JavaScript Mastery 2024: Zero to Expert with Interview Prep
JavaScript Mastery 2024: Zero to Expert with Interview Prep, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 122 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 24 reviews, and has 2346 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn JavaScript from beginner to expert in 2024. Learn JavaScript including interview preparation and hands-on exercises. The basics of JavaScript include variables, operators, if/else statements, boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, loops, strings, and more. Modern OOP features include encapsulation, prototype inheritance, classes, and constructors. DOM manipulation and event handling, including accessing and modifying elements, working with styles and attributes, and handling events Functions, scope, and advanced function concepts like parameters and callbacks. Asynchronous JavaScript, including working with timers, callbacks, and promises and more Learn How JS Works behind the scene This course is ideal for individuals who are Individuals who want to learn JavaScript from scratch and become proficient in it, regardless of their prior programming knowledge. or Ideal for those seeking to confidently tackle JavaScript interviews. or Beginners aspiring to launch their careers in web development and needing a solid foundation in JavaScript to excel in their roles. or Those who have a basic understanding of JavaScript and wish to expand their knowledge, especially in areas such as OOPs, DOM and Asynchronous programming. It is particularly useful for Individuals who want to learn JavaScript from scratch and become proficient in it, regardless of their prior programming knowledge. or Ideal for those seeking to confidently tackle JavaScript interviews. or Beginners aspiring to launch their careers in web development and needing a solid foundation in JavaScript to excel in their roles. or Those who have a basic understanding of JavaScript and wish to expand their knowledge, especially in areas such as OOPs, DOM and Asynchronous programming.
Enroll now: JavaScript Mastery 2024: Zero to Expert with Interview Prep
Title: JavaScript Mastery 2024: Zero to Expert with Interview Prep
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 122
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 122
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 127
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 127
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn JavaScript from beginner to expert in 2024.
- Learn JavaScript including interview preparation and hands-on exercises.
- The basics of JavaScript include variables, operators, if/else statements, boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, loops, strings, and more.
- Modern OOP features include encapsulation, prototype inheritance, classes, and constructors.
- DOM manipulation and event handling, including accessing and modifying elements, working with styles and attributes, and handling events
- Functions, scope, and advanced function concepts like parameters and callbacks.
- Asynchronous JavaScript, including working with timers, callbacks, and promises and more
- Learn How JS Works behind the scene
Who Should Attend
- Individuals who want to learn JavaScript from scratch and become proficient in it, regardless of their prior programming knowledge.
- Ideal for those seeking to confidently tackle JavaScript interviews.
- Beginners aspiring to launch their careers in web development and needing a solid foundation in JavaScript to excel in their roles.
- Those who have a basic understanding of JavaScript and wish to expand their knowledge, especially in areas such as OOPs, DOM and Asynchronous programming.
Target Audiences
- Individuals who want to learn JavaScript from scratch and become proficient in it, regardless of their prior programming knowledge.
- Ideal for those seeking to confidently tackle JavaScript interviews.
- Beginners aspiring to launch their careers in web development and needing a solid foundation in JavaScript to excel in their roles.
- Those who have a basic understanding of JavaScript and wish to expand their knowledge, especially in areas such as OOPs, DOM and Asynchronous programming.
Welcome to the JavaScript Zero to Expert course of 2024 with Interview Preparation! This is a comprehensive, hands-on journey through JavaScript from its fundamentals to advanced concepts. Whether you’re new to programming or looking to deepen your understanding, this course is designed to cater to learners at all levels.
Why Take This Course?
In this course, we’ll cover everything from the basics of JavaScript syntax to advanced topics like object-oriented programming, asynchronous programming, and DOM manipulation. Plus, with our interview preparation series, you’ll be ready to ace JavaScript-related questions in job interviews.
With hands-on exercises, coding challenges, and real-world examples, you’ll get plenty of practice applying what you’ve learned. And with interview preparation videos, you’ll be ready to tackle JavaScript-related questions in job interviews.
Join this new course in 2024 and stay ahead of the curve. From beginners to experienced developers, this course is designed to accommodate all skill levels. With updated content and practical exercises, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of JavaScript that is relevant and applicable in today’s web development landscape. Get ready to elevate your coding skills and create dynamic, interactive web applications with JavaScript in 2024.
Here’s an overview of the topics covered in the course:
Introduction to JavaScript and setting up your development environment
Basics of programming in JavaScript, including variables, data types, and control structures
Working with arrays and objects, including manipulation and iteration
Functions, scope, and advanced function concepts like parameters and callbacks
Important array methods and other useful concepts like iterables, sets, and maps
Object-oriented JavaScript, including classes, inheritance, and prototypes
JavaScript execution, including execution context, hoisting, scope chain, and closures
DOM manipulation and event handling, including accessing and modifying elements, working with styles and attributes, and handling events
Asynchronous JavaScript, including working with timers, callbacks, and promises
Other important topics like error handling, working with APIs, and more
This course is suitable for beginners as well as experienced developers looking to deepen their understanding of JavaScript. Whether you’re looking to build websites, web applications, or backend services, JavaScript is an essential skill, and this course will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: What is JavaScript?
Lecture 2: Why should learn JavaScript in 2024?
Lecture 3: Install NodeJs and VS Code
Chapter 2: JavaScript Basic Fundamental [Part – 1]
Lecture 1: First Program in JavaScript
Lecture 2: Introduction of var keyword
Lecture 3: Naming variables rules in JavaScript
Lecture 4: Introduction of let and const keyword
Lecture 5: String Indexing in JavaScript
Lecture 6: Useful String Methods in JavaScript
Lecture 7: Concate and Template String
Lecture 8: What is typeof Keyword?
Lecture 9: BigInt, null and undefined
Lecture 10: Boolean Datatypes
Lecture 11: What is Truthy and Falsy value?
Lecture 12: If – else Conditional Statement
Lecture 13: Ternary Operator
Lecture 14: What is nested-if ?
Lecture 15: What is and(&&) or(||) operator ?
Lecture 16: Understanding else if in JavaScript
Lecture 17: What is switch keyword?
Chapter 3: JavaScript Basic Fundamental [Part – 2]
Lecture 1: What is For Loop ?
Lecture 2: What is While Loop ?
Lecture 3: What is Do-While Loop ?
Lecture 4: What is continue and break keyword ?
Lecture 5: Introduction of Array
Lecture 6: Array Methods: push, pop, shift, unshift
Lecture 7: Array Methods: includes, indexOf, slice, join, concat
Lecture 8: Clone Array Methods: slice, spread, Array.from, concat
Lecture 9: Iterate Array: For and For of loop
Lecture 10: Iterate Array: For in and While loop
Lecture 11: What is Array Destructuring ?
Lecture 12: Introduction of Object in JavaScript
Lecture 13: How to add or remove values in object
Lecture 14: Iterate Object: For of, For in, Object.keys()
Lecture 15: What is spread operator in Javascript ? Arrays and Objects
Lecture 16: What is Object Destructuring and discuss different method of destructure Object
Lecture 17: Objects: Frequently asked interview questions
Chapter 4: Intermidiate- What is Functions in JavaScript ?
Lecture 1: What is Functions in JavaScript ?
Lecture 2: Functions: return keyword, arguments, parameters, default parameters
Lecture 3: Exploring different ways to Define Functions
Lecture 4: Arrow Function Practice
Lecture 5: What is Rest Parameters in Functions ?
Lecture 6: What is Hoisting and Temporal Dead Zone?
Lecture 7: How to define Functions inside Functions ?
Lecture 8: What is Lexical Scope ?
Lecture 9: What is Function scope and Block scope ?
Lecture 10: What is Params Destructuring ?
Lecture 11: What is Callback Functions ?
Lecture 12: What is Functions return Functions ?
Chapter 5: Intermidiate- Important Array Methods(map,filter,reduce,foreach,some,every,flat)
Lecture 1: Introduction of .map() method
Lecture 2: Introduction of .filter() method
Lecture 3: Introduction of .reduce() method
Lecture 4: Interview based Questions: When use map, filter and reduce methods ?
Lecture 5: What is foreach method ?
Lecture 6: What is .every() method ?
Lecture 7: What is .some() method ?
Lecture 8: Array Methods: .find(), .reverse(), .fill(), .splice()
Lecture 9: Array Methods: .flat()
Lecture 10: What is .sort() method in JavaScript ?
Chapter 6: Intermidiate – More Useful Concepts(Iterables,Sets,Map,Optional Chaining)
Lecture 1: What is Iterables in JavaScript ?
Lecture 2: What is Sets in JavaScript ?
Lecture 3: What is Maps in JavaScript ?
Lecture 4: Interview based questions: Maps and Sets
Lecture 5: What is Option Chaining in JavaScript ?
Chapter 7: Intermidiate-Object Oriented JavaScript(Classes,Methods,Prototype,getset)
Lecture 1: What is .this keyword ?
Lecture 2: What is .call() and .apply() methods in JavaScript ?
Lecture 3: What is .bind() method in JavaScript ?
Lecture 4: .this : What is difference between Arrow function and Regular function ?
Lecture 5: What is the difference between __proto__ and prototype in JavaScript ?
Lecture 6: Introduction of Class in JavaScript
Lecture 7: What is static method in JavaScript ?
Lecture 8: What is Inheritance and Method Overriding in JavaScript ?
Lecture 9: What is getter and setter methods in JavaScript ?
Lecture 10: What is static properties in Class ?
Chapter 8: Advance – How JS works behind
Lecture 1: How JavaScript works ?
Lecture 2: What is Global Execution Context ?
Lecture 3: What happen to function declaration ?
Lecture 4: How Hoisting works ?
Lecture 5: What happen with Function Expression in GEC ?
Lecture 6: Are Let and Const Variables are Hoisted ?
Lecture 7: What is Function Execution Context ?
Lecture 8: What is Scope Chain in JavaScript ?
Lecture 9: What is Clousers in JavaScript ?
Lecture 10: Interview Based Questions : Closures
Chapter 9: Advance – Document Object Model
Lecture 1: What is Document Object Model ?
Lecture 2: More on tree like structure of DOM
Lecture 3: Different ways to attach JS files inside HTML
Aniket Panchal
Instructor at Udemy
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 19 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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