Learn Modern JavaScript: Getting Started
Learn Modern JavaScript: Getting Started, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.68, with 118 lectures, based on 689 reviews, and has 6529 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand the strengths and weaknesses of JavaScript. Write JavaScript code and link it to a web page. Test JavaScript code using the browser console. Declare variables and manipulate values. Work with operators. Explain coercion and hoisting. Use the Date and Math object. Use template strings for displaying output. Incorporate if conditionals in your code. Use a switch statement when appropriate. Understand and apply the while and for loop. Create an array. Add and remove elements from an array. Use array methods. Create user defined functions. Create arrow functions. Explain scope. Create user defined objects. Explain prototypal inheritance. Use the constructor and class structure to create objects. Explain the DOM. Select and modify elements from the DOM. Create event handles to respond to user actions. Debug your code. Optimally deploy your JavaScript code. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is intended for those who are getting started with JavaScript or who would like a refresher that includes the latest JavaScript. It is particularly useful for This course is intended for those who are getting started with JavaScript or who would like a refresher that includes the latest JavaScript.
Enroll now: Learn Modern JavaScript: Getting Started
Title: Learn Modern JavaScript: Getting Started
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.68
Number of Lectures: 118
Number of Published Lectures: 118
Number of Curriculum Items: 118
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 118
Original Price: $64.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand the strengths and weaknesses of JavaScript.
- Write JavaScript code and link it to a web page.
- Test JavaScript code using the browser console.
- Declare variables and manipulate values.
- Work with operators.
- Explain coercion and hoisting.
- Use the Date and Math object.
- Use template strings for displaying output.
- Incorporate if conditionals in your code.
- Use a switch statement when appropriate.
- Understand and apply the while and for loop.
- Create an array.
- Add and remove elements from an array.
- Use array methods.
- Create user defined functions.
- Create arrow functions.
- Explain scope.
- Create user defined objects.
- Explain prototypal inheritance.
- Use the constructor and class structure to create objects.
- Explain the DOM.
- Select and modify elements from the DOM.
- Create event handles to respond to user actions.
- Debug your code.
- Optimally deploy your JavaScript code.
Who Should Attend
- This course is intended for those who are getting started with JavaScript or who would like a refresher that includes the latest JavaScript.
Target Audiences
- This course is intended for those who are getting started with JavaScript or who would like a refresher that includes the latest JavaScript.
In Learn Modern JavaScript: Getting Started, you are taught the fundamentals of JavaScript the right way. We won’t skip topics. Some topics may seem more advanced, but that is because they are crucial to a complete grounding of JavaScript. Most importantly, you are taught the why, not just the what and how.
We cover all the necessary topics to get you started on your way to becoming a JavaScript programmer. This course will start with the basics and very quickly begins increasing your knowledge of JavaScript. With all the hands-on exercise, you will get plenty of time to practice.
JavaScript has changed and matured since its humble beginnings in 1995. One of the original goals of JavaScript, in those early years, was to make it easy for beginners. That goal has made it accessible for all types of people. However, this has also meant that JavaScript has been taught and learned incompletely by many. Not in this course!
This course contains 12 sections, over 115 different topics, over 13 hours of video tutorials, 12 exercises and everything you need for the proper grounding in JavaScript.
If you are ready to jump into the world of JavaScript or you want to add to your new found skills, this course is for you!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 1: About this Course
Lecture 2: HTML and CSS Primer
Chapter 2: Introducing JavaScript
Lecture 1: Why Learn JavaScript
Lecture 2: JavaScript: A Short History
Lecture 3: Tools of the Trade
Lecture 4: What Makes Good Code?
Chapter 3: Lets Get Started Writing Code
Lecture 1: Writing Your First JavaScript Code
Lecture 2: Working with the JavaScript Console
Lecture 3: Diving into the Console
Lecture 4: JavaScript Coding Conventions
Lecture 5: Exercise 1
Chapter 4: Learn JavaScript Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Understanding Types and Values
Lecture 2: Learning to Manipulate Values
Lecture 3: Working with Variables Part 1
Lecture 4: Working with Variables Part 2
Lecture 5: Declaring Variables Using let
Lecture 6: Creating Constants
Lecture 7: Understanding null and undefined
Lecture 8: Working with Operators
Lecture 9: Understanding Coercion
Lecture 10: Understanding Hoisting
Lecture 11: Introducing Objects
Lecture 12: Working with the Math Object
Lecture 13: Working with the Date Object
Lecture 14: Using Template Strings
Lecture 15: Checking the Start and Ending of a String
Lecture 16: Joint Exercise
Lecture 17: Exercise 2
Lecture 18: Exercise 3
Chapter 5: Using Control Structures
Lecture 1: Introducing Loops and Conditionals
Lecture 2: Working with the if Conditional Part 1
Lecture 3: Working with the if Conditional Part 2
Lecture 4: Using Comparison Operators
Lecture 5: Understanding Truthy and Falsey
Lecture 6: Working with String Methods in Conditionals
Lecture 7: Using else if Statements
Lecture 8: Using the Switch Statement
Lecture 9: Conditional Shorthand: The Ternary Operator
Lecture 10: Exercise 4
Lecture 11: Working with the While Loop
Lecture 12: While Loop Example 2
Lecture 13: Using the For Loop
Lecture 14: For Loop Example 2
Lecture 15: Learning Additional Assignment Operators
Lecture 16: Including the Break Statement
Lecture 17: Understanding DRY Code
Lecture 18: Exercise 5
Lecture 19: Exercise 6
Chapter 6: Working with Arrays
Lecture 1: Understanding and Creating Arrays
Lecture 2: Adding and Removing Array Elements
Lecture 3: Applying Arrays
Lecture 4: Looping Through Arrays
Lecture 5: Working with Sparse Arrays
Lecture 6: Using Array Methods
Lecture 7: Converting a String to an Array
Lecture 8: Using the Splice Method
Lecture 9: Exercise 7
Chapter 7: Incorporating Functions
Lecture 1: Introducing Functions
Lecture 2: Defining Functions
Lecture 3: Understanding Function Declarations and Function Expressions
Lecture 4: Understanding Arguments and Parameters
Lecture 5: Function Example
Lecture 6: Using the Return Statement
Lecture 7: Understanding Scope Part 1
Lecture 8: Understanding Scope Part 2
Lecture 9: Understanding Higher Order Functions
Lecture 10: Using Arrow Functions
Lecture 11: Exercise 8
Lecture 12: Exercise 9
Chapter 8: Using Objects
Lecture 1: Introducing Objects
Lecture 2: Creating User Defined Objects
Lecture 3: Object Example
Lecture 4: Understanding this
Lecture 5: Removing Properties with delete
Lecture 6: Accessing Properties with [ ]
Lecture 7: Understanding How Objects are Passed
Lecture 8: Understanding Prototypal Inheritance
Lecture 9: Defining the Prototype with Object.create
Lecture 10: Using Constructors
Lecture 11: Using the Class Structure
Lecture 12: Exercise 10 Part 1
Lecture 13: Exercise 10 Part 2
Lecture 14: Exercise 10 Part 3
Chapter 9: Manipulating HTML Pages
Lecture 1: Introducing the DOM
Lecture 2: Using Developer Tools to Work with the DOM
Lecture 3: Understanding the Process for Changing the DOM
Lecture 4: Selecting DOM Elements Using Dot Syntax
Lecture 5: Selecting DOM Elements by ID, Tag or Class
Lecture 6: Using Console.dir
Lecture 7: Selecting DOM Elements Using CSS Criteria
Lecture 8: Working with Forms
Steven Hancock
Owner All Things JavaScript
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 54 votes
- 4 stars: 201 votes
- 5 stars: 422 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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