Learn By Example: Statistics and Data Science in R
Learn By Example: Statistics and Data Science in R, available at $34.99, has an average rating of 3.8, with 82 lectures, based on 377 reviews, and has 4869 subscribers.
You will learn about Harness R and R packages to read, process and visualize data Understand linear regression and use it confidently to build models Understand the intricacies of all the different data structures in R Use Linear regression in R to overcome the difficulties of LINEST() in Excel Draw inferences from data and support them using tests of significance Use descriptive statistics to perform a quick study of some data and present results This course is ideal for individuals who are Yep! MBA graduates or business professionals who are looking to move to a heavily quantitative role or Yep! Engineers who want to understand basic statistics and lay a foundation for a career in Data Science or Yep! Analytics professionals who have mostly worked in Descriptive analytics and want to make the shift to being modelers or data scientists or Yep! Folks who've worked mostly with tools like Excel and want to learn how to use R for statistical analysis It is particularly useful for Yep! MBA graduates or business professionals who are looking to move to a heavily quantitative role or Yep! Engineers who want to understand basic statistics and lay a foundation for a career in Data Science or Yep! Analytics professionals who have mostly worked in Descriptive analytics and want to make the shift to being modelers or data scientists or Yep! Folks who've worked mostly with tools like Excel and want to learn how to use R for statistical analysis.
Enroll now: Learn By Example: Statistics and Data Science in R
Title: Learn By Example: Statistics and Data Science in R
Price: $34.99
Average Rating: 3.8
Number of Lectures: 82
Number of Published Lectures: 82
Number of Curriculum Items: 82
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 82
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Harness R and R packages to read, process and visualize data
- Understand linear regression and use it confidently to build models
- Understand the intricacies of all the different data structures in R
- Use Linear regression in R to overcome the difficulties of LINEST() in Excel
- Draw inferences from data and support them using tests of significance
- Use descriptive statistics to perform a quick study of some data and present results
Who Should Attend
- Yep! MBA graduates or business professionals who are looking to move to a heavily quantitative role
- Yep! Engineers who want to understand basic statistics and lay a foundation for a career in Data Science
- Yep! Analytics professionals who have mostly worked in Descriptive analytics and want to make the shift to being modelers or data scientists
- Yep! Folks who've worked mostly with tools like Excel and want to learn how to use R for statistical analysis
Target Audiences
- Yep! MBA graduates or business professionals who are looking to move to a heavily quantitative role
- Yep! Engineers who want to understand basic statistics and lay a foundation for a career in Data Science
- Yep! Analytics professionals who have mostly worked in Descriptive analytics and want to make the shift to being modelers or data scientists
- Yep! Folks who've worked mostly with tools like Excel and want to learn how to use R for statistical analysis
Taught by a Stanford-educated, ex-Googler and an IIT, IIM – educated ex-Flipkart lead analyst. This team has decades of practical experience in quant trading, analytics and e-commerce.
This course is a gentle yet thorough introduction to Data Science, Statistics and R using real life examples.
Let’s parse that.
Gentle, yet thorough:This course does not require a prior quantitative or mathematics background. It starts by introducing basic concepts such as the mean, median etc and eventually covers all aspects of an analytics (or) data science career from analysing and preparing raw data to visualising your findings.
Data Science, Statistics and R:This course is an introduction to Data Science and Statistics using the R programming language. It covers both the theoretical aspects of Statistical concepts and the practical implementation using R.
Real life examples:Every concept is explained with the help of examples, case studies and source code in R wherever necessary. The examples cover a wide array of topics and range from A/B testing in an Internet company context to the Capital Asset Pricing Model in a quant finance context.
What’s Covered:
Data Analysis with R:Datatypes and Data structures in R, Vectors, Arrays, Matrices, Lists, Data Frames, Reading data from files, Aggregating, Sorting & Merging Data Frames
Linear Regression:Regression, Simple Linear Regression in Excel, Simple Linear Regression in R, Multiple Linear Regression in R, Categorical variables in regression, Robust regression, Parsing regression diagnostic plots
Data Visualization in R:Line plot, Scatter plot, Bar plot, Histogram, Scatterplot matrix, Heat map, Packages for Data Visualisation : Rcolorbrewer, ggplot2
Descriptive Statistics:Mean, Median, Mode, IQR, Standard Deviation, Frequency Distributions, Histograms, Boxplots
Inferential Statistics:Random Variables, Probability Distributions, Uniform Distribution, Normal Distribution, Sampling, Sampling Distribution, Hypothesis testing, Test statistic, Test of significance
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: You, This course and Us
Lecture 2: Top Down vs Bottoms Up : The Google vs McKinsey way of looking at data
Lecture 3: R and RStudio installed
Chapter 2: The 10 second answer : Descriptive Statistics
Lecture 1: Descriptive Statistics : Mean, Median, Mode
Lecture 2: Our first foray into R : Frequency Distributions
Lecture 3: Draw your first plot : A Histogram
Lecture 4: Computing Mean, Median, Mode in R
Lecture 5: What is IQR (Inter-quartile Range)?
Lecture 6: Box and Whisker Plots
Lecture 7: The Standard Deviation
Lecture 8: Computing IQR and Standard Deviation in R
Chapter 3: Inferential Statistics
Lecture 1: Drawing inferences from data
Lecture 2: Random Variables are ubiquitous
Lecture 3: The Normal Probability Distribution
Lecture 4: Sampling is like fishing
Lecture 5: Sample Statistics and Sampling Distributions
Chapter 4: Case studies in Inferential Statistics
Lecture 1: Case Study 1 : Football Players (Estimating Population Mean from a Sample)
Lecture 2: Case Study 2 : Election Polling (Estimating Population Proportion from a Sample)
Lecture 3: Case Study 3 : A Medical Study (Hypothesis Test for the Population Mean)
Lecture 4: Case Study 4 : Employee Behavior (Hypothesis Test for the Population Proportion)
Lecture 5: Case Study 5: A/B Testing (Comparing the means of two populations)
Lecture 6: Case Study 6: Customer Analysis (Comparing the proportions of 2 populations)
Chapter 5: Diving into R
Lecture 1: Harnessing the power of R
Lecture 2: Assigning Variables
Lecture 3: Printing an output
Lecture 4: Numbers are of type numeric
Lecture 5: Characters and Dates
Lecture 6: Logicals
Chapter 6: Vectors
Lecture 1: Data Structures are the building blocks of R
Lecture 2: Creating a Vector
Lecture 3: The Mode of a Vector
Lecture 4: Vectors are Atomic
Lecture 5: Doing something with each element of a Vector
Lecture 6: Aggregating Vectors
Lecture 7: Operations between vectors of the same length
Lecture 8: Operations between vectors of different length
Lecture 9: Generating Sequences
Lecture 10: Using conditions with Vectors
Lecture 11: Find the lengths of multiple strings using Vectors
Lecture 12: Generate a complex sequence (using recycling)
Lecture 13: Vector Indexing (using numbers)
Lecture 14: Vector Indexing (using conditions)
Lecture 15: Vector Indexing (using names)
Chapter 7: Arrays
Lecture 1: Creating an Array
Lecture 2: Indexing an Array
Lecture 3: Operations between 2 Arrays
Lecture 4: Operations between an Array and a Vector
Lecture 5: Outer Products
Chapter 8: Matrices
Lecture 1: A Matrix is a 2-Dimensional Array
Lecture 2: Creating a Matrix
Lecture 3: Matrix Multiplication
Lecture 4: Merging Matrices
Lecture 5: Solving a set of linear equations
Chapter 9: Factors
Lecture 1: What is a factor?
Lecture 2: Find the distinct values in a dataset (using factors)
Lecture 3: Replace the levels of a factor
Lecture 4: Aggregate factors with table()
Lecture 5: Aggregate factors with tapply()
Chapter 10: Lists and Data Frames
Lecture 1: Introducing Lists
Lecture 2: Introducing Data Frames
Lecture 3: Reading Data from files
Lecture 4: Indexing a Data Frame
Lecture 5: Aggregating and Sorting a Data Frame
Lecture 6: Merging Data Frames
Chapter 11: Regression quantifies relationships between variables
Lecture 1: Introducing Regression
Lecture 2: What is Linear Regression?
Lecture 3: A Regression Case Study : The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
Chapter 12: Linear Regression in Excel
Lecture 1: Linear Regression in Excel : Preparing the data
Lecture 2: Linear Regression in Excel : Using LINEST()
Chapter 13: Linear Regression in R
Lecture 1: Linear Regression in R : Preparing the data
Lecture 2: Linear Regression in R : lm() and summary()
Lecture 3: Multiple Linear Regression
Lecture 4: Adding Categorical Variables to a linear model
Lecture 5: Robust Regression in R : rlm()
Lecture 6: Parsing Regression Diagnostic Plots
Chapter 14: Data Visualization in R
Lecture 1: Data Visualization
Lecture 2: The plot() function in R
Lecture 3: Control color palettes with RColorbrewer
Lecture 4: Drawing barplots
Lecture 5: Drawing a heatmap
Lecture 6: Drawing a Scatterplot Matrix
Lecture 7: Plot a line chart with ggplot2
Loony Corn
An ex-Google, Stanford and Flipkart team
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 20 votes
- 3 stars: 68 votes
- 4 stars: 138 votes
- 5 stars: 146 votes
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