Learn Python 2 and 3 Side by Side
Learn Python 2 and 3 Side by Side, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.1, with 82 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 81 reviews, and has 1372 subscribers.
You will learn about Write Programs in both Python 2 and Python 3 Knows how to write a program in Python Create a Python Application From Scratch Create a Program in Python 2 Create a Program in Python 3 Know the difference between Python 2 and Python 3 Knows what works with Python 3 and What doesn't Create Object Oriented Python Program This course is ideal for individuals who are If you want to learn programming or want to learn python as beginner you are at right course or This course is for you, if you are looking to learn Python for your career development or Job oppotunity or This course is meant for people who would like to learn and program with python It is particularly useful for If you want to learn programming or want to learn python as beginner you are at right course or This course is for you, if you are looking to learn Python for your career development or Job oppotunity or This course is meant for people who would like to learn and program with python.
Enroll now: Learn Python 2 and 3 Side by Side
Title: Learn Python 2 and 3 Side by Side
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.1
Number of Lectures: 82
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 72
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 88
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 78
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Write Programs in both Python 2 and Python 3
- Knows how to write a program in Python
- Create a Python Application From Scratch
- Create a Program in Python 2
- Create a Program in Python 3
- Know the difference between Python 2 and Python 3
- Knows what works with Python 3 and What doesn't
- Create Object Oriented Python Program
Who Should Attend
- If you want to learn programming or want to learn python as beginner you are at right course
- This course is for you, if you are looking to learn Python for your career development or Job oppotunity
- This course is meant for people who would like to learn and program with python
Target Audiences
- If you want to learn programming or want to learn python as beginner you are at right course
- This course is for you, if you are looking to learn Python for your career development or Job oppotunity
- This course is meant for people who would like to learn and program with python
As mentioned earlier the course price has been increased from $20 now and will keep increasing steadily over period of time. Grab the course before the price goes beyond what you think of spending…
Python being one of the more engaging and easy to learn program is ‘one of the must learn’ for any programmer at some point of time. Even though it is not mandatory, it always adds an advantage and value to the programmer. Python Makes it fun and interesting when it comes to programming. That is what we are going to do in this course. Learn the Python Programming Language to make your programming experience a fun and engaging one.
Learn Python Online with the Pace in which you can make sure to know what you learn and keep remembering them for a long time. Upon completing this course you will be ready to write any basic program in python with no reference needed. A hands on learning experience will make things much more effective.
Coming to the Course, this course covers Everything you need to know to become a Python Programmer. Basics are covered right at the beginning in this course. Then the concepts that makes python programming easy is covered to make you understand better. The course starts off with the beginner concepts and then lead into all the required areas of python programming.
This Course has 72 lecture videos of about 6.5 hours explaining pretty much every required concepts of python. All lectures are explained with with an example program for each concept touched up in the course. The course also features some tips and tricks that can make python programming easy. The course also covers some of the programs that can get you ready for some complex programming in python.
Sections are created in such a way that creates a flow in the learning and not based on a single concept or method in Python Programming. Learning is the Key!!!
What comes with this course is:
- 72 lecture videos with over 6.5 hours of content
- 6 quizzes to let you brush up and test the knowledge you gained
- Clear differentiation between Python 2 and Python 3 codes
- Demonstrations on what works and what doesn’t in Python 3 and Python 2
- Some real world usages with concepts explained with a program
- Object Oriented Programming in Python
- Advises and recommendation to continue after completing the course
- No course materials like code files will be provided to encourage you to type and play around with codes manually
What you can expect from me as a Instructor:
- Prompt reply to any questions or issues posted in discussion area in Udemy
- Help you even for the issues you have in python outside of course materials
- Regular updates to course with new content if required
- Open to any criticism on course, course content or myself
- Share and improve ideas with students
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: Welcome
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Course
Lecture 1: Introduction about the Course
Lecture 2: Introduction to Python
Lecture 3: A look at Python
Chapter 2: Installation of Python
Lecture 1: Installing Python in Windows
Lecture 2: Installing Python in Mac OSX
Lecture 3: Installing Python in Linux – Ubuntu
Lecture 4: Python from Command Prompt (cmd) Windows
Chapter 3: IDE for Python
Lecture 1: Installing Eclipse with PyDev
Lecture 2: Installing Jetbrains PyCharm
Chapter 4: Starting with Basics
Lecture 1: First Program to Start With
Lecture 2: Numbers
Lecture 3: Math and Operators
Lecture 4: Strings
Lecture 5: Variables
Lecture 6: Comments
Lecture 7: Lists
Lecture 8: Dictionary
Lecture 9: Tuples
Lecture 10: Typecasting
Lecture 11: Indentations
Lecture 12: Conditional: if elif and else
Lecture 13: while loop
Lecture 14: for loops
Lecture 15: Functions
Lecture 16: Functions with Argumensts
Chapter 5: Getting user Input
Lecture 1: Input: input()
Lecture 2: Input: raw_input()
Lecture 3: Example: Addition of numbers with user input
Chapter 6: Diving Deeper
Lecture 1: Find type of the variable
Lecture 2: Check Variable Type
Lecture 3: Global Variable
Lecture 4: Deleting a Variable
Lecture 5: Unpacking Variables
Lecture 6: Negative Indexing
Lecture 7: Working with String
Lecture 8: String Functions
Lecture 9: Slicing a List
Lecture 10: More with Slicing a List
Lecture 11: Functions with Lists
Lecture 12: Using Lists as Stacks
Lecture 13: Using Lists as Queue
Lecture 14: Using Lists as Double-ended queue
Lecture 15: Zipping and Unzipping lists and Iterables
Lecture 16: Finding Smallest and Largest Elements in List
Lecture 17: Finding Most common elements in an iterable
Lecture 18: Sets and set operations
Lecture 19: And & OR
Lecture 20: Using Break and Continue in Loops
Lecture 21: Functions with Default Arguments
Lecture 22: Functions with Different Argument Types
Lecture 23: Importing a Library or module
Lecture 24: More Info on Modules
Chapter 7: File Handling
Lecture 1: Opening and Reading a File
Lecture 2: Reading a File Line by Line: readlines()
Lecture 3: Writing to a File
Lecture 4: Appending Text to a File
Lecture 5: Using os module
Lecture 6: Using path module
Lecture 7: Check if file exists
Lecture 8: Check if path is a file or directory
Chapter 8: Database Programming with Python and MySQL
Chapter 9: Object Oriented Programming
Lecture 1: Creating a Class and Object
Lecture 2: Creating Methods in Class
Lecture 3: Using an Object to access the Class Variables
Lecture 4: Constructor
Lecture 5: Getting and Setting Values
Lecture 6: Creating a SubClass(Inheritance)
Lecture 7: Subclass with Multiple Parent Class (Multiple Inheritance)
Chapter 10: Conclusion with some useful information
Lecture 1: You have become a python programmer!!!
Lecture 2: A sum up on Python 2 and Python 3
Lecture 3: Don't Stop now and Keep Learning
Lecture 4: Thank you students
Vasandkumar Kunasekaran
Certified Software & Cloud Developer.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 21 votes
- 5 stars: 52 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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