Kafka for Developers – Data Contracts using Schema Registry
Kafka for Developers – Data Contracts using Schema Registry, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 54 lectures, based on 121 reviews, and has 1468 subscribers.
You will learn about Introduction to AVRO and its advantages of using them for sharing messages between applications Publish AVRO records using Kafka Producer Introduction to Schema Registry Consume AVRO records using Kafka Producer Use Schema Registry to register the AVRO Schema Learn how Kafka Producer and Consumer interacts with the Schema Registry Enforce Data Contracts using Schema Registry Evolve AVRO schema using Schema Registry Build Spring Boot Kafka Producer and Consumer applications that uses AVRO as a serialization format and interacts with Schema Registry This course is ideal for individuals who are Experienced Java Developers or Developers interested in learning AVRO and how to exchange data between applications using AVRO and Kafka or Developers who are interested in learning about Schema Registry and how it fits in to the Kafka or Developers who are interested in learning techniques to evolve the data It is particularly useful for Experienced Java Developers or Developers interested in learning AVRO and how to exchange data between applications using AVRO and Kafka or Developers who are interested in learning about Schema Registry and how it fits in to the Kafka or Developers who are interested in learning techniques to evolve the data.
Enroll now: Kafka for Developers – Data Contracts using Schema Registry
Title: Kafka for Developers – Data Contracts using Schema Registry
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 54
Number of Published Lectures: 54
Number of Curriculum Items: 54
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 54
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Introduction to AVRO and its advantages of using them for sharing messages between applications
- Publish AVRO records using Kafka Producer
- Introduction to Schema Registry
- Consume AVRO records using Kafka Producer
- Use Schema Registry to register the AVRO Schema
- Learn how Kafka Producer and Consumer interacts with the Schema Registry
- Enforce Data Contracts using Schema Registry
- Evolve AVRO schema using Schema Registry
- Build Spring Boot Kafka Producer and Consumer applications that uses AVRO as a serialization format and interacts with Schema Registry
Who Should Attend
- Experienced Java Developers
- Developers interested in learning AVRO and how to exchange data between applications using AVRO and Kafka
- Developers who are interested in learning about Schema Registry and how it fits in to the Kafka
- Developers who are interested in learning techniques to evolve the data
Target Audiences
- Experienced Java Developers
- Developers interested in learning AVRO and how to exchange data between applications using AVRO and Kafka
- Developers who are interested in learning about Schema Registry and how it fits in to the Kafka
- Developers who are interested in learning techniques to evolve the data
This course is structured to give you a theoretical and coding experience of Building Kafka Applications using AVRO and Schema Registry.
If you are looking forward to learning the below-listed things:
Techniques that are available to evolve the data between the applications that uses Kafka as a Streaming Platform
Use a compact data format like AVRO to exchange data between the applications
Use Schema Registry and its benefits
Enforcing Data Contracts between applications that uses Kafka as a Streaming Platform
Handle Data evolution gracefully using Schema Registry
Then this is the right course for you. This is a pure hands-on oriented course where you will be learning the concepts through code.
By the end of this course, you will have a complete understanding of these concepts:
Use AVRO as a data serialization format
Evolution of the data using Schema Registry
Getting Started with Kafka
In this section, I will give you all an introduction to the course and what to expect from this course.
Data Contract & Serialization in Kafka
Learn “How serialization is connected to Kafka” and how it benefits the overall Kafka architecture.
We will look into different Serialization formats and the support for Schema in AVRO, Protobuf and Thrift
Introduction to AVRO – A data serialization system
An introduction to AVRO and why AVRO is popular to work with Kafka and Schema Registry.
Learn to build a simple AVRO schema.
Kafka Setup & Demo in Local Using Docker
In this section , we will setup Kafka in local, Produce and Consume messages using Kafka Console Producer and Consumer.
Greeting App – Base AVRO Project SetUp – Gradle
We will set up the base project for the greeting app which we can use to generate the Java Classes from the Greetings schema using Gradle build tool.
Greeting App – Base AVRO Project SetUp – Maven
We will set up the base project for the greeting app which we can use to generate the Java Classes from the Greetings schema using Maven build tool.
Build AVRO Producer and Consumer in Java
We will learn to build a Kafka Producer to publish AVRO records in to the Kafka topic.
We will learn to build a Kafka Consumer to consume AVRO records from the Kafka topic.
CoffeeShop Order Service Using AVRO – A Real time use Case
We will build a AVRO schema for a real time use case and build Kafka Producers and Consumers to it.
Logical Types in AVRO
I will cover the different logical types in AVRO and how to use them.
AVRO Record- Under the Hood
Anatomy of an AVRO record when the data is published and consumed as AVRO record
Schema Changes in AVRO
Demonstration of how the consumer breaks with changing business requirements
Data Evolution using Schema Registry
Cover the different techniques of evolving a Schema with the changing business requirements.
I will cover the different Compatibility techniques to share data between the producer and consumer applications
Backward Compatibility
Forward Compatibility
Full Compatibility
None Compatibility
Schema Naming Strategies
I will cover the different naming strategies for Schema and how its impacts the application events.
TopicName Strategy
RecordName Strategy
TopicRecordName Strategy
Build a Coffee Order Service using SpringBoot & Schema Registry
In this section, we will code and build a Spring Boot Kafka application that exchanges the data in an AVRO format and interacts with Schema Registry for data evolution.
Build a RestFul service to publish the events through which we receive events through the rest interface and then publish them to Kafka
By the end of this course, you will have a complete understanding of these concepts:
Use AVRO as a data serialization format
Evolution of the data using Schema Registry
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting Started with the Course
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Pre-requestites
Chapter 2: Course Slides
Lecture 1: Course Slides
Chapter 3: Data Contract and Serialization in Kafka
Lecture 1: Data Contract & Serialization in Kafka
Lecture 2: Serialization Formats
Chapter 4: Introduction to AVRO – A data serialization system
Lecture 1: Introduction to AVRO – What is AVRO and Why AVRO?
Lecture 2: Build a simple AVRO Schema
Chapter 5: Kafka Setup & Demo in Local Using Docker
Lecture 1: Set up Kafka Broker and Zookeeper using Docker Compose
Lecture 2: Producer and Consumer Messages using CLI
Lecture 3: Produce and Consume using AVRO Console Producer & Consumer
Chapter 6: Greeting App – Base AVRO Project SetUp – Gradle
Lecture 1: Base Project SetUp for Greeting App
Lecture 2: Generate AVRO Java Records using AVRO Schema Files
Chapter 7: Greeting App – Base AVRO Project SetUp – Maven
Lecture 1: Base Project SetUp for Greeting App – Maven
Lecture 2: Generate AVRO Java Records using AVRO Schema Files – Maven
Chapter 8: Build AVRO Producer and Consumer in Java
Lecture 1: Lets build AVRO Kafka Producer
Lecture 2: Lets build AVRO Kafka Consumer
Chapter 9: CoffeeShop Order Service Using AVRO – A Real time Use Case
Lecture 1: Application Overview
Lecture 2: Project SetUp for CoffeeShop – Gradle
Lecture 3: Project SetUp for CoffeeShop – Maven
Lecture 4: Build a Coffee Order Schema using AVRO
Lecture 5: Generating AVRO classes using Gradle
Lecture 6: Generating AVRO classes using Maven
Lecture 7: Build a CoffeeShop Order Producer
Lecture 8: Build a CoffeeShop Order Consumer
Chapter 10: Logical Schema Types in AVRO
Lecture 1: Introduction to Logical Types in AVRO
Lecture 2: Add a timestamp, decimal logical type to the CoffeeOrder Schema
Lecture 3: Adding the UUID as Key for CoffeeOrder
Lecture 4: Date Logical Type
Chapter 11: AVRO Record- Under the Hood
Lecture 1: Whats inside an AVRO Record ?
Chapter 12: Schema Changes in AVRO – Issues without Schema Registry
Lecture 1: Evolving the Schema – Consumer Fails to Read the new Schema
Chapter 13: Introduction to Schema Registry
Lecture 1: Introduction to Schema Registry
Lecture 2: Publish and Consumer Record using Schema Registry
Lecture 3: Schema Registry internals & Interacting with Schema Registry using REST Endpoint
Lecture 4: Publish and Consume "Key" as an AVRO record
Chapter 14: Data Evolution using Schema Registry
Lecture 1: Data Evolution & Schema Evolution
Lecture 2: Update the code to interact with mavenLocal Repository – Gradle
Lecture 3: Update the code to interact with mavenLocal Repository – Maven
Lecture 4: Deleting a Field in Schema – BACKWARD Compatibility
Lecture 5: Adding a new Field in Schema – FORWARD Compatibility
Lecture 6: Add/Delete Optional Fields – FULL Compatibility
Lecture 7: Modify Field Names – NONE Compatibility
Chapter 15: Schema Naming Strategies
Lecture 1: Different Types of Naming Strategies
Lecture 2: Coffee Update Event AVRO Schema
Lecture 3: Publish and Consume CoffeeOrder UpdateEvent using RecordNameStrategy
Chapter 16: Build a Coffee Order Service using SpringBoot & Schema Registry
Lecture 1: Overview of the app
Lecture 2: Setting up the base project – Gradle
Lecture 3: Setting up the base project – maven
Lecture 4: Build the DTOs for the CoffeeOrderService
Lecture 5: Build the POST endpoint for the CoffeeOrderService – /coffee_orders
Lecture 6: Build the Service layer to map the DTO to AVRO domain object
Lecture 7: Configure the Kafka Producer properties in Coffee Order Service
Lecture 8: Build KafkaProducer to publish the CoffeeOrder Events
Lecture 9: Build the Coffee Order Consumer
Lecture 10: Build the PUT endpoint for the CoffeeOrderService – PUT /coffee_orders/{id}
Pragmatic Code School
Technology Enthusiast, Online Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 9 votes
- 4 stars: 36 votes
- 5 stars: 72 votes
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