Learn Data Structures using C Programming Language
Learn Data Structures using C Programming Language, available at $34.99, has an average rating of 3.85, with 90 lectures, based on 62 reviews, and has 439 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand the fundamentals of Data Structures thoroughly through hands-on coding Learn to analyze programs Learn to see a bigger picture of design of algorithms in general This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to become a great programmer, not just a mediocre programmer or Anyone who wants to strengthen one's basics in Computer Science It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to become a great programmer, not just a mediocre programmer or Anyone who wants to strengthen one's basics in Computer Science.
Enroll now: Learn Data Structures using C Programming Language
Title: Learn Data Structures using C Programming Language
Price: $34.99
Average Rating: 3.85
Number of Lectures: 90
Number of Published Lectures: 90
Number of Curriculum Items: 90
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 90
Original Price: $119.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand the fundamentals of Data Structures thoroughly through hands-on coding
- Learn to analyze programs
- Learn to see a bigger picture of design of algorithms in general
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to become a great programmer, not just a mediocre programmer
- Anyone who wants to strengthen one's basics in Computer Science
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to become a great programmer, not just a mediocre programmer
- Anyone who wants to strengthen one's basics in Computer Science
Noteworhy reviews :
Szu-Fan Wang: “I love the practice codes a lot. Thanks instructor!”
Alberto San Martin:“It is a very clear professor. Good explanations.”
This course aims to teach the fundamental concepts of data structures in a step by step manner. As the first instalment of the course, the topics such as arrays, stacks and queues, linked lists, trees, graphs, and internal sorting techniques are covered. The remaining topics such as external sorting, symbol tables, and files will be included in the same course on a regular basis.
Programming is not just about learning a language and starting to write programs like stories. One has to learn certain concepts that are fundamental to computer science in general. That is why this course is a must for all the self-motivated wannabe code ninjas of future. The concepts here are explained slowly and clearly.
The highlight of the course is the meticulously planned coding exercises. Though the concepts are explained quite elaborately in the lectures, with ample illustrations and animations, the student will not be spoon-fed with coding solutions right on the screen. Instead, they will be required to complete pieces of code that are available for download, as part of each exercise. So, the lectures and coding exercises are inseparable. There are also quizzes interspersed with the lectures, some of which might help you think differently.
On the overall, the course aims to provide a heady mix of ease of listening to the lectures and the rigour of do-it-yourself coding exercises, hopefully making it a wholesome knowledge gaining experience.
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Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Details
Lecture 1: Prerequisites, Topics covered, and Reference book
Lecture 2: About quizzes and exercises
Chapter 2: Introduction to Data Structures
Lecture 1: Why study Data Structures and What is a Data Structure
Lecture 2: The Big-O notation for representation of performance measure of algorithms
Chapter 3: Arrays : An Introduction
Lecture 1: The definition of an array
Lecture 2: Array limits
Lecture 3: Element addressing in an array
Chapter 4: An application of arrays: Fast Transpose of a Sparse Matrix
Lecture 1: Introduction to Sparse Matrix Transpose
Lecture 2: Sparse matrix representation in a program
Lecture 3: First attempt at sparse matrix transpose: A crude solution
Lecture 4: Second attempt at sparse matrix transpose: A simple solution
Lecture 5: Third and final attempt: Fast Transpose of a Sparse Matrix
Chapter 5: Stacks and Queues: Introduction
Lecture 1: An Introduction to Stacks and Queues
Chapter 6: Stack functionalities
Lecture 1: Stack functionalities and "push" function
Lecture 2: "pop" function in Stacks
Chapter 7: An application of stacks: A Mazing Problem
Lecture 1: Stacks in Procedure Calls and Recursion
Lecture 2: Introduction to A Mazing Problem
Lecture 3: Recursive solution to A Mazing problem: A partial solution
Lecture 4: Recursive solution to A Mazing problem: A full solution
Lecture 5: Non-recursive solution to A Mazing Problem
Chapter 8: Queue functionalities
Lecture 1: Queue definitions and Linear Queue
Lecture 2: Circular Queue
Chapter 9: Linked Lists
Lecture 1: Why do we need linked lists?
Lecture 2: What is a linked list?
Lecture 3: Creation of a linked list
Lecture 4: Insertion of a new node in between two nodes in a singly linked list
Lecture 5: Insertion of a new node at the corners in a singly linked list
Lecture 6: Deletion of a node in a singly linked list
Lecture 7: Inplace reversal of a singly linked list
Lecture 8: Insertion and deletion of a node in a doubly linked list
Chapter 10: Trees : An Introduction
Lecture 1: Terms associated with Tree data structure
Chapter 11: An application of Trees : "Set" representation
Lecture 1: Representation of trees using array
Lecture 2: Union of two disjoint sets : First version: A simple union
Lecture 3: Find the root element of a tree: First version: A simple find
Lecture 4: Union of two disjoint sets : Second version: Weighted union
Lecture 5: Find the root element of a tree: Second version: Reduction in tree height
Chapter 12: Binary Trees
Lecture 1: Definition of a binary tree and Types of binary trees
Lecture 2: Some interesting properties of binary trees
Lecture 3: Representation of binary trees using arrays
Lecture 4: Representation of binary trees using linked lists
Lecture 5: Binary Tree Traversal
Lecture 6: Inorder, preorder, and postorder traversals : An Introduction
Lecture 7: Inorder, preorder, and postorder traversals : An Implementation
Chapter 13: Graphs : An Introduction
Lecture 1: Basic Graph Terminologies
Lecture 2: Complete graph and Subgraph
Lecture 3: Connected component of a graph
Lecture 4: Degree of a vertex
Chapter 14: Graph Representation
Lecture 1: Graph representation using Adjacency Matrix
Lecture 2: Graph representation using Adjacency List
Lecture 3: Representation of a directed graph
Lecture 4: How to find out the degree of a vertex in a graph
Lecture 5: Inverse adjacency list for a directed graph
Chapter 15: Graph search: Depth First Search (DFS) and Breadth First Search (BFS)
Lecture 1: Depth First Search (DFS)
Lecture 2: Breadth First Search (BFS)
Lecture 3: Time estimates of DFS and BFS
Chapter 16: Graph application : Finding Connected Components of a graph
Lecture 1: How to find out the connected components of a graph using DFS/BFS
Chapter 17: Graph application : Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm
Lecture 1: Finding spanning trees using BFS or DFS
Lecture 2: What is a minimum spanning tree?
Lecture 3: The minimum spanning tree algorithm : Theory
Chapter 18: Implementation of the Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm
Lecture 1: Extracting a list of unique edges from adjacency list
Lecture 2: Finding the edge with least cost from the list of unique edges
Lecture 3: Use of set union and find-root operations for detecting cycles in the tree
Lecture 4: Constructing the minimum spanning tree: Putting it all together
Chapter 19: Graph application: Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm
Lecture 1: An introduction to the shortest path algorithm
Lecture 2: Data structures used in the shortest path algorithm
Lecture 3: Implementation of the shortest path algorithm as a program
Chapter 20: Internal Sorting Techniques : Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to Sorting
Lecture 2: Summary of some internal sorting techniques
Lecture 3: The nature of input data in internal sorting
Chapter 21: Internal Sorting: Insertion Sort
Lecture 1: Insertion Sort Algorithm
Lecture 2: Insertion sort : Time and space analysis
Chapter 22: Internal sorting : Quicksort
Lecture 1: Quicksort Algorithm (Recursive)
Lecture 2: Quicksort : Time analysis : Average case
Lecture 3: Quicksort : Time analysis : Worst case
Lecture 4: Quicksort : Space consumption
Lecture 5: Quicksort : Improvements (including non-recursive version)
Chapter 23: Internal sorting : Mergesort
Lecture 1: Mergesort : "merge" functionality and time & space analysis of "merge"
Gayatri TR
Software Trainer and Mentor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 9 votes
- 4 stars: 17 votes
- 5 stars: 28 votes
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How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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