Learn C# Full Stack Development with Angular and ASP.NET
Learn C# Full Stack Development with Angular and ASP.NET, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 272 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 324 reviews, and has 2312 subscribers.
You will learn about Build backend web applications with ASP NET 8 Craft frontend Applications using Angular 18 Learn TypeScript development for Angular Learn how to build professional APIs using the Repository Design Pattern Learn how to implement and query SQL databases Develop comprehensive web applications that your employers and peers will love Become a full-stack web developer in the ASP net and Angular stack Learn how to build separate frontend and backend applications and how to connect them using the OpenAPI standard This course is ideal for individuals who are Any C# or Angular developer who wants to take the next step in their career or Any C# developer who wants learn web development or Any Angular developer who wants learn C# backend web development or Anyone who wants to learn Full-Stack web development It is particularly useful for Any C# or Angular developer who wants to take the next step in their career or Any C# developer who wants learn web development or Any Angular developer who wants learn C# backend web development or Anyone who wants to learn Full-Stack web development.
Enroll now: Learn C# Full Stack Development with Angular and ASP.NET
Title: Learn C# Full Stack Development with Angular and ASP.NET
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 272
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 272
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 277
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 277
Original Price: €199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build backend web applications with ASP NET 8
- Craft frontend Applications using Angular 18
- Learn TypeScript development for Angular
- Learn how to build professional APIs using the Repository Design Pattern
- Learn how to implement and query SQL databases
- Develop comprehensive web applications that your employers and peers will love
- Become a full-stack web developer in the ASP net and Angular stack
- Learn how to build separate frontend and backend applications and how to connect them using the OpenAPI standard
Who Should Attend
- Any C# or Angular developer who wants to take the next step in their career
- Any C# developer who wants learn web development
- Any Angular developer who wants learn C# backend web development
- Anyone who wants to learn Full-Stack web development
Target Audiences
- Any C# or Angular developer who wants to take the next step in their career
- Any C# developer who wants learn web development
- Any Angular developer who wants learn C# backend web development
- Anyone who wants to learn Full-Stack web development
Learn C# full stack web development with Angular and ASP.NET with this course and elevate your coding skills to a Professional Level.
Are you ready for the journey to becoming a full-stack web developer? Great!
Welcome to the Fullstack Web Development with Angular and C# ASP.NET course. A comprehensive course designed to transform your basic C# knowledge into full-stackexpertise.
This course is perfect for those seeking to enhance their coding skills and secure a promising career in full-stack development.
Key features of this course include:
C# web development with ASP.NET 8 for backend development
Build frontend applications using Angular 18 including components, services, routes and validation
Crafting RESTful APIs using Entity Framework and the Repository Design Pattern
Using swagger for API testing
Focus on building CRUD based full-stack web applications using the popular Angular & ASP net stack
The course is led by Jannick Leismann, a Certified Microsoft .NET developer, and Denis Panjuta, a former Oracle Consultant and creator of the world’s most popular beginner C# BootCamp: “The C# Masterclass”
Enroll in the Fullstack Web Development with Angular and C# ASP.NET course today and enjoy lifetime course access, in-depth video tutorials, 5 Star Support, real-world development focus, and a 100% no-quibble money-back guarantee.
Take the leap and upgrade your skills to become a full-stack web developer with this comprehensive course now.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Creating your first full-stack application Part 1: ASP.NET
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 2: What is full stack development
Lecture 3: Installing Visual Studio and ASP.NET
Lecture 4: Creating an API project
Lecture 5: In-Depth exploration of the API project
Lecture 6: Structure of an ASP.NET API
Lecture 7: Handout: ASP.NET
Lecture 8: Creating the book model
Lecture 9: Creating the book controller from scratch
Lecture 10: A small request
Lecture 11: HTTP requests and responses
Lecture 12: Handout Http Requests
Lecture 13: Creating the get all books endpoint
Lecture 14: Configuring the project for controllers
Lecture 15: Adding a redirection for the default route
Lecture 16: API review before moving on
Lecture 17: Handout: Full-Stack Development
Chapter 2: Creating your first full-stack application Part 2: Angular
Lecture 1: Installing node.js
Lecture 2: Installing the angular cli
Lecture 3: Installing visual studio code and extensions
Lecture 4: Setting the execution policy
Lecture 5: Creating your first Angular project
Lecture 6: Angular project deep-dive
Lecture 7: Handout: Angular
Lecture 8: Creating the book interface
Lecture 9: Creating the book-list component
Lecture 10: Binding data of components
Lecture 11: Binding a book object
Lecture 12: Creating an ngFor loop to show multiple books
Lecture 13: Creating the angular book service
Lecture 14: Building the book service
Lecture 15: Handout: Angular services
Lecture 16: Sending a get request with observable to the api
Lecture 17: Handout angular observables
Lecture 18: Using the book service in our component
Lecture 19: Configuring CORS to allow api access
Chapter 3: Employee Management System Part 1: ASP.NET
Lecture 1: Project Introduction: Employee Management System
Lecture 2: Source Code ASP API
Lecture 3: Installing .NET 9.0
Lecture 4: Updating visual studio
Lecture 5: Enabling preview features in vs
Lecture 6: Source Code: Employee Management API
Lecture 7: Creating the asp employee management project
Lecture 8: Employee model creation
Lecture 9: Installing Entity Framework Core + In Memory Database
Lecture 10: 306 Creating and registering a database context
Lecture 11: Handout: DB Context
Lecture 12: Adding a DbSet<> for our employees to the db context
Lecture 13: Handout: Entity Framework
Lecture 14: Configuring CORS for Angular
Lecture 15: Using the repository design pattern and creating the repository interface
Lecture 16: Creating the employee repository class
Lecture 17: Employee repository logic for adding
Lecture 18: Employee repository logic for getting
Lecture 19: Employee repository logic for updating and deleting
Lecture 20: Handout: Repository design pattern
Lecture 21: Registration of the repository for the dependency injection
Lecture 22: Creating the employee API conroller with a create endpoint
Lecture 23: Adding and configuring Swagger
Lecture 24: Testing an API endpoint with Swagger
Lecture 25: GetAll Endpoint
Lecture 26: GetById Endpoint
Lecture 27: Create Endpoint
Lecture 28: Delete Endpoint
Lecture 29: Update Endpoint
Lecture 30: API review
Lecture 31: Handout: ASP Crud API
Chapter 4: Employee Management System Part 2: Angular
Lecture 1: Source Code Angular App
Lecture 2: Angular project creation
Lecture 3: Employee interface and employee table component
Lecture 4: Environments for the api url
Lecture 5: Creating the employee service
Lecture 6: Loading employees from the api
Lecture 7: Showing the employee data in a table
Lecture 8: Defining routes in angular
Lecture 9: Creating a simple navigation menu based on routes
Lecture 10: Preparing the employee form
Lecture 11: Creating the employee form and data binding
Lecture 12: Finishing the employee form
Lecture 13: Handout: Angular data-binding
Lecture 14: Extending the service to send a http post request
Lecture 15: Handling observable errors and showing error messages with conditional rendering
Lecture 16: Deleting Employees
Lecture 17: Edit Employee Route
Lecture 18: Reading a param from the URL
Lecture 19: Loading the employee to edit
Lecture 20: Editing an existing employee
Chapter 5: Employee Management System Part 3: Styling
Lecture 1: Exploring Bootstrap
Lecture 2: Installing Bootstrap
Lecture 3: Styling a navbar
Lecture 4: Styling the employee table
Denis Panjuta
Teaches over 400,000 students to code -
Tutorials.eu by Denis Panjuta
Online Course Creation -
Jannick Leismann
Software Development Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 7 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 23 votes
- 4 stars: 92 votes
- 5 stars: 197 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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