Learn AutoCAD Programming using VB.NET – Hands On!
Learn AutoCAD Programming using VB.NET – Hands On!, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 104 lectures, based on 131 reviews, and has 560 subscribers.
You will learn about Students will learn VB dot NET Programming in AutoCAD Students will have a solid understanding on how to create AutoCAD Plugin/Command You will learn how to draw different AutoCAD entities through code You will learn how to use most of the AutoCAD editing commands and manipulate AutoCAD objects You will learn how to access AutoCAD non-graphical objects (e.g. Layers, LineTypes and TextStyles) You will learn how to apply and use different Selection Sets and Filters in your code to select objects with different filter criteria Students will be able to create their own Plugin by the end of the course This course is ideal for individuals who are All AutoCAD users who want to learn AutoCAD Programming using VB NET. or AutoLISP developers who want to upgrade their programming skills using VB dot NET. or VBA developers who want to expand their skills to VB dot NET. or C# developers who want to learn AutoCAD Programming using VB dot NET. or Anyone curious about AutoCAD Programming using VB dot NET It is particularly useful for All AutoCAD users who want to learn AutoCAD Programming using VB NET. or AutoLISP developers who want to upgrade their programming skills using VB dot NET. or VBA developers who want to expand their skills to VB dot NET. or C# developers who want to learn AutoCAD Programming using VB dot NET. or Anyone curious about AutoCAD Programming using VB dot NET.
Enroll now: Learn AutoCAD Programming using VB.NET – Hands On!
Title: Learn AutoCAD Programming using VB.NET – Hands On!
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 104
Number of Published Lectures: 104
Number of Curriculum Items: 104
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 104
Original Price: $34.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Students will learn VB dot NET Programming in AutoCAD
- Students will have a solid understanding on how to create AutoCAD Plugin/Command
- You will learn how to draw different AutoCAD entities through code
- You will learn how to use most of the AutoCAD editing commands and manipulate AutoCAD objects
- You will learn how to access AutoCAD non-graphical objects (e.g. Layers, LineTypes and TextStyles)
- You will learn how to apply and use different Selection Sets and Filters in your code to select objects with different filter criteria
- Students will be able to create their own Plugin by the end of the course
Who Should Attend
- All AutoCAD users who want to learn AutoCAD Programming using VB NET.
- AutoLISP developers who want to upgrade their programming skills using VB dot NET.
- VBA developers who want to expand their skills to VB dot NET.
- C# developers who want to learn AutoCAD Programming using VB dot NET.
- Anyone curious about AutoCAD Programming using VB dot NET
Target Audiences
- All AutoCAD users who want to learn AutoCAD Programming using VB NET.
- AutoLISP developers who want to upgrade their programming skills using VB dot NET.
- VBA developers who want to expand their skills to VB dot NET.
- C# developers who want to learn AutoCAD Programming using VB dot NET.
- Anyone curious about AutoCAD Programming using VB dot NET
This is an intensive course about VB.NET Programming in AutoCAD. There are lots of coding that will walk you through from creating a Project using Visual Studio 2019 to running your finished Plugin in AutoCAD.
You will learn how to use VB.NET very quickly by following all the videos or by coding along with every single method being developed.
By the end of the Course, you will have the confidence to create your own AutoCAD Plugin using VB.NET.
A simple and step-by-step way style of teaching in this course will be very helpful to absorb every concept of VB.NET Programming in AutoCAD.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Outline
Lecture 2: Introduction
Lecture 3: Who is this Course for?
Lecture 4: What will I learn from this Course?
Lecture 5: What is VB.NET?
Lecture 6: What is AutoCAD .NET API?
Lecture 7: What are the advantages of programming in AutoCAD .NET API?
Lecture 8: Hands-on Projects overview
Chapter 2: Exploring AutoCAD .NET API Components
Lecture 1: AutoCAD .NET API Components Overview
Lecture 2: AutoCAD .NET API Assemblies
Lecture 3: Understanding AutoCAD Object Hierarchy
Lecture 4: AutoCAD .NET API Application Object
Lecture 5: AutoCAD .NET API Document Object
Lecture 6: AutoCAD .NET API Database Object
Chapter 3: Hello AutoCAD from VB.NET
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Installing Visual Studio 2019
Lecture 3: Setting up Visual Studio 2019 Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Lecture 4: Creating First VB.NET Plugin (Hello AutoCAD)
Lecture 5: Different ways to communicate with the User
Lecture 6: Configuring VS2019 Target Processor
Chapter 4: Creating AutoCAD Objects using VB.NET
Lecture 1: Creating AutoCAD Object using VB.NET Overview
Lecture 2: Creating DrawObjects Project
Lecture 3: Creating a Line Object using VB.NET
Lecture 4: Creating a MText Object using VB.NET
Lecture 5: Creating a Circle Object using VB.NET
Lecture 6: Creating an Arc Object using VB.NET
Lecture 7: Creating a Polyline Object using VB.NET
Lecture 8: Creating Multiple Circles Vertically
Lecture 9: Creating Multiple Circles Horizontally
Chapter 5: Manipulating AutoCAD Objects using VB.NET
Lecture 1: Manipulating AutoCAD Objects Overview
Lecture 2: Creating the Project ManipulateObjects
Lecture 3: Creating the SingleCopy Method
Lecture 4: Creating the MultipleCopy Method
Lecture 5: Creating the EraseObject Method
Lecture 6: Creating the MoveObject method
Lecture 7: Creating the MirrorObject method
Lecture 8: Creating the RotateObject method
Lecture 9: Creating the ScaleObject method
Lecture 10: Creating the OffsetObject method
Chapter 6: Exploring AutoCAD Dictionaries using VB.NET
Lecture 1: Exploring AutoCAD Dictionaries – Overview
Lecture 2: Creating LayersLineTypesAndStyles Project
Lecture 3: Creating the ListLayers Method
Lecture 4: Creating the CreateLayer Method
Lecture 5: Creating the UpdateLayer Method
Lecture 6: Creating the SetLayerOnOff Method
Lecture 7: Creating the SetLayerFrozenOrThaw Method
Lecture 8: Creating the DeleteLayer Method
Lecture 9: Creating the LockUnlockLayer Method
Lecture 10: Creating the SetLayerToObject Method
Lecture 11: Creating the ListLineTypes Method
Lecture 12: Creating the LoadLineType Method
Lecture 13: Creating the SetCurrentLineType Method
Lecture 14: Creating the DeleteLineType Method
Lecture 15: Creating the SetLineTypeToObject Method
Lecture 16: Exploring TextStyles – Overview
Lecture 17: Creating the ListStyles Method
Lecture 18: Creating the UpdateCurrentTextStyleFont Method
Lecture 19: Creating the SetCurrentTextStyle Method
Lecture 20: Creating the SetTextStyleToObject Method
Chapter 7: User Interactions in VB.NET
Lecture 1: User Input Functions – Overview
Lecture 2: Creating the UserInteractions Project
Lecture 3: Creating the GetName Method
Lecture 4: Creating the SetLayer Method using the GetString function
Lecture 5: Creating the CreateLineUsingGetpoint Method
Lecture 6: Creating the CalculateDefinedArea Method
Lecture 7: Creating the DrawObjectsUsingGetKeywords Method
Lecture 8: Creating the GetDistanceBetweenTwoPoints Method
Lecture 9: Creating the CountObjects Method
Chapter 8: Selection Sets and Filters
Lecture 1: Selection Sets and Filters – Overview
Lecture 2: Creating the SelectionSets Project
Lecture 3: Creating the SelectAllAndChangeLayer Method
Lecture 4: Creating the SelectObjectOnScreen Method
Lecture 5: Creating the SelectWindowAndChangeColor Method
Lecture 6: Creating the SelectCrossingAndDelete Method
Lecture 7: Creating the SelectFenceAndChangeLayer Method
Lecture 8: Creating the CountPickFirstSelection Method
Lecture 9: Creating the SelectLines Method
Lecture 10: Creating the SelectMTexts Method
Lecture 11: Creating the SelectPlines Method
Lecture 12: Creating the SelectWalls Method
Lecture 13: Creating the SelectStairs Method
Lecture 14: Creating the SelectFrenchDoors Method
Lecture 15: Creating the SelectBifoldDoors Method
Lecture 16: Creating CountReceptacles Method
Lecture 17: Creating the CountLightingFixtures Method
Chapter 9: Developing Projects – Hands On
Lecture 1: Developing Projects – Hands On Overview
Lecture 2: BlocksCounter Plugin Demo
Lecture 3: Creating the BlocksCounter Project
Lecture 4: Creating the CountBlocksToTable Method
Lecture 5: Creating the PromptUser Function
Lecture 6: Creating the GatherBlocksAndDrawTable Method
Arnold Higuit
Sr. Software Developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 15 votes
- 4 stars: 50 votes
- 5 stars: 62 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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