Kubernetes (:2018) -A Comprehensive Course
Kubernetes (:2018) -A Comprehensive Course, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 2.65, with 76 lectures, based on 126 reviews, and has 1981 subscribers.
You will learn about Be able to understand, deploy and use Kubernetes Be able to administer Kubernetes Get started with Containerization and run those containers on Kubernetes Create Kubernetes pods, deployments, and services What is container orchestration Understand the World of Microservices This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who want to understand how Kubernetes works and being used or Software Developer who want to improve their develop/testing/deployment skill or Anyone who want deploy their application through container technology or Anyone who want to understand how Docker works and being used in the software development world or Learn the latest Docker version and kubernetes It is particularly useful for Anyone who want to understand how Kubernetes works and being used or Software Developer who want to improve their develop/testing/deployment skill or Anyone who want deploy their application through container technology or Anyone who want to understand how Docker works and being used in the software development world or Learn the latest Docker version and kubernetes.
Enroll now: Kubernetes (:2018) -A Comprehensive Course
Title: Kubernetes (:2018) -A Comprehensive Course
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 2.65
Number of Lectures: 76
Number of Published Lectures: 73
Number of Curriculum Items: 76
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 73
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Be able to understand, deploy and use Kubernetes
- Be able to administer Kubernetes
- Get started with Containerization and run those containers on Kubernetes
- Create Kubernetes pods, deployments, and services
- What is container orchestration
- Understand the World of Microservices
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who want to understand how Kubernetes works and being used
- Software Developer who want to improve their develop/testing/deployment skill
- Anyone who want deploy their application through container technology
- Anyone who want to understand how Docker works and being used in the software development world
- Learn the latest Docker version and kubernetes
Target Audiences
- Anyone who want to understand how Kubernetes works and being used
- Software Developer who want to improve their develop/testing/deployment skill
- Anyone who want deploy their application through container technology
- Anyone who want to understand how Docker works and being used in the software development world
- Learn the latest Docker version and kubernetes
Currently Kubernetes is the hottest infrastructure technology in the planet .It is often referred as Linux of cloud !If you want to push your career ahead and work with one of the coolest technology than this course is for you !
Containerization is the most important and useful technique in todays world.People along with business and organisations are looking for an easy way to manage their apps.No one needs to do so much work when managing business applications.There is a great need for organizations to scale up to growing number of applications.The best way is to automate this. Kubernetes is the best answer for the same.This container is very flexible , highly reliable and can be automated in the most efficient way.This course would Completely guide you on how to use Kubernetes and get the best out !This course will help you to gain understanding how to deploy, use, and maintain your applications on Kubernetes. If you are into DevOps, this is a technology you need to master. Kubernetes has gained a lot of popularity lately and it is a well sought skill by companies.Happy Coursing !!!!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Background and top features
Lecture 3: Brief Overview
Lecture 4: The architecture -theory
Lecture 5: key design principles
Lecture 6: Kubernetes-Installation 1
Lecture 7: Kubernetes-Installation 2
Lecture 8: Kubernetes -Installation 3
Lecture 9: Kubernetes -Installation 4
Lecture 10: Kubernotes-Installation 5
Lecture 11: GKE,K in AWS
Lecture 12: Install Kops &AWS CLI
Lecture 13: Kubernetes-installation 6
Lecture 14: Kubernetes -Installation 7-setting up C
Lecture 15: Kubernetes Pod 1
Lecture 16: Kubernetes Pod 2
Lecture 17: Kubernetes Pod 3
Lecture 18: Kubernetes Pod 4
Lecture 19: Kubernetes-RS
Lecture 20: RS- manifest
Lecture 21: Replica set dive in 1
Lecture 22: Replica Set Dive in 2
Chapter 2: Kubernetes – Deployment
Lecture 1: Deployment 1
Lecture 2: Deployment 2-Updating a deployment
Lecture 3: Deployment 3-a
Lecture 4: Theory
Lecture 5: Deployment 3-b
Lecture 6: Deployment 3-c
Lecture 7: Deployment -YAML 1
Lecture 8: Creating a POD using YAML
Lecture 9: Creating a deployment using YAML
Chapter 3: Kubernetes networking
Lecture 1: Services -1
Lecture 2: Services-2
Lecture 3: Services -3
Lecture 4: Services-4
Chapter 4: Auto scaling Kubernetes
Lecture 1: How to use ?
Chapter 5: Use cases for Kubernetes
Lecture 1: Deployment Targets in the enterprise
Chapter 6: Kubernetes Command walk over …..
Lecture 1: Lesson 1
Lecture 2: Lesson 2
Lecture 3: Lesson 3
Lecture 4: Lesson 4
Lecture 5: Lesson 5
Lecture 6: Lesson 6
Lecture 7: Lesson 7
Lecture 8: Lesson 8
Lecture 9: Lesson 9
Lecture 10: Lesson 10
Lecture 11: Lesson 11
Lecture 12: Lesson 12
Lecture 13: Lesson 13
Lecture 14: Lesson 14
Lecture 15: Lesson 15
Chapter 7: Networking services
Lecture 1: Lesson 1
Lecture 2: Lesson 2
Lecture 3: Lesson 3
Lecture 4: Lesson 4
Lecture 5: Lesson 5 -closure
Chapter 8: Rolling out updates and new features
Lecture 1: Lesson 1
Lecture 2: Lesson 2
Lecture 3: Lesson 3
Lecture 4: Lesson 4-Summary
Chapter 9: kubernetes best practices & Istio container
Lecture 1: Alibaba Cloud -Implementation of Blue green release
Lecture 2: Deploy High Reliability Ingress controller
Lecture 3: Upgrade loadbalancer Ingress service
Lecture 4: Upgrade loadbalancer Ingress service
Lecture 5: Install Instio-Alibaba cloud
Lecture 6: Swarm -Alibaba Cloud
Lecture 7: OSSFS Data volume-how to share word press attachment across diff containers
Lecture 8: Logstash
Lecture 9: use elastic search and kibana
Lecture 10: elastic search and kibana -contd
Lecture 11: Build Concord CI
Lecture 12: Output.tf
XEH Academy
Former Instructor@ Microsoft,Cisco, GE, HP & JP Morgan Chase
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 22 votes
- 2 stars: 10 votes
- 3 stars: 16 votes
- 4 stars: 18 votes
- 5 stars: 60 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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