Laravel doctor appointment system
Laravel doctor appointment system, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 86 lectures, based on 167 reviews, and has 1054 subscribers.
You will learn about How to make web application How to integrate admin template How to design database for this web application A complete doctor appointment booking system You will learn how to integrate popular JavaScript libraries to enhance the user interface and user experience of your application This course is ideal for individuals who are A beginner and intermediate PHP/Laravel developer It is particularly useful for A beginner and intermediate PHP/Laravel developer.
Enroll now: Laravel doctor appointment system
Title: Laravel doctor appointment system
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 86
Number of Published Lectures: 86
Number of Curriculum Items: 86
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 86
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to make web application
- How to integrate admin template
- How to design database for this web application
- A complete doctor appointment booking system
- You will learn how to integrate popular JavaScript libraries to enhance the user interface and user experience of your application
Who Should Attend
- A beginner and intermediate PHP/Laravel developer
Target Audiences
- A beginner and intermediate PHP/Laravel developer
This course was recorded in Laravel version 7
This is a doctor appointment web-based application made with laravel which you might have used in your daily life to book an appointment with the doctor. The booking application has three types of users namely patient, doctor, and admin.
The patient will be able to book an appointment with his doctor. In the frontend, we have a date through which the patient can filter the available doctors on a particular date. He can book a specific time for a particular date which will be also shown inpatient dashboard later. The patient dashboard also shows whether he has visited to doctor or not. If yes, he will see the medicine prescribed by the doctor on his dashboard. He can also update his profile.
Admin can create and update the doctor’s information. Admin can filter the patients and see who has booked an appointment on a particular date. He can toggle the status of the patient as visited/not visited. Admin can create departments and update and delete them. As an admin, he can get the information about the system on his dashboard. The information such as how many doctors are working in his clinic? how patients have made an appointment? How many departments are in the clinic? etc.
As a doctor, he can create an appointment time for a particular date. Each time slot is in the difference of 20min ie: patients can book an appointment with a doctor for a max 20min. He can update the time slot as well.
He can check how many patients have made an appointment on a particular date by filtering through the date. Finally, he can prescribe medicine to patients.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Project scenario
Chapter 2: Setup
Lecture 1: Before we start
Lecture 2: setup
Lecture 3: install laravel
Lecture 4: install laravel 8
Lecture 5: Target class not found error solution in laravel 8
Chapter 3: Download code
Lecture 1: download project code
Chapter 4: integrate admin template
Lecture 1: make link to css,js and image
Lecture 2: splitting single file into different files
Lecture 3: explaning the concept of master file
Chapter 5: migraton of users and roles
Lecture 1: migration of user and roles table
Lecture 2: add extra column to existing table
Lecture 3: create first user
Chapter 6: Doctor crud
Lecture 1: create doctor form
Lecture 2: validation part1
Lecture 3: validation part 2 and store doctor record
Lecture 4: get list of doctors in datatable
Lecture 5: show information in bootstrap modal
Lecture 6: fix error
Lecture 7: edit doctor form
Lecture 8: update doctor information
Lecture 9: code refactor
Lecture 10: delete doctor
Lecture 11: sidebar
Lecture 12: adding conditions to get only doctors and admin but no patients
Chapter 7: Login and middleware
Lecture 1: login and middleware
Chapter 8: Doctor time slot
Lecture 1: doctor appointment time design discussion
Lecture 2: desing time slot
Lecture 3: finalize the design
Lecture 4: creation of table for appointments
Lecture 5: appointment store
Lecture 6: validation of the appointment time slot
Lecture 7: get appointment time slots
Lecture 8: mark checked if exist
Lecture 9: update appointment time
Lecture 10: doctor middleware and sidebar
Lecture 11: show doctor all his appointment
Lecture 12: redirect doctor to dashboard
Chapter 9: Frontend design
Lecture 1: frontend design part1
Lecture 2: frontend design part2
Lecture 3: frontend design part3
Chapter 10: Doctors and Filter
Lecture 1: get list of doctors
Lecture 2: show all appointment time slots
Lecture 3: display checkbox and display doctor information
Lecture 4: filters and find doctors
Lecture 5: fix dashboard routes
Chapter 11: Booking
Lecture 1: migration of the booking table
Lecture 2: patient book an appointment part1
Lecture 3: adding extra field to bookings table
Lecture 4: store users appointment
Lecture 5: don't give user to make multiple appointment
Lecture 6: sending email notification
Lecture 7: get my appointments
Chapter 12: (Optional) Implement vue js at frontend to filter doctors
Lecture 1: install vue js datepicker and moment js
Lecture 2: vue js date picker part 2
Lecture 3: vue js date picker part 3
Lecture 4: vue js datepicker with laravel part 4
Lecture 5: vue js loader and disable past days
Chapter 13: Profile of patients
Lecture 1: patient profile design
Lecture 2: update profile of patient
Lecture 3: upload profile picture
Lecture 4: protect patient routes with middleware
Chapter 14: admin
Lecture 1: list of patients who made an appointment
Lecture 2: filter patients by date
Lecture 3: update patients status
Lecture 4: get all patients and work on sidebar
Chapter 15: Prescription
Lecture 1: create prescriptions table
Lecture 2: prescription controller
Lecture 3: make a prescription form
Lecture 4: fixing error
Lecture 5: dynamically generate input filed vuejs
Lecture 6: store prescription
Lecture 7: getting only my patients
Lecture 8: show view prescription button
Lecture 9: prescription link
Lecture 10: get all patients from prescription table
Lecture 11: patients prescription in patients dashboard
Lecture 12: dashboard analytics
Chapter 16: Department
Lecture 1: store and get department
Lecture 2: update and delete department
Lecture 3: sidebar and update doctor form
Chapter 17: conclusion
Lecture 1: conclusion
Ranjeet Karki
Software Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 24 votes
- 4 stars: 55 votes
- 5 stars: 78 votes
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