Learn C# and make a videogame with Unity
Learn C# and make a videogame with Unity, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 83 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 504 reviews, and has 80708 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand the fundamentals of programming such as the creation of variables, decision operators, iteration, collections, classes and objects. Understand how a computer program works, the stages and aspects of which it consists and its life cycle. Create and understand C # scripts for Unity. Interact with the videogame screen through the keyboard, moving the character, making him jump Program video games for Unity 5, including aspects such as Game Design, HUD, game dynamics and views. This course is ideal for individuals who are Players and video game lovers who want to start in the world of video game development. or Beginners in programming who wish to have a solid foundation in the world of programming and want to understand the code as an expert. or Designers and graphic artists who want to learn to program their own video games in parallel with their artistic design skills. It is particularly useful for Players and video game lovers who want to start in the world of video game development. or Beginners in programming who wish to have a solid foundation in the world of programming and want to understand the code as an expert. or Designers and graphic artists who want to learn to program their own video games in parallel with their artistic design skills.
Enroll now: Learn C# and make a videogame with Unity
Title: Learn C# and make a videogame with Unity
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 83
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 83
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 84
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 84
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand the fundamentals of programming such as the creation of variables, decision operators, iteration, collections, classes and objects.
- Understand how a computer program works, the stages and aspects of which it consists and its life cycle.
- Create and understand C # scripts for Unity.
- Interact with the videogame screen through the keyboard, moving the character, making him jump
- Program video games for Unity 5, including aspects such as Game Design, HUD, game dynamics and views.
Who Should Attend
- Players and video game lovers who want to start in the world of video game development.
- Beginners in programming who wish to have a solid foundation in the world of programming and want to understand the code as an expert.
- Designers and graphic artists who want to learn to program their own video games in parallel with their artistic design skills.
Target Audiences
- Players and video game lovers who want to start in the world of video game development.
- Beginners in programming who wish to have a solid foundation in the world of programming and want to understand the code as an expert.
- Designers and graphic artists who want to learn to program their own video games in parallel with their artistic design skills.
Welcome to Learn C# and make a videogame with Unity 2020 : beginner to pro.
If you are here, it is probably because you like video games and want to learn how to make your own video games. In addition, it is likely that you know how to draw pictures, design your own characters, your enemies, animations, scenarios, have thought out game mechanics, … but you lack one thing: KNOW HOW TO PROGRAM!
You don’t have to be ashamed. I myself did not create my first video game until I was 23 years old and since then, I had been studying mathematics. No one is born taught and that is why we are here: so that you can learn to make your own video game in Unity with the C# (c sharp) programming language, a simple language that is easy to learn, and that will give you many possibilities to expand your knowledge.
In this course, we will start with the basics and fundamentals: programming. Programming is like the language of computers. Right now you and I communicate in a common language: English, which we both understand perfectly and that is why we can be exchanging information: I write and you read. Probably if I were writing this to you in French or German, then you wouldn’t even understand what I am telling you, not because it is easier or more difficult, but because I would be using a different language. Computers and mobile devices themselves have their own language, their jargon, their slang. That is where we will begin our learning path together, young Padawan: by learning what a program is, how it manages to communicate with the graphic part, and how we, by pressing an arrow or a button, can make the computer understand what we want to say . We are going to learn together basic programming aspects such as:
• Variables and data types
• Methods or code snippets
• Object and object-oriented programming
• Decision operators
• Collections, arrays, and object lists
• The iteration operators
With all this, it will be like the cook who leaves the academy and has been taught to peel, cut, cook, boil, season, season … food. But even if we know how to fry an egg, we all know that fried eggs made by us, by our mothers, or by our grandmothers do not taste the same. Therefore, once we know the tools and basic principles of programming, we will put them into practice with a real project, our first 2D video game: a 2D platform where the objective will be to dodge enemies while collecting the maximum number of coins. It will be a simple video game but we will see its true potential in everything that can really be done from what we know:
• We will learn how to plan the Game Design and to split up the development stages of our video game
• We will learn what a prefab is and how they are used to create scenes for a video game
• We will create our own menus and the game information HUD
• We will learn typical mechanics and gameplay such as infinite scrolling or the physics of a video game
And really with all this, believe it or not, you will have made your first video game !!! I would also like you to introduce yourself when you start, say where you come from and what knowledge of video game development you have, and share in the course’s forum what type of video game you would like to make. Please refrain from impossibilities like “I want to make a Dark Souls, a Witcher, a Metal Gear” and so on. These games have studies of more than 400 expert developers and we are looking to get started. The goal is for you to make your first video game, and as such, it should be an achievable and easy goal to carry out so you don’t get discouraged.
Well, I’ve already warmed up and I’m looking forward to learning C # together and starting to create our videogame in Unity. So don’t think twice and sign up now to start your career as a video game developer with Unity 2020 and C #.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome and Introducing Hidran Arias instructor
Lecture 2: Introduction
Chapter 2: Installing unity hub and unity
Lecture 1: Installing unity hub
Lecture 2: Testing Unity and Visual Studio Community Edition
Lecture 3: Unity and c# documentation and developers community
Lecture 4: My first script
Lecture 5: Git repository with course's examples
Chapter 3: Programming basics
Lecture 1: What is a variable?
Lecture 2: Variables: Adding attributes to a class
Lecture 3: Variables: Summary
Lecture 4: Methods and functions
Lecture 5: What is a class?
Lecture 6: Class inheritance
Lecture 7: The execution flow
Lecture 8: Update method. Moving an object
Chapter 4: Decision making
Lecture 1: Decision making. Intro
Lecture 2: Decision making. If and else statements
Lecture 3: Decision making.Not statement and operator
Lecture 4: Decision making.And and OR operator
Lecture 5: Decision making. Truth tables and summary
Chapter 5: Variables
Lecture 1: Variable visibility
Lecture 2: Variable visibility: public vs private
Lecture 3: About variables' naming convention
Lecture 4: Built-in variable types intro
Lecture 5: Float and double types
Lecture 6: Arithmetic operators. Binary operators. The remainder operator
Lecture 7: Arithmetic operators: Unary operators
Lecture 8: Assigment operators
Lecture 9: Variable visibility
Lecture 10: What we have so far learned
Chapter 6: Methods and functions
Lecture 1: About methods' naming conventions
Lecture 2: The input parameters of a function
Lecture 3: The return value of a function
Chapter 7: Object collections
Lecture 1: Arrays
Lecture 2: Lists
Lecture 3: Data access
Lecture 4: Arraylists
Lecture 5: Dictionaries
Chapter 8: Operators and iterations
Lecture 1: Iteration operators
Lecture 2: The foreach loop
Lecture 3: Foreach. Looping Hashtables and dictionaries
Lecture 4: The for loop
Lecture 5: The while loop
Lecture 6: Searching algorithm
Chapter 9: Object oriented programming
Lecture 1: Object oriented programming
Lecture 2: Instantiating an object
Lecture 3: Methods
Lecture 4: Managing exceptions
Lecture 5: Constructors
Chapter 10: Let's create a game: Game design
Lecture 1: The endless story
Lecture 2: The idea, divide and conquer
Lecture 3: Tasks list
Lecture 4: Key questions for the game designer
Chapter 11: Let's create a game: The game controller
Lecture 1: Creating a new project
Lecture 2: The concept of prefabs and animations
Lecture 3: Adding our bunny and ground prefabs to the scene
Lecture 4: Interaction with the user . Rigidbody2d.addforce. Let's make our bynny jump
Lecture 5: Raycast concept. Jump when grounded
Lecture 6: Animations
Chapter 12: Let's create a game: The game manager
Lecture 1: Game states
Lecture 2: Swtich: Managing Different game states
Lecture 3: The singleton trick
Lecture 4: Running the game
Lecture 5: Triggers
Lecture 6: Restart the game
Chapter 13: Let's create a game: Designing the level
Lecture 1: Procedural content vs. author content
Lecture 2: The level piece: the lego pieces
Lecture 3: The level generator
Lecture 4: Generating new blocks
Lecture 5: Camera follow and testing the level generator
Lecture 6: Extending level
Lecture 7: Adding levels with holes, removing blocks after gameover
Chapter 14: Let's create a game: Heads up display
Lecture 1: Views
Lecture 2: Buttons
Lecture 3: Canvas
Lecture 4: The game view
Lecture 5: The game over view
Chapter 15: Let's create a game: The coins
Lecture 1: The coins prefab
Lecture 2: Programming coins collection
Lecture 3: High scores and data persistence
Lecture 4: Game over scree, cleanup and optimization
Lecture 5: This is just the beginning of the path to Jedi master!
Chapter 16: Bonus section
Lecture 1: Bonus lecture
Hidran Arias
Software Engineer -
María Santos
Graduada en Matemáticas -
Juan Gabriel Gomila Salas
CEO de Frogames Formación – Instructor online +600K alumnos
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 12 votes
- 3 stars: 63 votes
- 4 stars: 162 votes
- 5 stars: 262 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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