Jenkins, From Zero To Hero: Become a DevOps Jenkins Master
Jenkins, From Zero To Hero: Become a DevOps Jenkins Master, available at $109.99, has an average rating of 4.44, with 165 lectures, based on 17527 reviews, and has 139728 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn what is Jenkins and how it works in depth Learn Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment Learn how to integrate Jenkins with Docker, Ansible, AWS, GIT, Email, Maven and more! Learn how to design and build your own Jobs with a bunch of tools Orchestrate the most popular DevOps tools nowadays This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers and DevOps who want to learn agile tools to automate everything or Professionals who have never being in touch with Jenkins before or SysAdmins looking for faster processes or Anyone interested in learning Jenkins It is particularly useful for Developers and DevOps who want to learn agile tools to automate everything or Professionals who have never being in touch with Jenkins before or SysAdmins looking for faster processes or Anyone interested in learning Jenkins.
Enroll now: Jenkins, From Zero To Hero: Become a DevOps Jenkins Master
Title: Jenkins, From Zero To Hero: Become a DevOps Jenkins Master
Price: $109.99
Average Rating: 4.44
Number of Lectures: 165
Number of Published Lectures: 165
Number of Curriculum Items: 165
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 165
Original Price: $99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn what is Jenkins and how it works in depth
- Learn Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
- Learn how to integrate Jenkins with Docker, Ansible, AWS, GIT, Email, Maven and more!
- Learn how to design and build your own Jobs with a bunch of tools
- Orchestrate the most popular DevOps tools nowadays
Who Should Attend
- Developers and DevOps who want to learn agile tools to automate everything
- Professionals who have never being in touch with Jenkins before
- SysAdmins looking for faster processes
- Anyone interested in learning Jenkins
Target Audiences
- Developers and DevOps who want to learn agile tools to automate everything
- Professionals who have never being in touch with Jenkins before
- SysAdmins looking for faster processes
- Anyone interested in learning Jenkins
Jenkins is a powerful and flexible automation tool; It is used to automate almost anything.
Go faster and learn how to build strong automated processes like Pipelines, CI/CD Workflows and more!
In the DevOps World, Jenkins is one of the best cards on the table.
If you want to become an expert in the DevOps world, in the course you will learn in addition to Jenkins, crossing technologies that go hand in hand with this service, such as Docker, AWS, Ansible, Git, Maven, DSL, Pipelines and many more!
Start automating everything, and become a DevOps Master!
Are you interested in venturing into a new world full of agile technologies?
This is the right course for you!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Resources for this course
Lecture 1: Where can I get the samples used in this course?
Chapter 2: Introduction & Installation
Lecture 1: Introduction to the course
Lecture 2: Note: About the Lab
Lecture 3: Start building your Lab – Create a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox
Lecture 4: Start building your Lab – Install CentOs
Lecture 5: Start building your Lab – Configure Putty
Lecture 6: Install Docker
Lecture 7: Install Docker Compose
Lecture 8: Download the Jenkins Docker Image
Lecture 9: Create a Docker Compose file for Jenkins
Lecture 10: Create a Docker Container for Jenkins
Lecture 11: Troubleshooting: Jenkins not coming up?
Lecture 12: Create a local DNS for your Jenkins server
Lecture 13: Note: You should keep using putty
Lecture 14: Learn how to work with Docker and Jenkins
Lecture 15: Bonus
Chapter 3: Getting Started with Jenkins
Lecture 1: Introduction to Jenkins UI
Lecture 2: Hands On! Create your first Jenkins Job
Lecture 3: Keep playing with your first Job
Lecture 4: Redirect your first Job's output
Lecture 5: Learn how to execute a bash script from Jenkins
Lecture 6: Add parameters to your Job
Lecture 7: Learn how to create a Jenkins list parameter with your script
Lecture 8: Add basic logic and boolean parameters
Chapter 4: Jenkins & Docker
Lecture 1: Docker + Jenkins + SSH – I
Lecture 2: Troubleshooting: remote-host image not building correctly?
Lecture 3: Docker + Jenkins + SSH – II
Lecture 4: Docker + Jenkins + SSH – III
Lecture 5: Learn how to install Jenkins Plugins (SSH Plugin)
Lecture 6: Integrate your Docker SSH server with Jenkins
Lecture 7: Run your a Jenkins job on your Docker remote host through SSH
Chapter 5: Jenkins & AWS
Lecture 1: Introduction: MySQL + AWS + Shell Scripting + Jenkins
Lecture 2: Create a MySQL server on Docker
Lecture 3: Install MySQL Client and AWS CLI
Lecture 4: Create a MySQL Database
Lecture 5: Create a S3 Bucket on AWS
Lecture 6: Create a user (IAM) for AWS authentication
Lecture 7: Learn how to take a backup and upload it manually to S3
Lecture 8: Automate the backup and upload process with a shell script
Lecture 9: Integrate your script with AWS CLI
Lecture 10: Learn how to manage sensitive information in Jenkins (Keys, Passwords)
Lecture 11: Create a Jenkins job to upload your DB to AWS
Lecture 12: Execute your Job and be happy!
Lecture 13: Persist the script on the remote host
Lecture 14: Reuse your Job to upload different DB's to different buckets
Chapter 6: Jenkins & Ansible
Lecture 1: Introduction: Jenkins + Ansible
Lecture 2: Install Ansible: Docker + Jenkins
Lecture 3: Make the ssh keys permanent on the Jenkins container
Lecture 4: Create a simple Ansible Inventory
Lecture 5: Create your first Ansible Playbook
Lecture 6: Integrate Ansible and Jenkins (Ansible Plugin)
Lecture 7: Learn how to execute Playbooks from a Jenkins Job
Lecture 8: Power up! Add parameters to Ansible and Jenkins
Lecture 9: Missing the colors? Colorize your playbooks' output
Lecture 10: Challenge: Jenkins + Ansible + MySQL + PHP + NGINX + Shell Scripting
Lecture 11: Create the DB that will hold all the users
Lecture 12: Create a Bash Script to feed your DB – I
Lecture 13: Create a Bash Script to feed your DB – II
Lecture 14: Test your Script inserting the data to the DB
Lecture 15: Start building a Docker Nginx Web Server + PHP – I
Lecture 16: Start building a Docker Nginx Web Server + PHP – II
Lecture 17: Build a table using HTML, CSS and PHP to display users
Lecture 18: Integrate your Docker Web Server to the Ansible Inventory
Lecture 19: Create a Playbook in Ansible to update your web table
Lecture 20: Test your playbook and see the magic!
Lecture 21: Ready? Let's create a Jenkins Job to build everything with a click!
Chapter 7: Jenkins & Security
Lecture 1: Intro – Learn how to Enable/Disable Login in Jenkins
Lecture 2: Allow users to sign up
Lecture 3: Install a powerful security plugin
Lecture 4: Create users manually in the Jenkins DB
Lecture 5: Ever heard about roles? Let's create a Read Only role!
Lecture 6: Assign the role that you created to a particular user
Lecture 7: Create a role to execute jobs, and assign that role to your user
Lecture 8: Learn how to restrict Jobs to users using Project Roles.
Chapter 8: Jenkins Tips & Tricks
Lecture 1: Global environment variables in Jenkins
Lecture 2: Create your own custom global environment variables
Lecture 3: Modify the Jenkins URL
Lecture 4: Meet the Jenkins' cron: Learn how to execute Jobs automatically
Lecture 5: Learn how to trigger Jobs from external sources: Create a generic user
Lecture 6: Troubleshooting: Githooks throwing 403 forbidden errors?
Lecture 7: Trigger your Jobs from Bash Scripts (No parameters)
Lecture 8: Trigger your Jobs from Bash Scripts (With Parameters)
Chapter 9: Jenkins & Email
Lecture 1: Introduction: Jenkins & Email
Lecture 2: Install a Mail Plugin
Lecture 3: Integrate Jenkins and AWS Simple Email Service
Lecture 4: Integrate Jenkins and Gmail
Lecture 5: Add notifications to your jobs
Chapter 10: Jenkins & Maven
Lecture 1: Introduction: Jenkins & Maven
Lecture 2: Install the Maven Plugin
Lecture 3: Install the GIT Plugin
Ricardo Andre Gonzalez Gomez
Linux System Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 387 votes
- 2 stars: 396 votes
- 3 stars: 1844 votes
- 4 stars: 6214 votes
- 5 stars: 8685 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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