Learn MongoDB & Neo4j – Leading NoSQL Databases from scratch
Learn MongoDB & Neo4j – Leading NoSQL Databases from scratch, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 198 lectures, 8 quizzes, based on 1156 reviews, and has 9498 subscribers.
You will learn about Mastering MongoDB and Neo4j based application development Decide where and when to use MongoDB and Neo4j in your application development Design MongoDB & Neo4j database from start to finish Differentiate between RDBMS and NoSQL databases Spot key features and advantages of NoSQL database MongoDB over RDBMS databases This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone can learn it as this course starts from scratch or This course "Learn MongoDB – Leading NoSQL Database from scratch" is developed for all the Developers who want to learn and develop MongoDB based applications. or This course is designed for DBAs who wants to learn about NoSQL Database design with MongoDB. It is particularly useful for Anyone can learn it as this course starts from scratch or This course "Learn MongoDB – Leading NoSQL Database from scratch" is developed for all the Developers who want to learn and develop MongoDB based applications. or This course is designed for DBAs who wants to learn about NoSQL Database design with MongoDB.
Enroll now: Learn MongoDB & Neo4j – Leading NoSQL Databases from scratch
Title: Learn MongoDB & Neo4j – Leading NoSQL Databases from scratch
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 198
Number of Quizzes: 8
Number of Published Lectures: 197
Number of Published Quizzes: 8
Number of Curriculum Items: 206
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 205
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Mastering MongoDB and Neo4j based application development
- Decide where and when to use MongoDB and Neo4j in your application development
- Design MongoDB & Neo4j database from start to finish
- Differentiate between RDBMS and NoSQL databases
- Spot key features and advantages of NoSQL database MongoDB over RDBMS databases
Who Should Attend
- Anyone can learn it as this course starts from scratch
- This course "Learn MongoDB – Leading NoSQL Database from scratch" is developed for all the Developers who want to learn and develop MongoDB based applications.
- This course is designed for DBAs who wants to learn about NoSQL Database design with MongoDB.
Target Audiences
- Anyone can learn it as this course starts from scratch
- This course "Learn MongoDB – Leading NoSQL Database from scratch" is developed for all the Developers who want to learn and develop MongoDB based applications.
- This course is designed for DBAs who wants to learn about NoSQL Database design with MongoDB.
This course will help you to master one of the most popular NoSQL databases MongoDB and NoSQL GraphDB Neo4j. This course is designed to provide knowledge and hands on skills to become a successful MongoDB and Neo4j GraphDB Experts.
******** This course is updated on November 4, 2022 — Complete Course on Neo4j : NoSQL Graph Database has been added to this course as Bonus course. Code files are being added to all the hands on lectures****
******** This course is updated on January 15, 2020 — New Section on MongoDB ATLAS: MongoDB on the Cloud****
******** This course is updated on December 2, 2019– New Section on MongoDB Backup and Restore added****
******** This course is updated to support latest version of MongoDB 4.2.1 on November 1, 2019****
******Course in updated with the Current Stable Version of MongoDB 4.2 .1*****
This Course includes 2 Comprehensive Handson Projects (4 Hours of Project Videos):
Project 1 – Working with node.js and MongoDB
Project 2: User Management System using MongoDB and Java/JEE
We will start with basics of MongoDB and then we go on learning advance concepts to build MongoDB based applications.
In this course, we will start by learning basic concepts of MongoDB, MongoDB installation process on different operating systems, creating databases, Collections, CRUD opertaions and Indexing.
You can use the exercise files attached along this course to practice and follow along the each section/chapter. There will be short quizzes after each section to test our understanding and also to revise the concepts.
At the end of this course you will be mastering MongoDB based application development.
Course Highlights
Most comprehensive course on MongoDB with NoSQL database design approach
Simple, easy and well explained lectures with practical examples
Quizzes at end of the each section to test your understanding
Exercise files to help you start practicing along the course
More Lectures and projects will be added in coming weeks
Course Objective
Mastering MongoDB based application development
Decide where and when to use MongoDB in your application development
Design MongoDB database from start to finish
Differentiate between RDBMS and NoSQL databases
Spot key features and advantages of NoSQL database MongoDB over RDBMS databases
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Objectives – An Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Outline and Introduction
Lecture 2: Course Objectives – An Introduction To MongoDB Course
Chapter 2: Introduction to NoSQL Database
Lecture 1: Introduction to NoSQL Databases
Lecture 2: Introduction to MongoDB
Lecture 3: Difference between MongoDB & RDBMS
Chapter 3: Getting Started – Installation & Configuration
Lecture 1: MongoDB 4.0.2 Downloading Installing and Running
Lecture 2: Configuring MongoDB 4.0 server with configuration file
Lecture 3: What's New in MongoDB 4.0 : Features and Tools
Lecture 4: PDF version: What's New in MongoDB 4.0
Lecture 5: Installing MongoDB on Mac OS X
Chapter 4: Older Version of MongoDB – Download & Installation
Lecture 1: Download and Installation of Latest MongoDB 3.6 Release
Lecture 2: Installing MongoDB Latest Version 3.2.7
Lecture 3: Installing MongoDB Version 3.2.9 on Ubuntu 16.04
Lecture 4: Installing MongoDB Version 3.0.6 on Windows
Lecture 5: Configuring MongoDB server with configuration file
Chapter 5: MongoDB 4.2.1 on Linux OS: Installation, Basics & Beyond
Lecture 1: MongoDB 4.2.1 on Linux Kali OS: Introduction
Lecture 2: Installing MongoDB 4.2.1 on LInux
Lecture 3: Creating Database Collections and Inserting Documents in MongoDB on Linux
Lecture 4: CRUD Operations- insertOne(), insertMany() and Query Criteria
Lecture 5: UpdateOne() and UpdateMany()
Lecture 6: DeleteOne() and DeleteMany() in MongoDB
Lecture 7: Finding and Modifying a document in MongoDB
Lecture 8: Removing Documents from Collection
Lecture 9: Renaming a Collection
Chapter 6: Basics of MongoDB – Updated with MongoDB 4.0 version
Lecture 1: Creating First Database and First Collection in MongoDB 4.0
Lecture 2: Inserting One Document with insertOne() method
Lecture 3: Multiple Documents Insertion in MongoDB 4.0- insertMany() method
Lecture 4: Bulk Insert with insert() method and duplicate id
Chapter 7: Basics of MongoDB
Lecture 1: Creating First Database
Lecture 2: Creating Document and Saving it to Collection
Lecture 3: Exercise
Lecture 4: Dropping a Database
Lecture 5: Creating a Collection – Using db.createCollection(name,options)
Lecture 6: Dropping a Collection
Chapter 8: MongoDB CRUD Operations – Create, Read, Update and Delete
Lecture 1: Creating/Inserting a document in collection using javascript file
Lecture 2: Inserting Array of Documents
Lecture 3: Exercise
Lecture 4: Reading a Document – Querying
Lecture 5: Reading a Document with $lt, $gt operator
Lecture 6: Other Query Operators
Lecture 7: Updating Documents
Lecture 8: Deleting documents
Chapter 9: Performance tuning with Indexes in MongoDB
Lecture 1: Introduction to Indexes
Lecture 2: Understanding Impact of Indexes
Lecture 3: Creating Index
Lecture 4: Finding Indexes
Lecture 5: Dropping Index
Chapter 10: ObjectIds in MongoDB
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Understanding ObjectIds
Lecture 3: Creating ObjectIds
Lecture 4: Advantages of ObjectIds created by MongoDB
Lecture 5: Disadvantages of ObjectIds created by MongoDB
Chapter 11: Aggregation Framework in MongoDB
Lecture 1: Aggregation Framework In MongoDB
Lecture 2: Using aggregate() method- Aggregation Example 1
Lecture 3: Using distinct() and count()
Lecture 4: Sorting documents
Chapter 12: Data Modeling in MongoDB
Lecture 1: Introduction to Data Modelling in MongoDB
Lecture 2: Data Modeling using References
Lecture 3: Data Modeling using Embedded documents
Chapter 13: Relationships in MongoDB
Lecture 1: Relationships in MongoDB
Lecture 2: One-To-One Relationship
Lecture 3: One-To-Many Relationship
Lecture 4: Many-To-Many Relationship
Chapter 14: User/Role Management In MongoDB
Lecture 1: Creating User in MongoDB Database
Lecture 2: Starting mongod server with Authentication
Lecture 3: Unauthorized Access Error – User Role
Chapter 15: Doubt Clarification Section- Answers to Questions asked on Course Discussions
Lecture 1: Ask Your Questions/Doubts!!
Lecture 2: $natural Operator Sorting
Lecture 3: explain() method parameter options
Lecture 4: Group by using Reduce Function
Chapter 16: Regular Expressions in MongoDB
Lecture 1: Regular Expressions in MongoDB
Lecture 2: Using $regex operator for Pattern Matching
Lecture 3: Pattern Matching without $regex Operator
Lecture 4: Pattern Matching with $options – case insensitive
Lecture 5: Fetching Last 'n' documents from a collection
Chapter 17: Map-Reduce in MongoDB
Lecture 1: Introduction to Map-Reduce
Lecture 2: Demo – Map-Reduce in MongodB
Sunil Kumar Gupta
Technology Analyst & Programmer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 56 votes
- 2 stars: 71 votes
- 3 stars: 186 votes
- 4 stars: 311 votes
- 5 stars: 532 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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