Learn Node.js by exemples: from beginner to advanced
Learn Node.js by exemples: from beginner to advanced, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 87 lectures, based on 18 reviews, and has 156 subscribers.
You will learn about Build web app applications and micro-services using Node js and Angular Use Node js to make CLI tools Implement an authentication mechanism using Nodejs Build applications using software engineer architectures Understand advanced concepts such as streams, event emitter, forking a process, etc. Use a NoSQL database (CouchDB) Use Docker This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners in programming who want to understand how to make a web app from scratch to deployment or Programmers of any background who want to have a solid overview of Node js or Anyone interested in learning how to use Node js with Docker or Anyone interested in using Angular for their front end application and Node js as their backend API or anyone interested in software engineering looking to learn software architectures It is particularly useful for Beginners in programming who want to understand how to make a web app from scratch to deployment or Programmers of any background who want to have a solid overview of Node js or Anyone interested in learning how to use Node js with Docker or Anyone interested in using Angular for their front end application and Node js as their backend API or anyone interested in software engineering looking to learn software architectures.
Enroll now: Learn Node.js by exemples: from beginner to advanced
Title: Learn Node.js by exemples: from beginner to advanced
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 87
Number of Published Lectures: 87
Number of Curriculum Items: 87
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 87
Original Price: $119.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build web app applications and micro-services using Node js and Angular
- Use Node js to make CLI tools
- Implement an authentication mechanism using Nodejs
- Build applications using software engineer architectures
- Understand advanced concepts such as streams, event emitter, forking a process, etc.
- Use a NoSQL database (CouchDB)
- Use Docker
Who Should Attend
- Beginners in programming who want to understand how to make a web app from scratch to deployment
- Programmers of any background who want to have a solid overview of Node js
- Anyone interested in learning how to use Node js with Docker
- Anyone interested in using Angular for their front end application and Node js as their backend API
- anyone interested in software engineering looking to learn software architectures
Target Audiences
- Beginners in programming who want to understand how to make a web app from scratch to deployment
- Programmers of any background who want to have a solid overview of Node js
- Anyone interested in learning how to use Node js with Docker
- Anyone interested in using Angular for their front end application and Node js as their backend API
- anyone interested in software engineering looking to learn software architectures
This course will teach you, with real world exemples, how to write CLI and back-end web services with Node.js. Taking a software engineer approach (I’m a software engineer myself), this course will make you a Node.js master, but will also teach you architectural patterns, design patterns and concepts such as streams, event emitter, authentication, etc. You will also have the opportunity to use high-demand tools and technologies such as Docker, CouchDB, Gulp, Mocha and Angular. In this course, we will use those tools to help us build our applications. I’m also always available for any questions you might have during this course, and even after.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Installing Node.js
Lecture 3: Installing Visual Studio Code
Lecture 4: Using Node.js with the terminal
Chapter 2: Java Scripts Basics
Lecture 1: Functions in Java Script
Lecture 2: Introduction to Objects in Java Script
Lecture 3: Function as Objects
Lecture 4: There's no classes in JS Part 1 (constructor)
Lecture 5: There's no classes in JS Part 2 (prototype inheritance)
Lecture 6: There's no classes in JS Part 3 (ECMAScript 2015 classes)
Lecture 7: var & let keywords & global object
Lecture 8: The "this" keyword in Java Script
Lecture 9: Running in strict mode
Lecture 10: Callbacks
Lecture 11: Error handling with callbacks
Lecture 12: Promises
Lecture 13: Chaining promises
Lecture 14: async and await
Chapter 3: Node.js basics by exemple: building a CLI application (Library tool)
Lecture 1: The require() function
Lecture 2: Getting input from user
Lecture 3: Using commander module
Lecture 4: Creating our CLI options
Lecture 5: Turning our Node.js application into an executable (bin folder)
Lecture 6: Creating our first module
Lecture 7: fs module: writing to a file
Lecture 8: fs module: reading from a file
Lecture 9: "Promisify" our application
Lecture 10: The layer architecture design
Lecture 11: Factory pattern: building our model layer
Lecture 12: Building our database module
Lecture 13: Implementing our add functions
Lecture 14: Building our controllers
Chapter 4: Node.js advanced concepts and topics
Lecture 1: The Node.js event loop
Lecture 2: setImmediate() and process.nextTick()
Lecture 3: Introduction to Events
Lecture 4: Event emitters
Lecture 5: Spawning a child process
Lecture 6: Introduction to streams
Lecture 7: Readable streams
Lecture 8: Writable streams
Lecture 9: The pipe operator
Lecture 10: Duplex streams
Lecture 11: Socket communication (net module)
Lecture 12: Http module to the rescue
Chapter 5: Using Docker with Node.js
Lecture 1: What is Docker
Lecture 2: Docker basics: building our first image
Lecture 3: Running CouchDB with Docker
Chapter 6: CouchDB basics
Lecture 1: Design documents and views
Lecture 2: List functions
Lecture 3: Validation function
Chapter 7: Building a Rest API (Library)
Lecture 1: Using Postman
Lecture 2: GET and POST in Express.js
Lecture 3: Express middleware and the next function
Lecture 4: Advanced routing with Express.js
Lecture 5: Designing our API
Lecture 6: Unit testing with Mocha
Lecture 7: Managing tasks with Gulp.js
Lecture 8: Environment variables and config
Lecture 9: Configuring our database
Lecture 10: Creating our models
Lecture 11: CRUD (implementing our create operations)
Lecture 12: CRUD (implementing our read operations)
Lecture 13: CRUD (implementing our update and delete operations)
Lecture 14: Logging with Winston
Lecture 15: Implementing our Book Controller
Lecture 16: Implementing our User Controller
Lecture 17: Adding search functionalities
Lecture 18: Building our API (book)
Lecture 19: Building our API (user)
Lecture 20: Building our API (rent)
Lecture 21: Cookies and sessions
Lecture 22: JSON Web Token
Lecture 23: Authentication with hash and salt method
Chapter 8: Adding an Angular UI to a Node.js app
Lecture 1: Installing Angular
Lecture 2: Creating our first component (menu)
Lecture 3: Adding routing
Lecture 4: Creating services in Angular
Lecture 5: Adding users to database
Lecture 6: Displaying books from database
Lecture 7: Advanced components functionallity
Lecture 8: Adding a parametrized route to our router
Lecture 9: Implementing our search engine
Lecture 10: Adding a login component
Lecture 11: Serving static files with Express.js
Lecture 12: Integrating an Angular UI with a Node.js app
Lecture 13: Angular Routing Guards
Lecture 14: Backend route vs. Angular route
Olivier Campeau
Software engineer and former teacher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 9 votes
- 5 stars: 6 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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