Kubernetes for Microservices and Managing Distributed Apps
Kubernetes for Microservices and Managing Distributed Apps, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 3.67, with 72 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 9 reviews, and has 93 subscribers.
You will learn about Create a container from your existing source code, and make your application ready to run on any Kubernetes-supported Cloud. Set up and use a modern DevOps workflow that takes care of updating existing deployments when new code is checked into the source code repo. Build resilient, scalable and highly available distributed applications running on any platform on-premise or in the cloud. Secure your distributed applications by using container’s built-in security features. Use Kubernetes secrets to protect confidential data such as passwords and certificates. Monitor and troubleshoot your application running in production and allow the application to self-heal. Update any service of your application at any time without causing downtime using rolling updates, blue-green deployments or canary releases. Avoid cascading failures in your highly distributed application by anticipating failure and coding defensively. Use Docker Compose to simulate a production like an environment on your personal development laptop or workstation. Create a continuous delivery pipeline with the power of Kubernetes. Develop, test and debug code while it is running inside a container. This course is ideal for individuals who are Software Developers, Architects, DevOps professionals, and experienced Software Engineers who: or Want to take advantage of the power of Kubernetes and are interested in running code or applications in a cluster environment. or Use Docker and Kubernetes to solve many of the hard problems they run into with distributed applications. or Want to keep track of their application components, orchestrate and administrate them in a consistent way. It is particularly useful for Software Developers, Architects, DevOps professionals, and experienced Software Engineers who: or Want to take advantage of the power of Kubernetes and are interested in running code or applications in a cluster environment. or Use Docker and Kubernetes to solve many of the hard problems they run into with distributed applications. or Want to keep track of their application components, orchestrate and administrate them in a consistent way.
Enroll now: Kubernetes for Microservices and Managing Distributed Apps
Title: Kubernetes for Microservices and Managing Distributed Apps
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 3.67
Number of Lectures: 72
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 72
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 75
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 75
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create a container from your existing source code, and make your application ready to run on any Kubernetes-supported Cloud.
- Set up and use a modern DevOps workflow that takes care of updating existing deployments when new code is checked into the source code repo.
- Build resilient, scalable and highly available distributed applications running on any platform on-premise or in the cloud.
- Secure your distributed applications by using container’s built-in security features.
- Use Kubernetes secrets to protect confidential data such as passwords and certificates.
- Monitor and troubleshoot your application running in production and allow the application to self-heal.
- Update any service of your application at any time without causing downtime using rolling updates, blue-green deployments or canary releases.
- Avoid cascading failures in your highly distributed application by anticipating failure and coding defensively.
- Use Docker Compose to simulate a production like an environment on your personal development laptop or workstation.
- Create a continuous delivery pipeline with the power of Kubernetes.
- Develop, test and debug code while it is running inside a container.
Who Should Attend
- Software Developers, Architects, DevOps professionals, and experienced Software Engineers who:
- Want to take advantage of the power of Kubernetes and are interested in running code or applications in a cluster environment.
- Use Docker and Kubernetes to solve many of the hard problems they run into with distributed applications.
- Want to keep track of their application components, orchestrate and administrate them in a consistent way.
Target Audiences
- Software Developers, Architects, DevOps professionals, and experienced Software Engineers who:
- Want to take advantage of the power of Kubernetes and are interested in running code or applications in a cluster environment.
- Use Docker and Kubernetes to solve many of the hard problems they run into with distributed applications.
- Want to keep track of their application components, orchestrate and administrate them in a consistent way.
Kubernetes is a powerful tool which helps you in orchestrating, automate, deploy, scale, and manage containerized applications, giving you the freedom to take advantage of on-premise and cloud infrastructures. With Docker containers, your applications can run smoothly without you worrying about the environment where they run!
This comprehensive 3-in-1 Course is packed with step-by-step instructions, working examples and focuses on how to deploy, scale, and maintain your distributed applications with Kubernetes. To begin with, you’ll get an introduction to basic concepts (Nodes, Pods, Replica Sets, Containers, etc) with which you’ll learn to write cloud-native applications that can run anywhere. You’ll create a continuous delivery pipeline with the power of Kubernetes and learn how to troubleshoot your application deployment on Kubernetes. Finally, you’ll build resilient, scalable and highly available distributed applications running on any platform on-premise or in the cloud using Kubernetes and Docker.
By the end of this course, you’ll learn all about Kubernetes and Docker to deploy, scale, maintain and secure your distributed applications.
Contents and Overview
This training program includes 3 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.
The First Course, Kubernetes for Developers covers how to develop, run, test, and deploy your applications in the cloud. This course will give you detailed instructions, real-world examples, and helpful advice. We will begin by learning to set up the development environment on your local machine. Then move on to package your code into Kubernetes and manage container lifecycles. Once you get a grip on understanding the RBAC Authorization, very easily explore the monitoring techniques with Prometheus and troubleshoot your service account. Finally, you will learn to create a cluster in your Google Cloud Environment and deploy your application in production. By the end of this video, you will develop, run, test, and deploy your application in the cloud, utilizing the power of Kubernetes to its full potential.
The Second Course, Develop and Operate Microservices on Kubernetes,covers how to deploy, scale, and maintain your distributed applications with Kubernetes. The goal of this course is to walk you through the process of getting familiar with Kubernetes and its way of doing things. The course is designed to get you through the process of becoming familiar with the Kubernetes environment in order to be able to deploy, configure, and manage the environment where the services are going to run. You will go through examples based on the author’s real-world experience in working with Kubernetes while building complex distributed architectures. We focus on deploying services that need to store data and learn how Kubernetes Persistent Volumes can be used to create deployments that guarantee data resiliency. Moving on, we learn how to give services access to connection strings, usernames, passwords, and other sensitive information using Kubernetes Secrets. By the end of the course, you will have mastered the best practices and leveraged some of the latest DevOps technologies to increase agility and decrease time-to-market for the services you have built.
The Third Course, Hands-On Kubernetes and Docker for Distributed Applications,covers how to ship and run distributed applications anywhere with Docker. This course shows you how Docker can be used to isolate your application services and their dependencies into a single self-contained unit that can reliably run anywhere. You will learn to build, ship and run distributed applications on any platform using Kubernetes as the orchestrator. By the end of this course, you will be able to use Docker and Kubernetes to build distributed applications that are scalable, resilient, fault-tolerant and secure. Furthermore, you will be able to deploy these applications to any Kubernetes cluster running on any platform on-premise or in the cloud.
By the end of this course, you’ll learn all about Kubernetes and Docker to deploy, scale, maintain and secure your distributed applications.
About the Authors
● Jan Stomphorstis a senior solution architect with more than 20 years’ experience in the automation industry; he creates the best solutions for his customers. He uses advanced technology solutions to help developers create stable continuous pipelines and develop systems for 100% uptime. He is a Docker and Kubernetes expert. He supports several customers with on-premise and in-the-cloud Kubernetes strategies.
● Anand Totalais a software developer in India, with a bachelor’s in computer science. He has Programmed in C, C++, Python and well versed with containerization technology and DevOps Tools like Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Ansible, etc. He is also contributing to OpenStack cinder component.
● Gabriel N. Schenker has more than 25 years of experience as an independent consultant, architect, leader, trainer, mentor, and developer. Currently, Gabriel works as Senior Curriculum Developer at Confluent after coming from a similar position at Docker. Gabriel has a Ph.D. in Physics, and he is a Docker Captain, a Certified Docker Associate, and an ASP Insider. When not working, Gabriel enjoys time with his wonderful wife Veronicah and his children.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Kubernetes for Developers
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: Installation of kubectl, Minikube (Kubernetes), and Docker
Lecture 3: What Is Kubernetes and Why Do We Need It?
Lecture 4: Introduction to Basic Concepts: Nodes, Pods, and Containers
Lecture 5: Introduction to Basic Concepts : Replica Sets, Deployments and Services
Lecture 6: What a Container Image Is, How to Build a Container?
Lecture 7: Example Code in Node.js Compiled into a Container
Lecture 8: Example Code in Golang Compiled into a Container
Lecture 9: Create Your Images for Use Within Kubernetes – Uploading to a Registry
Lecture 10: Run Commands in Your Container, and Get Debugging Logs, Running on Local Docker
Lecture 11: Pod and Deployment Lifecycle, along with Pod Lifecycle Hooks
Lecture 12: How Labels and Annotations Work with the Kubernetes Infrastructure
Lecture 13: Deployments – Creating a Rollout of Your Pod
Lecture 14: Persistent Storage
Lecture 15: Handle Arguments and Configuration Values Like ConfigMap and Environment Variabl
Lecture 16: Services – Connecting Your Pod (Deployment) to the Outside World
Lecture 17: Role and ClusterRole and Namespaces
Lecture 18: Creating a Service Account and Binding This into the Deployment (Pod)
Lecture 19: Referring to Resources, Aggregated ClusterRoles
Lecture 20: Creating a User for Kubernetes
Lecture 21: Set Up and Run Prometheus
Lecture 22: Set Up and Run Grafana from Prometheus to Build Custom Dashboards
Lecture 23: Logging off Your Application Using a Sidecar Container
Lecture 24: Troubleshooting the Pod and/or Deployment
Lecture 25: Create a Kubernetes Cluster at GCE
Lecture 26: Deploying Application/Pod in GCE
Lecture 27: Success
Chapter 2: Develop and Operate Microservices on Kubernetes
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: Setting Up Minikube
Lecture 3: Deploying a Microservice
Lecture 4: Service Resiliency and Scalability
Lecture 5: Using ReplicaSets
Lecture 6: Connecting Services
Lecture 7: HTTP Connectivity with Ingress
Lecture 8: Managing the Application Lifecycle with Deployments
Lecture 9: Stateful Services and Storage Drivers
Lecture 10: Working with Persistent Volumes
Lecture 11: Automatic Volume Provisioning
Lecture 12: Using StatefulSets
Lecture 13: Using ConfigMaps
Lecture 14: Inject Configuration Files into Pods
Lecture 15: Keeping Secrets
Lecture 16: Characteristics of a CI/CD Pipeline
Lecture 17: Configuring CD with GitLab
Lecture 18: Setting Up Helm
Lecture 19: Using Helm in CI
Chapter 3: Hands-On Kubernetes and Docker for Distributed Applications
Lecture 1: Course Overview
Lecture 2: Introduction to the sample application
Lecture 3: Authoring a Dockerfile for Each Application Service
Lecture 4: Develop, Test and Debug a Service Running in a Container
Lecture 5: Minimizing Docker Images Using Multi-Stage Docker Builds
Lecture 6: Using Docker Compose to Run and Troubleshoot Our Distributed Application Locally
Lecture 7: Stateless versus Stateful Services
Lecture 8: Why You Should Create Stateless Services at All Costs
Lecture 9: Stateful Services Are Hard – Deal with Persistent State
Lecture 10: Build Stateful Services That Are Resilient and Scalable
Lecture 11: Storage Latency versus Storage Availability, versus Storage Cost
Lecture 12: What is Sensitive Data and How to Deal with It?
Lecture 13: Using Kubernetes Secrets
Lecture 14: Dealing with Secrets in Development
Lecture 15: How to Use External Secrets Such as HashiCorp’s Vault
Lecture 16: Signing Your Docker Images
Lecture 17: Logging the Right Way
Lecture 18: Implementing Health and Availability Checks
Lecture 19: Defensive Coding Techniques to Increase Resiliency
Lecture 20: How to Make Your Services Scalable
Lecture 21: Enabling Zero Downtime Updates
Lecture 22: Quick Review of Kubernetes Pods, ReplicaSets, Deployments, and Services
Lecture 23: Creating Kubernetes Deployment Templates
Lecture 24: Using Kubernetes as Orchestrator
Lecture 25: Deploying your Application On-Premise or in the Cloud
Lecture 26: Peek into Two Hosted Kubernetes SaaS Offerings by Microsoft Azure & Google Cloud
Packt Publishing
Tech Knowledge in Motion
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 3 votes
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