Learn Microservices using Spring boot with Spring Cloud
Learn Microservices using Spring boot with Spring Cloud, available at $19.99, with 64 lectures, and has 17 subscribers.
You will learn about You can learn about microservices and its features and operations. Students also can experience hands on examples. After completing the course students can proceed to create micro services using CURD operations and other services and functionalities. You can an learn What is Microservice & Why we need it ? Can develop their own project and fulfilling their development needs Before learning Microservices it is better to have minimal knowledge in java. Can explore on What is Spring Cloud ? Practical Implementation Of OpenFeign REST Client Service Discovery & Registry using Spring Cloud Eureka Client Side Load Balancing with Spring Cloud LoadBalancer This course is ideal for individuals who are Someone who has already had knowledge in java, Advanced Java so that they can easily learn about micro services. or Those who want to develop API services and microservices it would be more useful. It is particularly useful for Someone who has already had knowledge in java, Advanced Java so that they can easily learn about micro services. or Those who want to develop API services and microservices it would be more useful.
Enroll now: Learn Microservices using Spring boot with Spring Cloud
Title: Learn Microservices using Spring boot with Spring Cloud
Price: $19.99
Number of Lectures: 64
Number of Published Lectures: 64
Number of Curriculum Items: 64
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 64
Original Price: ₹999
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You can learn about microservices and its features and operations. Students also can experience hands on examples.
- After completing the course students can proceed to create micro services using CURD operations and other services and functionalities.
- You can an learn What is Microservice & Why we need it ?
- Can develop their own project and fulfilling their development needs
- Before learning Microservices it is better to have minimal knowledge in java.
- Can explore on What is Spring Cloud ?
- Practical Implementation Of OpenFeign REST Client
- Service Discovery & Registry using Spring Cloud Eureka
- Client Side Load Balancing with Spring Cloud LoadBalancer
Who Should Attend
- Someone who has already had knowledge in java, Advanced Java so that they can easily learn about micro services.
- Those who want to develop API services and microservices it would be more useful.
Target Audiences
- Someone who has already had knowledge in java, Advanced Java so that they can easily learn about micro services.
- Those who want to develop API services and microservices it would be more useful.
In this course, you will learn how to build REST APIs or Microservices using the latest version of Spring Boot), and Mongo database.
Spring Boot is basically an extension of the Spring framework which eliminated the boilerplate configurations required for setting up a Spring application.
Spring Boot is an opinionated framework that helps developers build Spring-based applications quickly and easily. The main goal of Spring Boot is to quickly create Spring-based applications without requiring developers to write the same boilerplate configuration again and again.
Microservices are an architectural style to building the system/application as
A set of smaller business components that are autonomous, self-contained and
Loosely coupled. Micro means small and service is webservice. After completing this student will become more comfortable to develop microservice based projects.
Using this course students can learn about API Gateway’s, Eureka servers.
Using this course students able to perform CURD operations.
Using this course students will understand about various integrations.
Using this course students can manage to download open source software’s and they will be able to setup environment setup for microservices.
Evolution of microservice:-
Many organizations such as Netflix, Amazon, and eBay successfully used the divide and conquer technique to functionality partition their monolithic applications into smaller atomic units, each performing a single function. These organization solved a number of issue
they were experiencing with their monolithic applications. Following the success of these organization, many other organizations started adopting
This as a common pattern to refactor their monolithic applications.
Purpose of microservice:
Applications to achieve a high degree of agility, speed of delivery, and scalability
Principles of Microservice:
1) Single Responsibility per Service
2) Autonomous
Micro services are self-containerd, independently deployable and autonomous service that takes full responsibility and its execution.
In the microservices approach , each microservice will be built as a fat jar, embedding all dependencies and run as a standalone java process
Course Contents ?
1. Introduction to Microservices
2. Microservices Architecture
3. Environment setup-Java installation
4. Environment setup-Java is not recognized error fix
5. Environment setup-Spring tool suit
6. Environment setup-POST Man
7. Environment setup- Mongo DB
8. Environment setup- MySQL
9. REST based CRUD operations.
10. How to add student details into Mongo DB using micro services.
11. How to delete student details from Mongo DB using micro services
12. How to update student details into Mongo Db using micro services
13. Retrieve student details from Mongo DB using using micro services.
14. Spring cloud API gateway with Eureka Server architecture and Integrations
15. Micro service integration with Eureka server
16. Micro services Integration with API gateway
17. Spring cloud openfeign integration.
18.OpenFeign communication with Eureka server
19. OpenFeign communication with server for Insert
20. OpenFeign communication with server for Retrieve
21. OpenFeign communication with server for Delete
22. OpenFeign communication with server for Update
23.About Swagger
24. Swagger document generation
25.Introduction to Spring cloud load balance
26 Spring cloud load balance at client side
What you’ll learn
Learn how to build Microservices or REST API using Spring Boot
Learn how to integrate with Eureka server
Learn how to use CRUD operations.
Learn how to connect Microservice to MongoDB database
Learn how to use Spring cloud API gateway
Learn how to use Swagger
Learn how to use Spring cloud load balancing
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
Java basics
Spring basics
Who this course is for:
This course is for Spring boot beginners who want to getting started with building Microservices and RestAPI’s using Spring Boot and Mongo database
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to Microservices
Lecture 2: Microservices-Architecture
Chapter 2: Environment Setup
Lecture 1: Environment Setup – Java installation
Lecture 2: Environment Setup – Java is not recognized
Lecture 3: Environment Setup – Spring tool suit
Lecture 4: Environment Setup- Postman
Lecture 5: Environment Setup – Mongo DB
Lecture 6: Environment Setup – Mysql
Lecture 7: Downloadable links for required software setup
Chapter 3: Microservice : REST based CRUD operations using Spring Boot and MongoDB
Lecture 1: Microservice : How to add student details into MongoDb using Microservice
Lecture 2: How to delete record from mongo db using microservice
Lecture 3: How to update student details in mongo db using microservices
Lecture 4: Retrieve student details from MongoDb using microservice
Chapter 4: About Spring Cloud API Gateway & Eureka Server & Integration with microservices
Lecture 1: Spring Cloud API Gateway & Eureka Server & Architecture and Integration with MS
Lecture 2: Microservices-Integration-with-EurekaServer
Lecture 3: Microservices-Integration-with-Api-Gateway
Chapter 5: Spring-Cloud-OpenFeign
Lecture 1: Spring-Cloud-OpenFeign- Introduction
Lecture 2: Open Feign Configuration with Eureka Client
Lecture 3: OpenFeign-Client Communication with Server
Lecture 4: OpenFeign-Communicaiton-with-Server-Add-record
Lecture 5: OpenFeign-Communication-with-Server-Retrieve-Student-Details-List
Lecture 6: OpenFeign-Communication-With-Server-Delete-Record
Lecture 7: OpenFeign-Communication-With-Server-Update-Student-Details
Chapter 6: Swagger
Lecture 1: About Swagger
Lecture 2: Swagger document creation
Chapter 7: Spring Cloud Load Balancer or Client Side Load Balancer
Lecture 1: Introduction-Spring Cloud Load Balancer Or Client side load balancing
Lecture 2: Spring-Cloud-Load-Balancing at Client side.
Chapter 8: Fault tolerance & Circuit breaker with Resilience4J
Lecture 1: Introduction about fault tolerance and possible failures in microservices.
Lecture 2: Circuit breaker role with microservices
Lecture 3: Micro services with Circuit breaker and Resilience4J
Lecture 4: Properties
Lecture 5: Circuit breaker implementation using Resilience4J
Lecture 6: Circuit breaker Code implementation using Resilience4J
Lecture 7: Circuit breaker implementation evaluation
Chapter 9: Sleuth and ZIPKIN
Lecture 1: Introduction about Sleuth and ZIPKIN server
Lecture 2: Sleuth and ZIPKIN server configuration
Chapter 10: Spring Cloud Config server
Lecture 1: Intro about Config Server
Lecture 2: Create GIT repository and Config Server
Lecture 3: Config Server-In-Action
Lecture 4: How to integrate angular application with microservices & deploying into tomcat
Chapter 11: Bonus Lecture – Junit with Spring Boot and Mockito
Lecture 1: Introduction1-Junit-Testing with spring boot and Mockito-Overview
Lecture 2: Introduction2-Junit Testing
Lecture 3: Environment setup with example
Lecture 4: Calculate Example
Lecture 5: Calculate Example with empty and single value
Lecture 6: Example to call a calculate service
Lecture 7: ServiceImplementation with Stub
Lecture 8: Calculate-Servce-Stub-with empty and single values
Lecture 9: Create-MockService-for-CalculateSum
Lecture 10: Refactoring at the rate Mock, at the rate Inject Mocks
Lecture 11: Unit testing with List example
Lecture 12: Junit-Annotations
Lecture 13: Junit-Spy
Chapter 12: Junit with Spring boot
Lecture 1: Spring-boot-Hello-World-Example
Lecture 2: Junit-Test-with-Hellow World Controller example
Lecture 3: Status-Check-with Ok
Lecture 4: Spring boot example for student details
Lecture 5: Junit-for-Student-details
Lecture 6: Junit test case for service layer
Lecture 7: JPA with H2 Database connection
Lecture 8: Insert student details in JPA with H2 Database
Lecture 9: Retrieve details from DB using JPA repository for REST operation
Lecture 10: Junit test case for retrieving all the table details
Lecture 11: Unit Test for Service layer
Nagasrinivasarao Dasari
B.tech graduate from J.N.T.University.
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