Kotlin for Beginners: Learn Programming With Kotlin
Kotlin for Beginners: Learn Programming With Kotlin, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.39, with 79 lectures, 34 quizzes, based on 4453 reviews, and has 21286 subscribers.
You will learn about Create professional applications using Kotlin, the new Java-based programming language developed by Jetbrains Understand the concepts of the Kotlin language and how it integrates neatly with Java Understand the basics of object-oriented software development, the most important development paradigm Understand the principles behind other object-oriented languages like Java, C++, PHP, C#, Scala, or Swift Use Intellij, the popular Java (and Kotlin) IDE, to write code effectively and professionally Read code and write your Kotlin code as well This course is ideal for individuals who are You do not need programming skills, we will start from scratch and slowly make our way to intermediate and more advanced topics or You should be excited to learn an awesome new programming language! or You will need basic skills in handling a PC, so you should know how to install and run applications on your computer. or Android developers who want to get started with Kotlin It is particularly useful for You do not need programming skills, we will start from scratch and slowly make our way to intermediate and more advanced topics or You should be excited to learn an awesome new programming language! or You will need basic skills in handling a PC, so you should know how to install and run applications on your computer. or Android developers who want to get started with Kotlin.
Enroll now: Kotlin for Beginners: Learn Programming With Kotlin
Title: Kotlin for Beginners: Learn Programming With Kotlin
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.39
Number of Lectures: 79
Number of Quizzes: 34
Number of Published Lectures: 66
Number of Published Quizzes: 34
Number of Curriculum Items: 113
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 100
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create professional applications using Kotlin, the new Java-based programming language developed by Jetbrains
- Understand the concepts of the Kotlin language and how it integrates neatly with Java
- Understand the basics of object-oriented software development, the most important development paradigm
- Understand the principles behind other object-oriented languages like Java, C++, PHP, C#, Scala, or Swift
- Use Intellij, the popular Java (and Kotlin) IDE, to write code effectively and professionally
- Read code and write your Kotlin code as well
Who Should Attend
- You do not need programming skills, we will start from scratch and slowly make our way to intermediate and more advanced topics
- You should be excited to learn an awesome new programming language!
- You will need basic skills in handling a PC, so you should know how to install and run applications on your computer.
- Android developers who want to get started with Kotlin
Target Audiences
- You do not need programming skills, we will start from scratch and slowly make our way to intermediate and more advanced topics
- You should be excited to learn an awesome new programming language!
- You will need basic skills in handling a PC, so you should know how to install and run applications on your computer.
- Android developers who want to get started with Kotlin
>> This is the only Udemy course that is referenced from the official Kotlin website as well as the official Android developers website for people who want to learn Kotlin, whether for Android or other purposes!
>> Learn programming in Kotlin, the most beautiful modern programming language based on Java!
>> Join this beginner-friendly course to learn to write code with an awesome and easy-to-learn language!
>> Expand your expertise as a Java or Android Developer and improve the quality of your code!
>> I’ll answer every question you have, help you personally if you get stuck and listen to your feedback! Join 15,000+ happy students of mine on Udemy!
This course will teach you programming in Kotlin!We begin with the basics so this course is completely suitable for beginners. You will put what you learn into practice in several coding challenges. So at the end, you’ll be able to create your own applications in Kotlin.
If you’re an Android developer, you can use this course to get up to speed with this awesome language. Kotlin will allow you to maintain a cleaner and more expressive code base, use concepts that go beyond even Java 8, and write more robust apps for Android.
Topics covered include:
Variables & nullable types (null safety)
Conditionals: if and when
Loops: for and while
Object orientation: classes, objects, interfaces, inheritance etc.
Data classes (a handy feature in Kotlin)
UPDATE: more object-orientation + binary and hexadecimal numbers
UPDATE: the information hiding principle + generics
This course also covers object-orientation, the major development paradigm you need to grasp in today’s world. But we will also look at functional programming concepts that will make your life much easier.
Once you understand these, you will also be able to understand other object-oriented languages, including Java, PHP, C++, C#, Scala, or Swift. They all use this same basic paradigms.
So get in now to help shape this course and become part of the community inside!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome!
Lecture 1: Introduction (What You're Going To Get Out Of This Course!)
Lecture 2: How To Make The Most Of This Course
Chapter 2: What is Kotlin?
Lecture 1: A Brief Overview
Lecture 2: Try It Out In 30 Seconds!
Chapter 3: Getting the Tools
Lecture 1: Downloading the JDK
Lecture 2: Downloading IntelliJ
Lecture 3: Setting up IntelliJ
Chapter 4: Getting Started With Kotlin!
Lecture 1: Using Kotlin Interactively in REPL
Lecture 2: Variables
Lecture 3: Primitive Types & Strings
Lecture 4: Expressions vs. Statements
Lecture 5: Nullable Variables
Lecture 6: Your First Stand-Alone App
Chapter 5: Conditional Statements
Lecture 1: Conditional Statements Using "if"
Lecture 2: Conditional Statements Using "when"
Lecture 3: When to Use "if" vs "when"
Lecture 4: Conditional Expressions
Lecture 5: More Advanced "when" Constructs
Lecture 6: Coding Challenge: Conditionals
Chapter 6: Arrays and Lists
Lecture 1: Arrays vs. Lists
Lecture 2: Arrays in Kotlin
Lecture 3: Lists in Kotlin
Chapter 7: Lucky Loop
Lecture 1: "for" Loops
Lecture 2: "while" Loops
Lecture 3: Using "break" and "continue" Statements
Lecture 4: Naming loops
Lecture 5: Coding Challenge: Using Loops
Chapter 8: Congrats Novice!
Lecture 1: Congratulations!
Lecture 2: Coding Challenge: Loops, Lists and Conditionals
Chapter 9: Functions
Lecture 1: Functions
Lecture 2: Code Along: Reversing A List
Chapter 10: Object-Oriented Programming — Part I
Lecture 1: Starting with Object-Orientation
Lecture 2: Your First Class
Lecture 3: Methods
Lecture 4: Constructors
Lecture 5: Coding Challenge: Classes
Lecture 6: Named Parameters & Default Values
Lecture 7: Open Classes and Inheritance
Lecture 8: Abstract Classes
Lecture 9: Open vs. Abstract
Lecture 10: Interfaces
Chapter 11: Object-Oriented Programming — Part II
Lecture 1: Overriding Rules
Lecture 2: Data Classes
Lecture 3: Coding Challenge: Putting It All Together!
Lecture 4: Objects / Singletons
Lecture 5: Basic Enums
Lecture 6: Packages
Lecture 7: Imports
Chapter 12: Binary & Hexadecimal Numbers
Lecture 1: Hexadecimal Numbers & The Color Enum
Lecture 2: Binary Numbers & The Color Enum
Lecture 3: Bitwise Operators
Chapter 13: Object-Oriented Programming — Part III
Lecture 1: The Principle of Information Hiding
Lecture 2: Properties II: Getters and Setters
Lecture 3: Visibilities
Lecture 4: Generics
Peter Sommerhoff
Developer & Software Engineer – With 45,000+ Happy Students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 35 votes
- 2 stars: 50 votes
- 3 stars: 415 votes
- 4 stars: 1681 votes
- 5 stars: 2272 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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