Learn Asp Net C#, MySQL and JavaScript for web developers
Learn Asp Net C#, MySQL and JavaScript for web developers, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.54, with 159 lectures, based on 44 reviews, and has 6082 subscribers.
You will learn about Applying Object Oriented Programming concepts Get a job as a junior web developer for Dynamic applications Create your own stunning, layouts for awesome websites Start working and solve on real world problem statements Master client-end design using JavaScript, back-end development C# aspnet coding with MySQL Apply MySQL database queries for your business intelligence queries Create fully function web apps using Microsoft C# language and games Prepare dynamic stunning reports for your business requirements. learn what is Generative AI for future learning This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner C# coding, MySQL and JavaScript developers curious about web development or Anyone who wants to generate new income streams or Anyone who wants to create Data Science career or Anyone who wants to become a Freelancer on Web Applications or Anyone who wants to start their own business on Microsoft tools or Anyone who wants to become a Full stack web developer on .Net technologies It is particularly useful for Beginner C# coding, MySQL and JavaScript developers curious about web development or Anyone who wants to generate new income streams or Anyone who wants to create Data Science career or Anyone who wants to become a Freelancer on Web Applications or Anyone who wants to start their own business on Microsoft tools or Anyone who wants to become a Full stack web developer on .Net technologies.
Enroll now: Learn Asp Net C#, MySQL and JavaScript for web developers
Title: Learn Asp Net C#, MySQL and JavaScript for web developers
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.54
Number of Lectures: 159
Number of Published Lectures: 159
Number of Curriculum Items: 159
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 159
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Applying Object Oriented Programming concepts
- Get a job as a junior web developer for Dynamic applications
- Create your own stunning, layouts for awesome websites
- Start working and solve on real world problem statements
- Master client-end design using JavaScript, back-end development C# aspnet coding with MySQL
- Apply MySQL database queries for your business intelligence queries
- Create fully function web apps using Microsoft C# language and games
- Prepare dynamic stunning reports for your business requirements.
- learn what is Generative AI for future learning
Who Should Attend
- Beginner C# coding, MySQL and JavaScript developers curious about web development
- Anyone who wants to generate new income streams
- Anyone who wants to create Data Science career
- Anyone who wants to become a Freelancer on Web Applications
- Anyone who wants to start their own business on Microsoft tools
- Anyone who wants to become a Full stack web developer on .Net technologies
Target Audiences
- Beginner C# coding, MySQL and JavaScript developers curious about web development
- Anyone who wants to generate new income streams
- Anyone who wants to create Data Science career
- Anyone who wants to become a Freelancer on Web Applications
- Anyone who wants to start their own business on Microsoft tools
- Anyone who wants to become a Full stack web developer on .Net technologies
In this course, we will learn the basic tools that every Web developer needs to know. We will start from scratch by learning how to implement modern web development with JavaScript, Microsoft ASP NET C#, and MySQL.
Learning to code JavaScript, Microsoft C# language and MySQL database is The first step to Coding you need to learn to succeed in web development, it is easy to learn and understand our online JavaScript, asp net C#, and MySQL Training course is designed for you with the complete steps to require learn Complete Developer topics. Mr. Sekhar Metla [MCP – Microsoft Certified Professional] will explain to you even complex topics to simplify and teach you that even beginners can easily understand with real-time examples.
learn what is Generative AI for future learning
This Development course is without a doubt the most comprehensive web developmentcourse available online. Even if you have zero programming experience, this course will take you from beginner to mastery. Here’s why:
The course is taught by the lead instructor having 20+ years of professional experience.
Become a Full-Stack Web Developer with just ONE course. Developers complete courses for web design, and development with scripting, coding, and database queries!
The course has been updated to be trending technologyready and you’ll be learning the latest tools and technologies used at large companies such as Apple, Facebook, Google, and Netflix.
The curriculum was developedover a period of four years, with comprehensive student testing and feedback on who is working and applying these coding examples.
We’ve taught many students how to code and many have gone on to change their lives by becomingprofessional developers or starting their own tech startups.
We’ll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a web developer.
The course includes HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge while making real-world websites and web apps.
Learn from real-world experts
Throughout this comprehensive course, we cover a massive amount of tools and technologies, including:
JavaScript [Client side scripting]
Front-End Web Development
Client-side scripting
Loop statements
HTML DOM objects
On click events
Responsive events
HTML5 event code
Dynamic event handling
Error Handling
and more.
Asp Net with C# Language
Visual Studio
Data types
Control flow statements
Code Development
Web Design
Loop statements
List items
Advanced C# Coding
Object-oriented programming [OOPs]
Classes and Objects
Error Handling
and more.
MySQL Database
SELECT statements
Filtering data statements
SQL functions
SQL statements
SQL operators
SQL Joins
Advanced SQL
Filtering data
Analyzing data
Grouping data
Backup and Restore
and more.
By the end of this course, you will be fluent in programming and ready to make any website you can dream of.
Sign up today, and look forward to:
HD Video Lectures
Code Challenges and Coding Exercises
Beautiful Real-World dynamic Projects
Sekhar Metla is a software engineer with 20+ years of professional experience. He is the author of several online-selling courses with more than 50,000+ students in many countries. He has a Master of Science in ComputerApplications in Software Engineering. His students describe him as passionate, pragmatic, and motivational in his teaching.
What are you waiting join now to start learning how to make your own Developer Career TODAY 🙂
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: How to as great questions
Lecture 3: What is JavaScript
Lecture 4: Hello World Program
Lecture 5: Getting Output
Lecture 6: Internal JavaScript
Lecture 7: External JavaScript
Lecture 8: Inline JavaScript
Lecture 9: Async and defer
Lecture 10: What is Source code
Lecture 11: Learn What is Generative AI / Gen AI
Chapter 2: JavaScript Basics
Lecture 1: Variables
Lecture 2: Data Types
Lecture 3: Numbers
Lecture 4: Strings
Lecture 5: String Formatting
Chapter 3: JavaScript Operators
Lecture 1: Arithmetic operators
Lecture 2: Assignment operators
Lecture 3: Comparison operators
Lecture 4: Logical operators
Chapter 4: JavaScript Conditional Statements
Lecture 1: If-else statement
Lecture 2: If-else-if statement
Chapter 5: JavaScript Control Flow Statements
Lecture 1: While loop
Lecture 2: Do-while loop
Lecture 3: For loop
Lecture 4: Coding Exercise
Lecture 5: Solution for Coding Exercise
Chapter 6: JavaScript Functions
Lecture 1: Creating a Function
Lecture 2: Function Call()
Lecture 3: Function with parameters
Chapter 7: JavaScript Error Handling
Lecture 1: Try-catch
Lecture 2: Try-catch-finally
Chapter 8: JavaScript Client-Side Validations
Lecture 1: On Submit Validation
Lecture 2: Input Numeric Validation
Chapter 9: C# Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to CSharp
Lecture 2: CSharp vs .NET
Lecture 3: What is CLR
Lecture 4: Architecture of .NET Application
Lecture 5: Getting Visual Studio
Lecture 6: First CSharp Hello World Application
Lecture 7: First CSharp Core Hello World Program
Lecture 8: Assessment Test
Lecture 9: Solution for Assessment Test
Chapter 10: C# Basic
Lecture 1: Variables
Lecture 2: CSharp Identifiers
Lecture 3: Data Types
Lecture 4: Type Casting
Lecture 5: User Inputs
Lecture 6: Comments
Chapter 11: C# Operators
Lecture 1: Arithmetic Operators
Lecture 2: Assignment Operators
Lecture 3: Comparison Operators
Lecture 4: Logical Operators
Lecture 5: Strings
Lecture 6: String Properties
Lecture 7: Booleans
Lecture 8: Assessment Test
Lecture 9: Solution for Assessment Test
Chapter 12: C# Statements
Lecture 1: If else Conditions and Statements
Lecture 2: Switch-Case Statements
Chapter 13: C# Control Flow statements
Lecture 1: While Loop Statement
Lecture 2: Do-While Statement
Lecture 3: For Loop Statement
Lecture 4: Foreach Statement
Lecture 5: Break and Continue
Chapter 14: C# Built-in coding
Lecture 1: Arrays
Lecture 2: Loop Through Arrays
Lecture 3: Lists
Lecture 4: System.IO Namespace
Lecture 5: Datetime
Lecture 6: TimeSpan
Chapter 15: C# Debugging techniques
Lecture 1: Debugging Tools in Visual Studio
Lecture 2: Call Stack Window
Lecture 3: Locals and Autos
Chapter 16: C# Object oriented programming [OOPs]
Lecture 1: Introduction to Class
Lecture 2: Create a Class
Lecture 3: Object Initializers
Lecture 4: Parameters
Lecture 5: Access Modifiers(theory)
Chapter 17: C# Methods
Lecture 1: Introduction to methods
Lecture 2: Create a method
Lecture 3: Method with parameters
Lecture 4: Method default and multiple parameters
Metla Sudha Sekhar
Developer and Lead Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 8 votes
- 5 stars: 35 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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