Learn and Understand D3.js for Data Visualization
Learn and Understand D3.js for Data Visualization, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.78, with 92 lectures, based on 1652 reviews, and has 11317 subscribers.
You will learn about Create stunning data visualizations using D3 and SVG Understand selections to manipulate the DOM using D3 Learn about layouts to build various charts and graphs Add transitions and animations to your graphs for a more interesting user experience Use scales to help make your visuals work on any browser or device. Understand the enter and exist modes in D3 Create responsive charts and graphs This course is ideal for individuals who are Journalists who would like to tell a story through data visualization. or Developers who wish to take their skills and profit to the next level. or Anyone who truly wants to understand the D3 core and create data visualizations. or Anyone new to data visualization and would like to know the best practices and approaches to projects. or Anyone wanting to learn about more advanced topics to become a better developer. It is particularly useful for Journalists who would like to tell a story through data visualization. or Developers who wish to take their skills and profit to the next level. or Anyone who truly wants to understand the D3 core and create data visualizations. or Anyone new to data visualization and would like to know the best practices and approaches to projects. or Anyone wanting to learn about more advanced topics to become a better developer.
Enroll now: Learn and Understand D3.js for Data Visualization
Title: Learn and Understand D3.js for Data Visualization
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.78
Number of Lectures: 92
Number of Published Lectures: 92
Number of Curriculum Items: 92
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 92
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create stunning data visualizations using D3 and SVG
- Understand selections to manipulate the DOM using D3
- Learn about layouts to build various charts and graphs
- Add transitions and animations to your graphs for a more interesting user experience
- Use scales to help make your visuals work on any browser or device.
- Understand the enter and exist modes in D3
- Create responsive charts and graphs
Who Should Attend
- Journalists who would like to tell a story through data visualization.
- Developers who wish to take their skills and profit to the next level.
- Anyone who truly wants to understand the D3 core and create data visualizations.
- Anyone new to data visualization and would like to know the best practices and approaches to projects.
- Anyone wanting to learn about more advanced topics to become a better developer.
Target Audiences
- Journalists who would like to tell a story through data visualization.
- Developers who wish to take their skills and profit to the next level.
- Anyone who truly wants to understand the D3 core and create data visualizations.
- Anyone new to data visualization and would like to know the best practices and approaches to projects.
- Anyone wanting to learn about more advanced topics to become a better developer.
*** This course has been updated to use the latest version of D3 – Version 7.x ****
Hello! Welcome to the D3.js development course. This is the most comprehensive and effective course on D3 around. This is the only course you’ll ever need to learn D3.
The goal of this course is to not just teach you D3 (v7.x), but help you understand D3. D3 is a JavaScript library that allows you to build data visualizations easily. The library is absolutely massive and you can create any kind of data visualization you can imagine. With such a massive library, it can be difficult to grasp a lot of the concepts.
By the end of this course, you’ll be more than comfortable using D3and build awesome visualizations. Here is just some of the things you can expect to learn.
Learn about D3 selections which are used to select and manipulate elements on your document.
Get a basic overview of SVG. This is something courses skip over. By having a solid foundation of SVG, then you can make more optimal decisions for your visualizations.
Learn about scaleswhich help you by converting your data into values that can be used to properly display your data. We’ll learn about the linear, quantize, quantile, threshold, log, color, and a whole lot of other scales in this course.
Builds various graphs such as bar graphs, pie charts, scatter plots, histograms, line charts, and so much more!
Add interactivity and animation to your graphs to make them more interesting and appealing to the user.
Builds responsive graphs. Your visualizations will work on any device with a few simple tricks.
This course focuses on the latest version of D3. (version 7.x)
This is just some of the topics that will be covered. If you want to take ONE COURSE to learn everything you need to know to be successful D3 developer, take this course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Overview
Lecture 1: Overview
Lecture 2: Preparing a Local Server
Lecture 3: Understanding D3 & Data Visualization
Chapter 2: Understanding SVG
Lecture 1: What is SVG?
Lecture 2: Creating SVG images
Lecture 3: Basic SVG Shapes
Lecture 4: SVG Paths
Chapter 3: Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Adding D3
Lecture 2: D3 Packages
Lecture 3: Selections
Lecture 4: Appending Elements
Lecture 5: Transformation Methods
Lecture 6: Classes and Styles
Lecture 7: Joining Data
Lecture 8: The Enter Selection
Lecture 9: The Exit Selection
Lecture 10: Displaying Data
Lecture 11: Enter, Update, and Exit
Lecture 12: The Update Pattern
Lecture 13: JSON Requests
Lecture 14: CSV Requests
Chapter 4: Drawing A Scatterplot
Lecture 1: First Steps
Lecture 2: Drawing the Image
Lecture 3: Adding Margins
Lecture 4: Accessor Functions
Lecture 5: Understanding Scales
Lecture 6: Writing Scales
Lecture 7: Applying Scales to Visualizations
Lecture 8: Refining Scales
Lecture 9: Adding an Axis
Lecture 10: Refining the x-axis
Lecture 11: The y-axis
Lecture 12: Flipping the y-axis
Lecture 13: Refining the Axis Ticks
Lecture 14: Summary
Chapter 5: Scales
Lecture 1: Continuous vs. Discrete
Lecture 2: The scaleLinear() scale
Lecture 3: Introduction to Heatmaps
Lecture 4: Drawing the Heatmap
Lecture 5: Colors with a Linear Scale
Lecture 6: The scaleQuantize() Scale
Lecture 7: The scaleQuantile() Scale
Lecture 8: The scaleThreshold() Scale
Lecture 9: Quantize vs. Quantile vs. Thresholdv
Lecture 10: Color Scales
Lecture 11: Understanding the Log Scale
Lecture 12: The scaleLog() Scale
Lecture 13: Summary
Chapter 6: Animations & Interactivity
Lecture 1: Introduction to Animations & Interactivity
Lecture 2: What is a histogram?
Lecture 3: Preparing the Histogram
Lecture 4: Understanding the Problem
Lecture 5: Creating Bins
Lecture 6: Histogram Finishing Touches
Lecture 7: Changing Metrics with Events
Lecture 8: Updating the Chart
Lecture 9: Transitions
Lecture 10: Understanding the Problem
Lecture 11: Fixing the Transition
Lecture 12: Fixing the Exit Transition
Lecture 13: Tweaking the Bars and Labels
Lecture 14: Adding the Mean
Lecture 15: Adding a Tooltip
Lecture 16: Mouse Events
Lecture 17: Formatting
Lecture 18: Understanding the Voronoi Diagram
Lecture 19: Creating a Voronoi Diagram
Lecture 20: Fixing the Voronoi Diagram
Chapter 7: Even More Charts!
Lecture 1: Even More Charts
Lecture 2: Preparing the Line Chart
Lecture 3: Time Scales & Parsing
Lecture 4: Line Generator
Lecture 5: Adding an Axis
Lecture 6: Preparing the Tooltip
Lecture 7: Understanding Bisectors
Lecture 8: Custom Bisectors
Lecture 9: Finishing the Tooltip
Lecture 10: Getting Started with Pie Charts
Lecture 11: Drawing Arcs
Lecture 12: Understanding Ordinal Scales
Lecture 13: Using Ordinal Scales
Lecture 14: Adding Labels
Lecture 15: Fixing the Pie Chart
Lecture 16: Preparing the Stacked Bar Chart
Lecture 17: The Stack Function
Lecture 18: Band Scales
Lecture 19: Drawing the Stacked Bars
Lecture 20: Drawing the Axis
Lecture 21: Finishing Touches
Chapter 8: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Sketching
Lecture 2: Responsive Charts
Lecture 3: Conclusion
Luis Ramirez Jr
Frontend Software Engineer Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 17 votes
- 2 stars: 27 votes
- 3 stars: 134 votes
- 4 stars: 558 votes
- 5 stars: 916 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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