Kubernetes Hands-On – Deploy Microservices to the AWS Cloud
Kubernetes Hands-On – Deploy Microservices to the AWS Cloud, available at $109.99, has an average rating of 4.63, with 201 lectures, based on 7639 reviews, and has 53912 subscribers.
You will learn about Deploy containers to a Kubernetes Cluster Run Kubernetes in AWS using either EKS or Kops Monitor a live Kubernetes cluster using Prometheus and Grafana Analyse system-wide logs using the ELK Stack (ElasticStack); Kibana and ElasticSearch Handle Alerts in a Kubernetes cluster by notifying Slack Channels Understand how Requests and Limits work in Kubernetes Use Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling Configure Ingress Control on a live Kubernetes deployment Understand Kubernetes StatefulSets Integrate Kubernetes with a Continuous Deployment System (CD) Use Helm to Manage Charts and to Dynamically Update your Kubernetes YAML This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone wanting to use Kubernetes on live production projects or We will be using AWS in the later sections of the course (optional); all AWS concepts are explained so this is a great start if you're new to the cloud, but be aware that AWS do charge for usage. It is particularly useful for Anyone wanting to use Kubernetes on live production projects or We will be using AWS in the later sections of the course (optional); all AWS concepts are explained so this is a great start if you're new to the cloud, but be aware that AWS do charge for usage.
Enroll now: Kubernetes Hands-On – Deploy Microservices to the AWS Cloud
Title: Kubernetes Hands-On – Deploy Microservices to the AWS Cloud
Price: $109.99
Average Rating: 4.63
Number of Lectures: 201
Number of Published Lectures: 186
Number of Curriculum Items: 201
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 186
Original Price: $27.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Deploy containers to a Kubernetes Cluster
- Run Kubernetes in AWS using either EKS or Kops
- Monitor a live Kubernetes cluster using Prometheus and Grafana
- Analyse system-wide logs using the ELK Stack (ElasticStack); Kibana and ElasticSearch
- Handle Alerts in a Kubernetes cluster by notifying Slack Channels
- Understand how Requests and Limits work in Kubernetes
- Use Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
- Configure Ingress Control on a live Kubernetes deployment
- Understand Kubernetes StatefulSets
- Integrate Kubernetes with a Continuous Deployment System (CD)
- Use Helm to Manage Charts and to Dynamically Update your Kubernetes YAML
Who Should Attend
- Anyone wanting to use Kubernetes on live production projects
- We will be using AWS in the later sections of the course (optional); all AWS concepts are explained so this is a great start if you're new to the cloud, but be aware that AWS do charge for usage.
Target Audiences
- Anyone wanting to use Kubernetes on live production projects
- We will be using AWS in the later sections of the course (optional); all AWS concepts are explained so this is a great start if you're new to the cloud, but be aware that AWS do charge for usage.
Kubernetes is one of the hottest topics right now, and engineers with Kubernetes skills are in big demand.
Get those skills with this course! It’s is a great chance to work on a real Kubernetes project, and to get yourself to a high professional standard on real projects.
All the way through the course you’ll be working on realistic requirements – but you don’t need to be a coder or know any particular programming language – I’ve prepared for you a set of Docker images, and your job is to use Kubernetes to get these images running.
The system is a Microservice-based architecture, and along the way, we’ll look at design decisions and trade-offs you need to make when managing these complex systems. Note the course isn’t about how to design Microservices (although we’ll certainly be talking about that); the development work is done and we need to get the system running on a production cluster.
We’ll also discover that the developers have made some bad mistakes in their code, by analyzing the run time performance of the cluster!
You can do the first part of the course on your local development computer (PC/Mac/Laptop). The second part (from Chapter 13 onwards) moves to the cloud. You’ll use a real AWS account, and we go-ahead to set up monitoring with the ELK/Elastic Stackand monitor with Prometheus and Grafana.
The course now supports EKS,the AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service,but we also show how to use the alternative system, called Kops. The pros and cons of each are explained in detail.
I’ve designed this course for a wide audience – whether you’re a DevOps engineer, a developer, or if you’re quite new to the whole field, I’ll explain everything along the way. Just some basic knowledge of working with computers, and maybe a bit of command-line experience will suffice.
You will need an AWS account for a part of the course if you want to work on the system yourself. If you’re new to AWS then don’t worry, I’ve got you covered -but Amazon will charge you for running the system (as with all/most cloud providers). Expect to pay no more than around 10USD for this (this is a safe overestimate), but you are expected to manage this spend yourself and you must delete your Kubernetes cluster at the end of your session. Don’t let that put you off, it’s a great investment.
You can absolutely just watch the AWS videos if you’d prefer not to incur these costs – you will still learn plenty!
As always, I’m here to answer questions and I aim to respond within 48 hours.
Good luck!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to Kubernetes Microservices course
Lecture 2: Code for the course
Lecture 3: Support for Apple M1 ,M2 users
Chapter 2: Welcome to Kubernetes
Lecture 1: Introducing Kubernetes
Lecture 2: Hands-on Project
Chapter 3: Installing a Local Kubernetes for Development
Lecture 1: Options for Installing Kubernetes
Lecture 2: Installing Docker Desktop for Kubernetes
Lecture 3: Running Kubernetes Inside Docker Desktop
Lecture 4: Using Minikube (as an alternative)
Lecture 5: Choosing a Minikube Driver
Chapter 4: (optional) Docker Quickstart
Lecture 1: Important note for anyone with Docker/Docker Desktop installed
Lecture 2: Docker Overview
Lecture 3: Docker Containers vs Images
Lecture 4: Attention Apple M1/M2 Users!
Lecture 5: Running Containers from DockerHub
Chapter 5: Kubernetes Pods
Lecture 1: Pods Overview
Lecture 2: Writing a Pod
Lecture 3: Running a Pod
Chapter 6: Services in Kubernetes
Lecture 1: Important note for Docker Desktop and Driver Users
Lecture 2: Services
Lecture 3: NodePort and ClusterIP
Lecture 4: Pod Selection with Labels
Chapter 7: Exercise: Deploy ActiveMQ as a Pod and Service to Kubernetes
Lecture 1: Extra note for Docker Desktop users
Lecture 2: Exercise: Deploy ActiveMQ as a Pod and Service
Chapter 8: Kubernetes ReplicaSets
Lecture 1: ReplicaSets
Lecture 2: Writing a ReplicaSet
Lecture 3: Applying a ReplicaSet to Kubernetes
Chapter 9: Kubernetes Deployments
Lecture 1: Deployments Overview
Lecture 2: Managing Rollouts
Chapter 10: Networking and Service Discovery
Lecture 1: Networking Overview in Kubernetes
Lecture 2: A quick note about DNS pods
Lecture 3: Namespaces – kube-system
Lecture 4: Note for M1 Architectures
Lecture 5: Accessing MySQL from a Pod
Lecture 6: Cygwin extra – fixing the terminal with winpty
Lecture 7: If you have a problem with MySql in the next video
Lecture 8: Service Discovery
Lecture 9: Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN)
Chapter 11: Microservice Architectures
Lecture 1: minikube with VirtualBox/HyperV users only – possible resource problems!
Lecture 2: An Introduction to Microservices
Lecture 3: Introduction to Microservices Part 2
Lecture 4: Fleetman Microservices – setting the scene
Lecture 5: Deploying the Queue
Lecture 6: Deploying the Position Simulator
Lecture 7: Inspecting Pod Logs
Lecture 8: Deploying the Position Tracker
Lecture 9: Deploying the API Gateway
Lecture 10: Deploying the Webapp
Chapter 12: Kubernetes Persistence and Volumes
Lecture 1: Persistence
Lecture 2: Upgrading to a Mongo Pod
Lecture 3: Mongo Service
Lecture 4: Expanding the Minikube VM
Lecture 5: Volume Mounts
Lecture 6: Volumes
Lecture 7: PersistentVolumeClaims
Lecture 8: StorageClasses and Binding
Chapter 13: Running Kubernetes on the AWS Cloud
Lecture 1: Warning
Lecture 2: Getting started with AWS
Lecture 3: Managing a Cluster in the Cloud
Lecture 4: EKS vs Kops – Which to Choose?
Lecture 5: Pricing Differences – EKS vs Kops (prices correct mid 2020)
Lecture 6: Choose Your Own Adventure!
Chapter 14: KOPS – Running Kubernetes on the AWS Cloud
Lecture 1: This Section is for Kops!
Lecture 2: Introducing Kops – Kubernetes Operations
Lecture 3: Installing the Kops Environment – 2021 Update
Lecture 4: Configuring your first cluster
Lecture 5: Running the Cluster
Chapter 15: EKS – Running Kubernetes on the AWS Cloud
Lecture 1: This section is for EKS
Lecture 2: Getting started with EKS
Lecture 3: Install eksctl and AWS CLI
Lecture 4: Configure the AWS credentials
Lecture 5: Install kubectl
Lecture 6: Changing the instance types
Lecture 7: Start the cluster
Chapter 16: Operating your Cluster
Lecture 1: This section is for both EKS and Kops
Lecture 2: Extra Steps for EKS Users
Lecture 3: A note for if you were developing on a Mac M1 or Mac M2
Lecture 4: Provisioning SSD drives with a StorageClass
Lecture 5: Warning – problems with AWS LoadBalancers
Lecture 6: Note for Kops users
Lecture 7: A note for Mac users on Apple silicon
Lecture 8: Deploying the Fleetman Workload to Kubernetes
Lecture 9: Setting up a real Domain Name
Lecture 10: Surviving Node Failure
Richard Chesterwood
Software developer at VirtualPairProgrammers -
Virtual Pair Programmers
Instructor at Udemy -
Prageeth Warnak
Lead Software Architect
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 37 votes
- 2 stars: 60 votes
- 3 stars: 369 votes
- 4 stars: 2186 votes
- 5 stars: 4986 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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