecture 8: Throwing Errors
Chapter 9: Extra
Lecture 1: Javascript Course With Javascript Projects From Scratch
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