Learn Angular From Scratch – Complete Guide Design to Deploy
Learn Angular From Scratch – Complete Guide Design to Deploy, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.22, with 372 lectures, based on 261 reviews, and has 2752 subscribers.
You will learn about Establish yourself as a skilled professional developer Benefits of Design & Prototyping, and you will learn how to design a complete web app using Figma Design Tool Develop modern world web applications with Angular Frontend framework Master fundamental concepts behind structuring Angular applications Integrate Bootstrap CSS Framework Troubleshoot common Angular errors Write clean and elegant code like a professional developer Master the best practices This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers who want to upgrade their skills and get better job opportunities or Front-end developers who want to stay up-to-date with the latest technology or Back-end developers who want to learn front-end development and become full-stack developers or Hobbyist developers who are passionate about working with new frameworks It is particularly useful for Developers who want to upgrade their skills and get better job opportunities or Front-end developers who want to stay up-to-date with the latest technology or Back-end developers who want to learn front-end development and become full-stack developers or Hobbyist developers who are passionate about working with new frameworks.
Enroll now: Learn Angular From Scratch – Complete Guide Design to Deploy
Title: Learn Angular From Scratch – Complete Guide Design to Deploy
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.22
Number of Lectures: 372
Number of Published Lectures: 372
Number of Curriculum Items: 372
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 372
Original Price: $74.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Establish yourself as a skilled professional developer
- Benefits of Design & Prototyping, and you will learn how to design a complete web app using Figma Design Tool
- Develop modern world web applications with Angular Frontend framework
- Master fundamental concepts behind structuring Angular applications
- Integrate Bootstrap CSS Framework
- Troubleshoot common Angular errors
- Write clean and elegant code like a professional developer
- Master the best practices
Who Should Attend
- Developers who want to upgrade their skills and get better job opportunities
- Front-end developers who want to stay up-to-date with the latest technology
- Back-end developers who want to learn front-end development and become full-stack developers
- Hobbyist developers who are passionate about working with new frameworks
Target Audiences
- Developers who want to upgrade their skills and get better job opportunities
- Front-end developers who want to stay up-to-date with the latest technology
- Back-end developers who want to learn front-end development and become full-stack developers
- Hobbyist developers who are passionate about working with new frameworks
Angular App From Scratch – Complete Guide Design to Deploy
A few years back I’m also a student or learner like you finding the best resources to master Angular, I struggled a lot to find a tutorial that cover design to deploy all in one, and I know you also struggling with the same problem, so I decided to come up with a brand new course that covers All the Essentials part that you want to build a full modern Angular App from Design to Deploy.
so in this course will build a complete Angular Blog Application, using Angular framework, Firestore database, and Bootstrap CSS Framework, this blog apps comes with two main parts the front end view and the backend dashboard,
so we will develop this Full Fledge Real-world Modern Lookin Angular web app with 3 major steps,
Design Develop and Deploy
Design section,
In this section we will learn how to design a Website idea, into a graphical design using a design tool called Figma, using this tool we will design all the sections and pages of our angular blog site, once it done we will learn to make these graphical designs into a web prototype so then we can get the overall idea off what we are building.
Development stage,
In this Section will learn a to z all the core concepts, features technologies used in Angular from basic to advance, with this will learn,
Components, services, directives, pipes, Angular Forms, routers, Authentication, and so on,
Once we learned all the fundamentals of Angular, will start to build our Final Blog App from scratch, for this will take the advantage of bootstrap CSS framework, so will learn all the fundamentals of Bootstrap as well,
As a backend solution for our Angular app will use Google’s Firebase, as the database will use the Cloud Firestore, as the Cloud Storage will use the Firebase Storage, For Authentications system Will Use the Firebase Authentication, and for the Last Deployment, will use the Firebase Host as our Hosting Space, will learn all about these firebase features from scratch one by one,
Actually, in this course, you will not only learn about Angular, but you will also get an overall idea of how to build a real-world modern App From scratch.
This course is well organized from Basic to advanced topics so anyone can follow up on this course even if you are Beginner.
by the end of this course, if you followed my instructions exactly, you will gain the knowledge and Confidence to build any kind of real-world app on your own from scratch.
and finally, if your get stuck with anything, or if you have any questions, I will be always there for you π
Pay once, benefit a lifetime!
Donβt lose any time, gain an edge and start developing now!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Course
Lecture 1: Course Promo
Lecture 2: Introduction
Lecture 3: App Demo (Frontend View)
Lecture 4: App Demo (Backend Dashboard)
Lecture 5: Course Structure (Fundamentals)
Lecture 6: Course Structure (Design & Develop)
Lecture 7: How to get most of the course
Lecture 8: Course New Updates
Chapter 2: Development Environment Setup
Lecture 1: Section Intro (Environment Setup)
Lecture 2: Code Editor Setup (Vscode)
Lecture 3: First Look Vscode
Lecture 4: Vscode Theme Setup
Lecture 5: Vscode Font Setup
Lecture 6: Useful Vscode plugins
Lecture 7: Installing Nodejs and NPM
Lecture 8: Section End (Environment Setup)
Chapter 3: Design and Prototyping.
Lecture 1: Section Intro(Design and Prototype)
Lecture 2: What is Figma
Lecture 3: Advantages of designing & prototyping
Lecture 4: Get Start With Figma
Lecture 5: Figma Frames
Lecture 6: Figma Shape Tools
Lecture 7: Figma Text Tool
Lecture 8: Figma Colors
Lecture 9: Figma Constraints
Lecture 10: Figma Components
Lecture 11: Making Figma Parent Components
Lecture 12: Editing Figma Components
Lecture 13: Design Header Logo
Lecture 14: Design Cateogory Navbar
Lecture 15: Design Footer Area
Lecture 16: Design the Featured Post Area
Lecture 17: Design the Post Cards
Lecture 18: Design the Latest Post Area
Lecture 19: Task !!! (Design the subscription Form)
Lecture 20: Solution (Design the Subscription Form)
Lecture 21: Usage of Figma Components
Lecture 22: Design the Single Category Page
Lecture 23: Design the Single Post Page
Lecture 24: Design the Comment Form
Lecture 25: Design the Comment Preview Area
Lecture 26: Design the About us Page
Lecture 27: Design the Terms & Condition Page
Lecture 28: Task !!!! (Design the Contact us Page)
Lecture 29: Solution (Design the Contact us Page)
Lecture 30: Get Start with Prototype in Figma
Lecture 31: Home Page Prototype Connections.
Lecture 32: Single Category Page Prototype Connection.
Lecture 33: Prototype Options in FIgma
Lecture 34: Prototype All other Pages Part I
Lecture 35: Prototype All Other Pages Part II
Lecture 36: End (Design and Prototype Section.)
Chapter 4: Bootstrap Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Section Intro (Bootstrap Fundamentals)
Lecture 2: Bootstrap V5 update
Lecture 3: What is Bootstrap
Lecture 4: Bootstrap Import Part I
Lecture 5: Bootstrap Import Part II
Lecture 6: Bootstrap Import Part III
Lecture 7: Bootstrap Container
Lecture 8: Bootstrap Container-Fluid
Lecture 9: Bootstrap Grid System
Lecture 10: Bootstrap Columns
Lecture 11: Bootstrap Responsive Columns
Lecture 12: Bootstrap Typography
Lecture 13: Bootstrap Contextual Colors
Lecture 14: Bootstrap Tables
Lecture 15: Bootstrap Images
Lecture 16: Bootstrap Buttons
Lecture 17: Bootstrap Spinner
Lecture 18: Bootstrap Cards
Lecture 19: Bootstrap Inputs
Lecture 20: Bootstrap Utility Classes.
Lecture 21: Section End
Chapter 5: Get Start with Angular & Angular CLI
Lecture 1: Section Intro (Angular & Angular CLI)
Lecture 2: What is Angular
Lecture 3: What is SPA (Single Page Application)
Lecture 4: What is Angular Cli
Lecture 5: Angular CLI setup
Lecture 6: First Angular App
Lecture 7: Angular File Structure Part I
Lecture 8: Angular File Structure Part II
Lecture 9: Angular File Structure Part III
Lecture 10: End (Angular & Angular CLI)
Chapter 6: Angular Components
Lecture 1: Section Intro (Angular Component)
Lecture 2: What is Angular Component
Lecture 3: Create an Angular Component
Lecture 4: How Loads Components Inside the Browser
Lecture 5: Template & Styles Component Properties
Lecture 6: Better Approach for Template & Styles
Lecture 7: Generate Angular Component using Angular CLI
Lecture 8: NgOnInit Lifecycle Hook
Lecture 9: Data Binding
Lecture 10: Sharing Data Between Components
Lecture 11: Parent Child Relationship in Components
Hashmath Rz
Self Motivated Software Engineer & Instructor at Octacademy
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 20 votes
- 4 stars: 78 votes
- 5 stars: 160 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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