Javascript concept and algorithms( Intermediate Level)
Javascript concept and algorithms( Intermediate Level), available at $54.99, with 167 lectures, and has 4 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn advance concept of Javascript Learn EC6, Prototype, Loopholes, async, iterator. Recursion, Deep and shallow copy, Encapsulation. Learn about iterator, Promise, JSON. This course is ideal for individuals who are Front-end Full-stack developer or anyone interested into Javascript for their projects It is particularly useful for Front-end Full-stack developer or anyone interested into Javascript for their projects.
Enroll now: Javascript concept and algorithms( Intermediate Level)
Title: Javascript concept and algorithms( Intermediate Level)
Price: $54.99
Number of Lectures: 167
Number of Published Lectures: 167
Number of Curriculum Items: 167
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 167
Original Price: $49.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn advance concept of Javascript
- Learn EC6, Prototype, Loopholes, async, iterator.
- Recursion, Deep and shallow copy, Encapsulation.
- Learn about iterator, Promise, JSON.
Who Should Attend
- Front-end Full-stack developer or anyone interested into Javascript for their projects
Target Audiences
- Front-end Full-stack developer or anyone interested into Javascript for their projects
This course will be your second Javascript course, we will cover all the different functionality that are not really covered in a beginner course and also the major advanced topic that must be skipped in a beginnner level JS course.
We’ll see ES6 stuff asyncronous context so Promise async and await what is fetch macro task and micro task must come further with also some preovious knowledge of Data Structures what is a queue ,heap etcc
Prototype Chain ,the Object constructor , and all the regarding tricks , also classes exist in JS even to they are not relevant as in other languages ,they are the so to say second version of constructor function.
Data Strucutre in depth unfortunately must be faced for every programmer to really upgrade his level we will cover this topic even tho isn ‘t the purpose of the course and this is related to the fact that we have to learn sorting algorithms , the last topic of this course , we’ll see how to implement several sorting algorithm in JavaScript
So let’s get started you will see the course covers a wide range of topics that will give you a broader understanding of JS and computer science in general.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Presentation of me for those who seek to buy.
Lecture 2: VAR properties and characteristics.
Lecture 3: LET properties and characteristics
Lecture 4: Const type. Properties
Lecture 5: TDZ . Temporal Dead Zone
Lecture 6: Real life example of LET opposed to VAR.
Chapter 2: Function hoisting,arguments, caller , callee, THIS.
Lecture 1: Variable name, function name, argument name. Who has the highest priority?
Lecture 2: Arguments, caller, callee.
Lecture 3: Three ways of redirecting THIS to a function.
Lecture 4: Higher order functions.
Lecture 5: Currying and closures.
Chapter 3: Closure and arrow function.
Lecture 1: Closure.
Lecture 2: Real life application of closure.
Lecture 3: Arrow function sintax
Lecture 4: THIS in an arrow functions
Lecture 5: Application of an arrow function.
Chapter 4: Desctructuring , a new way of setting variables.
Lecture 1: Destructure array
Lecture 2: Destructure object
Lecture 3: Destructure string
Lecture 4: Destructure number, boolean, null and undefined
Lecture 5: Destructure function arguments
Chapter 5: Map and Set : EC6
Lecture 1: Introduction to Map
Lecture 2: Using FOR OF over MAP
Lecture 3: Introduction to SET
Lecture 4: Use case of SET
Chapter 6: Symbol: EC6
Lecture 1: Introduction to Symbol
Lecture 2: Symbol value
Lecture 3: Symbol.for()
Lecture 4: Symbol value as property name
Lecture 5: The Well-Known Symbols
Chapter 7: Iterator and Generator: ES6
Lecture 1: The iteration protocol : the iterable protocol and iterator protocol.
Lecture 2: Creating an iterator
Lecture 3: Generator
Lecture 4: Application of generator
Lecture 5: The method next().
Lecture 6: yield *
Chapter 8: Promise : ES6
Lecture 1: Introduction to Promise
Lecture 2: Promise constructor
Lecture 3: Application of Promise
Lecture 4: The then_able object
Lecture 5: Promise.resolve() and Promise.reject()
Lecture 6: Limits of Promise.resolve() Promise.reject()
Lecture 7: Processing more than one Promise at a time.
Chapter 9: async and await
Lecture 1: async await.
Lecture 2: async await 2nd part
Chapter 10: Reflect and Proxy: from ES6
Lecture 1: Reflect and its methods
Lecture 2: Introduction to Proxy
Lecture 3: Creating private properties with GET Trap
Lecture 4: The SET Trap
Lecture 5: The has and DeleteProperty traps
Lecture 6: How to use a proxy object as prototype
Lecture 7: The defineProperty trap
Lecture 8: The apply Trap
Lecture 9: The constructor Trap
Lecture 10: The Revocable Proxy
Lecture 11: Real-Life Applications
Chapter 11: JSON
Lecture 1: JSON
Chapter 12: ES6 Modules
Lecture 1: Introduction and history
Lecture 2: Let's start with ES6 module system
Lecture 3: How to import
Lecture 4: How to export
Lecture 5: The default export
Lecture 6: What is dynamic reference ? The difference between named and default export.
Lecture 7: How to use ES6 modules in browser environment
Chapter 13: The strict mode
Lecture 1: How to enable the strict mode
Lecture 2: Changes brought by the strict mode
Chapter 14: The Object prototype chain and the prototypal inheritance
Lecture 1: [[Prototype]] or if you like __proto__.
Lecture 2: The prototype property of a constructor
Lecture 3: Real-life applications of the prototype chain
Chapter 15: The Object constructor
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Object constructor
Lecture 2: Object.values(), Object.keys(), Object.entries(), Object.is()
Lecture 3: Object.setPrototypeOf() , Object.assign()
Lecture 4: Object.create() part 1
Lecture 5: Object.create() part 2
Lecture 6: Property Attributes
Lecture 7: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor()
Lecture 8: How to create properties with costumised attributes.
Lecture 9: Object.preventExtensions()
Lecture 10: Object.seal()
Lecture 11: Object.freeze()
Chapter 16: Accessors and their applications
Lecture 1: Getter and Setter Introduction
Lecture 2: Create accessors using Object.defineProperty()
Lecture 3: Two way data binding using getter and setter.
Chapter 17: Constructor.
Paolo Capra
Web Developer
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