JavaScript & Node.js course for Testers, QA and SDETs – 2024
JavaScript & Node.js course for Testers, QA and SDETs – 2024, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.52, with 125 lectures, 20 quizzes, based on 329 reviews, and has 1835 subscribers.
You will learn about JavaScript and Nodejs fundamentals including rules and syntax Nodejs project set up Functions including callback, arrow and async/await Objects and Array and its use in test automation String manipulation Object Oriented Programming in JS Learn how modules work in Nodejs including import and export File handling using native fs module Error handling and best practices Many real time use cases in Test Automation This course is ideal for individuals who are Test Engineers/Automation Testers or Functional Test Engineers who aspire to start JS based Test Automation or Test Engineers from other language background e,g Java, Python and C# or Automation engineers who want to learn JS or Freshers who want to learn JS for Test Automation or Test Engineers who try to implement/adopt JS based projects in current role It is particularly useful for Test Engineers/Automation Testers or Functional Test Engineers who aspire to start JS based Test Automation or Test Engineers from other language background e,g Java, Python and C# or Automation engineers who want to learn JS or Freshers who want to learn JS for Test Automation or Test Engineers who try to implement/adopt JS based projects in current role.
Enroll now: JavaScript & Node.js course for Testers, QA and SDETs – 2024
Title: JavaScript & Node.js course for Testers, QA and SDETs – 2024
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.52
Number of Lectures: 125
Number of Quizzes: 20
Number of Published Lectures: 123
Number of Published Quizzes: 20
Number of Curriculum Items: 145
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 143
Original Price: $94.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- JavaScript and Nodejs fundamentals including rules and syntax
- Nodejs project set up
- Functions including callback, arrow and async/await
- Objects and Array and its use in test automation
- String manipulation
- Object Oriented Programming in JS
- Learn how modules work in Nodejs including import and export
- File handling using native fs module
- Error handling and best practices
- Many real time use cases in Test Automation
Who Should Attend
- Test Engineers/Automation Testers
- Functional Test Engineers who aspire to start JS based Test Automation
- Test Engineers from other language background e,g Java, Python and C#
- Automation engineers who want to learn JS
- Freshers who want to learn JS for Test Automation
- Test Engineers who try to implement/adopt JS based projects in current role
Target Audiences
- Test Engineers/Automation Testers
- Functional Test Engineers who aspire to start JS based Test Automation
- Test Engineers from other language background e,g Java, Python and C#
- Automation engineers who want to learn JS
- Freshers who want to learn JS for Test Automation
- Test Engineers who try to implement/adopt JS based projects in current role
JavaScript with Node.js have become one of the most popular full stack programming languages.
With no doubt, JavaScripts ranks #1with regard to the availability of test automation tools and frameworks including some of the popular ones – WebdriverIO, Cypress, Playwright, TestCafe, Nightwatch, Mocha, Jest, Jasmine, CodeceptJS and Casper.js and so on.
There goes the reason why a test engineers and SDETs should add JavaScript and Node.js into their career skills.
Why this course?
Covers what is absolutely necessary for test automation
Tool/framework agnostic which works for any JS based tools or framework
All examples are taken from REAL TIME TEST AUTOMATION projects
Suites for beginners or experienced with other language background such as JAVA, Python or C#
100 + quizzes and Exercises provided
The demo code is available in GitHub
HD Video quality
This course specifically addresses the challenges of test engineers who come from different language backgrounds and can easily relate and understand syntax and rules of JavaScript
The course is designed as 6 weeks learning plan:
Week 1:
Node.js project set up
Data types
Week 2:
Strict mode
Conditional Statements
Week 3:
String Manipulation
Week 4:
Arrow functions
Callback functions
Functions – Real time us case
Week 5:
Week 6:
Node.js Essentials
Error Handling
All sections have enough exercise and quizzes so you can practice more and be comfortable in writing effective and less error prone code.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Week1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: JavaScript as a programming language
Chapter 2: Installation and set up
Lecture 1: Node.js installation
Lecture 2: VSCode Installation
Lecture 3: First node project – "Hello, World!"
Lecture 4: Useful extensions
Lecture 5: Comments
Chapter 3: Variables
Lecture 1: Variable definition & syntax
Lecture 2: Variable rules
Lecture 3: var, let and const
Lecture 4: Variable scoping
Chapter 4: Data types
Lecture 1: Data Types
Lecture 2: Literals of each type
Lecture 3: typeof operator
Lecture 4: Data type – different forms
Lecture 5: Trythy, falsy and nullish values
Lecture 6: Data type conversion – inbuilt functions
Lecture 7: Data types – summary
Chapter 5: Week 2: Operators
Lecture 1: Operators Intro and types
Lecture 2: Overall operators
Lecture 3: Assignment operator
Lecture 4: Arithmetic operator
Lecture 5: Comparison operator
Lecture 6: Logical AND (&&)
Lecture 7: Logical OR (||)
Lecture 8: Logical Not (!)
Lecture 9: Logical operator OR – default value
Lecture 10: Ternary operator
Chapter 6: Strict mode
Lecture 1: Strict mode
Chapter 7: Conditional Statements
Lecture 1: Conditional statement intro
Lecture 2: Use case 1: Just If
Lecture 3: Use case 2: If (NOT)
Lecture 4: Use case 3: If and else
Lecture 5: Use case 4: Nested if conditions
Lecture 6: Use case 5: if..else [Inner conditions]
Lecture 7: Use case 6: Use of if conditional in loops
Lecture 8: Switch case – syntax
Lecture 9: Switch case – demo
Chapter 8: Week3:Loops
Lecture 1: Loops – Intro
Lecture 2: Standard for loop – simple use case
Lecture 3: Standard for loop with Array
Lecture 4: Standard for loop – use of break statement
Lecture 5: Loops – forEach
Lecture 6: Loops – while
Lecture 7: Loops – for…in and for…of
Chapter 9: String Manipulation
Lecture 1: String intro
Lecture 2: String – different forms
Lecture 3: Formatting string
Lecture 4: Comparing string
Lecture 5: Extract substring – slice method
Lecture 6: String replace and replaceAll
Lecture 7: Extract substring – split method
Lecture 8: Extract substring – indexOf method
Lecture 9: Use of backslash in string
Chapter 10: Week4: Functions
Lecture 1: Function – intro
Lecture 2: Named function demo
Lecture 3: Annomyous function demo
Lecture 4: Function parameter
Lecture 5: Rest parameters and arguments object
Lecture 6: Return statement
Lecture 7: Self invoking function
Chapter 11: Arrow functions
Lecture 1: Arrow function
Lecture 2: Arrow functions demo
Chapter 12: Callback functions
Lecture 1: What is callback function – quick demo
Lecture 2: Callback function overview
Lecture 3: Understanding callback function – How it works?
Lecture 4: Return statement in callback functions
Lecture 5: Callback function – Summary
Chapter 13: Promises
Lecture 1: Promises – Intro
Lecture 2: Promises demo
Chapter 14: Async/Await
Lecture 1: Aync/Await -Intro
Lecture 2: Async and await demo
Chapter 15: Functions – Real time us case
Lecture 1: Callback – Real time use case
Cope Automation
Test Automation Consultant
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 27 votes
- 4 stars: 114 votes
- 5 stars: 178 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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