Just Express (with a bunch of node and http). In detail.
Just Express (with a bunch of node and http). In detail., available at $94.99, has an average rating of 4.64, with 76 lectures, based on 2746 reviews, and has 13920 subscribers.
You will learn about Express. That's (mostly) all we cover so when you finish, you'll know it! Set up an Express server that can do anything Express can do! Operate that Express Server as a REST API Use that Express Server to render your front-end web pages with EJS, PUG, & handlebars Understand the basics of HTTP and the request/response cycle This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner node developers who want to learn Express but overwhelmed by full MERN or MEAN courses or Beginner node developers who need a review of JUST Express js or Developers who want to go into the various pieces of Express in a little more depth without having to look at the docs or Developers interested in using node as a webserver or using web sockets with Express It is particularly useful for Beginner node developers who want to learn Express but overwhelmed by full MERN or MEAN courses or Beginner node developers who need a review of JUST Express js or Developers who want to go into the various pieces of Express in a little more depth without having to look at the docs or Developers interested in using node as a webserver or using web sockets with Express.
Enroll now: Just Express (with a bunch of node and http). In detail.
Title: Just Express (with a bunch of node and http). In detail.
Price: $94.99
Average Rating: 4.64
Number of Lectures: 76
Number of Published Lectures: 71
Number of Curriculum Items: 76
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 71
Original Price: $49.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Express. That's (mostly) all we cover so when you finish, you'll know it!
- Set up an Express server that can do anything Express can do!
- Operate that Express Server as a REST API
- Use that Express Server to render your front-end web pages with EJS, PUG, & handlebars
- Understand the basics of HTTP and the request/response cycle
Who Should Attend
- Beginner node developers who want to learn Express but overwhelmed by full MERN or MEAN courses
- Beginner node developers who need a review of JUST Express js
- Developers who want to go into the various pieces of Express in a little more depth without having to look at the docs
- Developers interested in using node as a webserver or using web sockets with Express
Target Audiences
- Beginner node developers who want to learn Express but overwhelmed by full MERN or MEAN courses
- Beginner node developers who need a review of JUST Express js
- Developers who want to go into the various pieces of Express in a little more depth without having to look at the docs
- Developers interested in using node as a webserver or using web sockets with Express
You have some notion of what Node, Express, and http are or you wouldn’t be here. Node and back-end JavaScript have taken the world by storm, [SOME BIG COMPANY] moved to node and it changed the world, blah blah blah. One of the first things you’re going to learn in any node course is about the Express module. But how much do you really learn about it? How to render a page in one template engine? How to make a get and a post route? Most MEAN and MERN stacks students I’ve met learned Express in a few breaths and then moved on to MongoDB, MySQL, Angular, React, or whatever was in the rest of the tech stack. What is http anyway? Should I even care? It’s easy to get 2 inches deep and find you’ve accomplished your task, but in fact have no idea why it works or how you’d go further. That, in my opinion, is no good for someone who wants to be a great developer.
I’ve had a lot of students ask for a course on just Express jsbecause they were either overwhelmed when they learned it, or they can’t find any detail on it to go further than beginner knowledge. That’s what this course is for. We will go through the various pieces of Express in detail so you can know why it behaves the way it does and get the most out of it. Express 5 is currently in alpha, so when it hits beta or full release, and as questions come up, the course will expand accordingly!
Note: this course is not a quick path to launch a webapp with Express/Node. You can get that in 10 minutes in many other places. This course is meant to take a longer, deeper look at what Express js actually does.
I’ve been using Express since V.2, in 2012 and have seen it do just about everything. It is one of my favorite node modules and consistently one of the most downloaded on npm. There are other awesome technologies that patch into Express that get easily missed. This course will naturally lead into other things like websockets, webRTC, etc. Prepare for one of the most awesome node modules on npm!
Environment Setup (skip if you have node installed already)
Before Express… – TCP & HTTP, making an express-less node server
Express 101 – Making a basic web sever with Express
Express 201 – Middleware and Rendering
Express 301 – Req & Res revisited, the router, and the express generator
Rendering Project
API Project
Passport (jwt & local strategy still coming)
Best Practices (Coming…)
Supplemental – connecting to various DBs (very basic – only for those already familiar with a database)
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Overview
Lecture 2: All my code (github link)
Chapter 2: Environment Setup (skip if you have node installed already)
Lecture 1: Install node and npm on Mac
Lecture 2: Install node and npm on PC
Chapter 3: Before Express…
Lecture 1: Pre-Express
Lecture 2: How the Internet Works – TCP and UDP
Lecture 3: What is an HTTP request and how does it work?
Lecture 4: Course Housekeeping – How I do Nodejs
Lecture 5: Node/HTTP servers 101
Lecture 6: Serving up routes and static files in plain Node (no fun…)
Lecture 7: Serving up routes and static files… continuted
Chapter 4: Express 101
Lecture 1: What is Express and why should I care?
Lecture 2: Enter Express… the basics
Lecture 3: Basic Routing in Express
Lecture 4: Serving Static Files in Express
Chapter 5: Express 201 – Middleware and Rendering
Lecture 1: Middleware. (It's all Express really is.)
Lecture 2: Putting on your Express helmet, and other awesome Express middleware
Lecture 3: Responding with JSON
Lecture 4: STOP – Time for a Review
Lecture 5: Chose your weapon – API or server side rendering
Lecture 6: Wiring up Express with a view engine
Lecture 7: Note for next video
Lecture 8: Rendering in Express (with EJS) – Part1 of 2
Lecture 9: Rendering in Express (with EJS) – Part2 of 2
Lecture 10: Rendering Engine Option 2. Handlebars
Lecture 11: Rendering Engine Option 3: Pug/Jade
Chapter 6: Express 301 – Req & Res revisited, the router, and the express generator
Lecture 1: Getting data from the request object – forms and cookies
Lecture 2: Getting data from the query string
Lecture 3: Getting data from params (URL wildcards) – req.params and req.param()
Lecture 4: Sending files, and headers already sent!
Lecture 5: The Router
Lecture 6: The Express Generator
Lecture 7: STOP – Checklist Update and Short Review
Lecture 8: Don't fear the HTTP headers!!
Chapter 7: Starter Project – Movie Fan App
Lecture 1: Project Overview
Lecture 2: API key and link for the next lecture
Lecture 3: Project Setup
Lecture 4: Adding the request module
Lecture 5: Putting the data in the template
Lecture 6: Adding the single-movie view
Lecture 7: Adding the search feature
Chapter 8: Project – Building an API
Lecture 1: Project Overview and Setup
Lecture 2: Project structure and routes
Lecture 3: First route and middleware
Lecture 4: Movie Routes and some header work
Lecture 5: Movie Routes and some header work – Continued
Lecture 6: Search Routes with router.use()
Chapter 9: Deploying an Express app
Lecture 1: Apache Reverse Proxy
Chapter 10: Supplemental: Passport
Lecture 1: Intro to Passport
Lecture 2: Overview of OAuth 2.0
Lecture 3: Passport and the github Strategy
Lecture 4: Passport and the Github Strategy – part 2
Chapter 11: Supplemental: DB connection
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Basics of the PostGres module w/Express
Lecture 3: Structuring your DB calls (w/pg)
Lecture 4: The MongoDB module
Lecture 5: The MySQL module
Chapter 12: Browser Directly To S3, (with Express's help)
Lecture 1: Browser Directly To S3, (with Express's help)
Chapter 13: Supplamental – Uploading files to Express with Multer
Lecture 1: Express view to Express Route
Lecture 2: React to Express
Lecture 3: Express to S3 – Legacy
Chapter 14: Monthly Challenges
Lecture 1: Refresh challenge 1
Lecture 2: Refresh challenge 1 – My Solution
Lecture 3: Express API architecture refresh challenge 2
Lecture 4: Express API architecture refresh challenge 2 – My solution
Lecture 5: Challenge 3 – Rate limiting
Lecture 6: Challenge 3 – rate limiting – my solution
Lecture 7: Advanced challenge 4 – https
Lecture 8: Advanced challenge 4 – https – solution
Lecture 9: Challenge 5 – logging
Lecture 10: Challenge 5 – logging – options
Robert Bunch
Code school instructor, software architect and engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 12 votes
- 2 stars: 26 votes
- 3 stars: 152 votes
- 4 stars: 808 votes
- 5 stars: 1748 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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