Learn Coding: C++ & Python
Learn Coding: C++ & Python, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.1, with 105 lectures, based on 68 reviews, and has 2376 subscribers.
You will learn about Setting Up C++ Development Environment Setting Up Python Development Environment Data Types Operators Conditional Statements Loops Getting Input from Users Creating and using Variables Python Data Structures Using Code Comments Python Functions Using Python Modules and Packages Handling Exception Errors in Python How to create a digital clock How to create a calculator This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners to coding |programming or Beginners to Python or Beginners to C++ It is particularly useful for Beginners to coding |programming or Beginners to Python or Beginners to C++.
Enroll now: Learn Coding: C++ & Python
Title: Learn Coding: C++ & Python
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.1
Number of Lectures: 105
Number of Published Lectures: 105
Number of Curriculum Items: 105
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 105
Original Price: $94.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Setting Up C++ Development Environment
- Setting Up Python Development Environment
- Data Types
- Operators
- Conditional Statements
- Loops
- Getting Input from Users
- Creating and using Variables
- Python Data Structures
- Using Code Comments
- Python Functions
- Using Python Modules and Packages
- Handling Exception Errors in Python
- How to create a digital clock
- How to create a calculator
Who Should Attend
- Beginners to coding |programming
- Beginners to Python
- Beginners to C++
Target Audiences
- Beginners to coding |programming
- Beginners to Python
- Beginners to C++
Python is undoubtedly the most popular programming language and the ideal choice when starting to explore code. Not only is it easy to understand and follow, it’s also great for achieving quick results and it’s astonishingly powerful. We’re using Python 3, which is the latest version of the language and with it, you’re able to create everyday useful software, graphical games, text adventures and interactive programs that can be fashioned for use at home or at work. Python is a fantastic language and we will help you master the basics to set you on your way to becoming an accomplished Python programmer.
C++ is one of the most powerful, high-performing and efficient programming languages you can learn. Web browsers, games, applications and even entire operating systems are coded and created using C++; which makes understanding it a highly sought after skill to have. You will learn how to get started with c++ , exploring the whole process from entering a few lines of code that will generate something on your screen, through to data types and user interaction.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to C++ and Setup
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is C++
Lecture 3: How to Set Up C++
Lecture 4: Your First C++ Program
Lecture 5: Displaying Outputs
Lecture 6: Using Code Comments
Lecture 7: C++ Keywords
Chapter 2: Data Types and Variables
Lecture 1: C++ Data Types
Lecture 2: Data Type Conversion
Lecture 3: What are Variables ?
Lecture 4: Creating Variables
Lecture 5: C++ Arrays
Chapter 3: C++ Operators
Lecture 1: Arithmetic Operators
Lecture 2: Logical Operators
Lecture 3: Comparison Operators
Lecture 4: Assignment Operators
Lecture 5: Operator Precedence
Chapter 4: C++ Conditional Statements and Loops
Lecture 1: Decision making
Lecture 2: if statements
Lecture 3: if else statements
Lecture 4: While loops
Lecture 5: Do While Loops
Lecture 6: For loops
Lecture 7: Looping through Arrays
Lecture 8: Switch statements
Chapter 5: C++ Functions
Lecture 1: What are Functions
Lecture 2: Function Parameters and Arguments
Lecture 3: Function Return
Lecture 4: Getting Input from users
Lecture 5: Create a maths program
Chapter 6: Introduction to Python and Set Up
Lecture 1: What is Python
Lecture 2: How to Set Up Python in Windows
Lecture 3: How to Set Up Python 3 in Macs
Lecture 4: How to Set Up Pycharm in Windows
Lecture 5: How to Setup Pycharm in Macs
Lecture 6: Pycharm Configuration on Windows – Part 1
Lecture 7: Pycharm Configuration on Windows – Part 2
Lecture 8: Pycharm Configuration on Macs
Lecture 9: What are Text Editors
Lecture 10: Installing Atom Text Editor
Chapter 7: Interacting with Python
Lecture 1: High and Low Level Languages
Lecture 2: Compilers and Interpreters
Lecture 3: Interacting with Python – Part 1
Lecture 4: Interacting with Python – Part 2
Lecture 5: Python Expressions
Lecture 6: Python Statements
Lecture 7: Using Comments
Lecture 8: Indenting your code
Lecture 9: Python Variables
Lecture 10: Getting Input from users
Chapter 8: Python Data Types
Lecture 1: Number Data Types
Lecture 2: String Data Type
Lecture 3: Boolean Data Type
Lecture 4: Casting Data Type
Chapter 9: Python Operators
Lecture 1: Python Arithmetic Operators
Lecture 2: Python Assignment Operators
Lecture 3: Python Comparison Operators
Lecture 4: Python Logical Operators
Chapter 10: Python Data Structures
Lecture 1: What is a Python List
Lecture 2: Create a Python List
Lecture 3: Accessing elements in a List
Lecture 4: Python List Methods – Part 1
Lecture 5: Python List Methods – Part 2
Lecture 6: Python Tuples – Part 1
Lecture 7: Python Tuples – Part 2
Lecture 8: What is a Python Set ?
Lecture 9: Python Set Methods
Lecture 10: What is a Python Dictionary
Lecture 11: Python Dictionary Methods
Chapter 11: Python Functions
Lecture 1: What are Python Functions
Lecture 2: Python Return Keyword
Lecture 3: Using Default Parameter Value
Lecture 4: Using Keyword Arguments
Lecture 5: Nesting Functions
Lecture 6: Function Pass Keyword
Lecture 7: Anonymous Functions
Chapter 12: Control Flow Statements
Lecture 1: What is Control Flow
Lecture 2: if statements
Lecture 3: else statements
Lecture 4: elif statements
Lecture 5: While loops
Lecture 6: For loops
Lecture 7: Nested for loops
Lecture 8: Break statement
Lecture 9: Continue statement
Chapter 13: Python Modules and Packages
Lecture 1: What are Modules ?
Lecture 2: How to use a Module
Bluelime Learning Solutions
Making Learning Simple
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 8 votes
- 4 stars: 24 votes
- 5 stars: 31 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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