JavaScript: The Critical Parts Masterclass
JavaScript: The Critical Parts Masterclass, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.8, with 234 lectures, based on 123 reviews, and has 5968 subscribers.
You will learn about Critical JavaScript Concepts, Practices and Techniques Fundamental JavaScript Concepts: Engine, Heap, Call Stack and Event Loop Object Oriented Programming Functional Programming Critical Asynchronous Coding Patterns All Facets of JavaScript Modules Error Handling Critical JavaScript Shortcuts Execution Context and Lexical Environment Ubiquitous Nature of Objects Scope and Block Scope Type Coercion with Truthy and Falsey Callbacks Keyword this Using call, apply and bind First Class and Higher Order Functions Closure Critical JavaScript Patterns Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs) Prototype Chain Constructors, Factory Functions and Classes Promises and Async Await Static Method for Asynchronous Patterns BigInt Arrow Functions and their Affects on the Keyword this And Much More This course is ideal for individuals who are This course was created specifically for any current JavaScript developer or aspiring JavaScript developer that wants to develop a thorough understanding of JavaScript and how it can be used. A mastery of the concepts and topics in this course will put you in the top of all JavaScript developers. It is particularly useful for This course was created specifically for any current JavaScript developer or aspiring JavaScript developer that wants to develop a thorough understanding of JavaScript and how it can be used. A mastery of the concepts and topics in this course will put you in the top of all JavaScript developers.
Enroll now: JavaScript: The Critical Parts Masterclass
Title: JavaScript: The Critical Parts Masterclass
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.8
Number of Lectures: 234
Number of Published Lectures: 234
Number of Curriculum Items: 234
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 234
Original Price: $94.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Critical JavaScript Concepts, Practices and Techniques
- Fundamental JavaScript Concepts: Engine, Heap, Call Stack and Event Loop
- Object Oriented Programming
- Functional Programming
- Critical Asynchronous Coding Patterns
- All Facets of JavaScript Modules
- Error Handling
- Critical JavaScript Shortcuts
- Execution Context and Lexical Environment
- Ubiquitous Nature of Objects
- Scope and Block Scope
- Type Coercion with Truthy and Falsey
- Callbacks
- Keyword this
- Using call, apply and bind
- First Class and Higher Order Functions
- Closure
- Critical JavaScript Patterns
- Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs)
- Prototype Chain
- Constructors, Factory Functions and Classes
- Promises and Async Await
- Static Method for Asynchronous Patterns
- BigInt
- Arrow Functions and their Affects on the Keyword this
- And Much More
Who Should Attend
- This course was created specifically for any current JavaScript developer or aspiring JavaScript developer that wants to develop a thorough understanding of JavaScript and how it can be used. A mastery of the concepts and topics in this course will put you in the top of all JavaScript developers.
Target Audiences
- This course was created specifically for any current JavaScript developer or aspiring JavaScript developer that wants to develop a thorough understanding of JavaScript and how it can be used. A mastery of the concepts and topics in this course will put you in the top of all JavaScript developers.
This course focusses on and explains thoroughly the critical concepts and best practices in JavaScript. It dives into important fundamentals that often get glossed over. And then takes on the more advanced techniques in JavaScript and explores them deeply. The course not only covers the HOWand WHAT, it also focusses on the WHY in order to increase your understanding. All critical to becoming an advanced JavaScript developer.
If you are somewhat comfortable with JavaScript, you can jump right in at the beginning. With the two included appendices, this courses is also ideal for someone just getting started with JavaScript. The appendices will review basic concepts that this course builds on.
At 25 hours of instruction, you will master JavaScript in a way only top JavaScript developers do. Here is why:
The course is taught by the lead trainer at All Things JavaScript, whose mission is to facilitate your journey from novice to expert.
The course is constantly updated with new content and new topics.
The course focusses on JavaScript, so you learn JavaScript fully without worrying about ancillary technologies.
The course explores how things work under the hood so your understanding is deep and relevant.
The curriculum touches multiple aspects of JavaScript.
The curriculum was developed over a period of several years.
If you want to improve your JavaScript skills, this course is for you!
The topics you will learn in this course are timeless and will continue to serve you for years in a promising career as a JavaScript developer. You will not find a course as detailed and as in-depth as this course. The concepts and topics taught will put you in the top of all JavaScript developers.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: How to be Successful in this Course
Lecture 3: Getting Set Up
Lecture 4: What about Node.js?
Lecture 5: Working with JavaScript Code
Chapter 2: Critical JavaScript Concepts
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: The JavaScript Runtime Environment
Lecture 3: Understanding the JavaScript Engine
Lecture 4: The Memory Heap and Call Stack
Lecture 5: Understanding Garbage Collection
Lecture 6: Removing Event Listeners
Lecture 7: Understanding the Event Loop
Lecture 8: The Node Runtime Environment
Lecture 9: Exercise Start: Exploring Call Stack and Event Loop
Lecture 10: Exercise End: Exploring Call Stack and Event Loop
Lecture 11: How JavaScript Evolves
Chapter 3: Critical Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: The Execution Context
Lecture 3: A Consistent Global Object
Lecture 4: Hoisting
Lecture 5: Function Declarations Versus Function Expressions
Lecture 6: Exercise Start: Function Execution Context
Lecture 7: Exercise End: Function Execution Context
Lecture 8: Lexical Environment
Lecture 9: Scope and the Scope Chain
Lecture 10: Block Scope
Lecture 11: Exercise: Using let in a for Loop
Lecture 12: Creating Constants
Lecture 13: Should You Continue Using var?
Lecture 14: Global Variables and the Danger of the Scope Chain
Lecture 15: Exercise Start: Scope
Lecture 16: Exercise End: Scope
Lecture 17: JavaScript and Data Types
Lecture 18: Objects are Everywhere
Lecture 19: Type Coercion
Lecture 20: Making Use of Truthy and Falsy
Lecture 21: Loose Equality Versus Strict Equality
Lecture 22: Exercise Start: Coercion
Lecture 23: Exercise End: Coercion
Lecture 24: Using the BigInt Type
Lecture 25: Passing Primitives and Objects: Value or Reference?
Lecture 26: Cloning JavaScript Objects
Lecture 27: Exercise: Pass by Reference
Lecture 28: Exercise Start: Pass by Reference and Cloning
Lecture 29: Exercise End: Pass by Reference and Cloning
Lecture 30: Using Strict Mode
Chapter 4: Tricky Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Tricky Fundamentals Introduction
Lecture 2: Callbacks
Lecture 3: Understanding the Keyword this
Lecture 4: Using the Keyword this with Object Methods
Lecture 5: Exercise Start: The Keyword this
Lecture 6: Exercise End: The Keyword this
Lecture 7: Common Issues with the Keyword this
Lecture 8: Using call() and apply()
Lecture 9: Using bind()
Lecture 10: Taking Control of the Keyword this
Lecture 11: Exercise Start: Using call(), apply() or bind()
Lecture 12: Exercise End: Using call(), apply() or bind()
Lecture 13: Arrow Functions
Lecture 14: Solving this Binding with Arrow Functions
Lecture 15: Arrow Functions are NOT for Every Occasion
Chapter 5: Critical Principles and Techniques for Functions
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Functions are First Class Citizens
Lecture 3: Higher Order Functions
Lecture 4: Creating Your Own Higher Order Functions
Lecture 5: Exercise Start: Create Higher Order Function
Lecture 6: Exercise End: Create Higher Order Function
Lecture 7: Closures
Lecture 8: Using Closure with Returned Functions
Lecture 9: Important Features of Closures
Lecture 10: Looking Ahead: The Traditional Module Pattern
Lecture 11: Exercise Start: Closures 1
Lecture 12: Exercise End: Closures 1
Lecture 13: Exercise Start: Closures 2
Lecture 14: Exercise End: Closures 2
Lecture 15: Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs)
Lecture 16: Applying IIFEs
Lecture 17: Exercise Start: IFFEs
Lecture 18: Exercise End: IFFEs
Chapter 6: Critical Fundamentals for Objects
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: The Nature of Objects
Lecture 3: What is a Prototype and Why?
Lecture 4: Prototype Objects are Everywhere!
Lecture 5: Prototype Chains
Lecture 6: Object Properties have Precedence
Chapter 7: Programming Paradigms: An Overview
Lecture 1: Introduction to Programming Paradigms
Lecture 2: Advantages of Programming Paradigms
Chapter 8: Object Oriented Programming
Lecture 1: Getting Started with OOP
Lecture 2: Using Factory Functions to Create Objects
Lecture 3: Using Object.create()
Lecture 4: Using Prototypes with Factory Functions
Lecture 5: Exercise Start: Factory Functions
Steven Hancock
Owner All Things JavaScript
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 26 votes
- 5 stars: 93 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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