Learn Python By Doing: 25 Real World Projects Masterclass
Learn Python By Doing: 25 Real World Projects Masterclass, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 3.8, with 265 lectures, based on 42 reviews, and has 1579 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand how to useframeworks like Django will save you a ton of time in web development Improve your web development and coding resume Be able to connect Django to databases Learn how to use Python in Web Development Understand various Django Functions Become a professional Python Developer Tkinter This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners In Python It is particularly useful for Beginners In Python.
Enroll now: Learn Python By Doing: 25 Real World Projects Masterclass
Title: Learn Python By Doing: 25 Real World Projects Masterclass
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 3.8
Number of Lectures: 265
Number of Published Lectures: 224
Number of Curriculum Items: 265
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 224
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand how to useframeworks like Django will save you a ton of time in web development
- Improve your web development and coding resume
- Be able to connect Django to databases
- Learn how to use Python in Web Development
- Understand various Django Functions
- Become a professional Python Developer
- Tkinter
Who Should Attend
- Beginners In Python
Target Audiences
- Beginners In Python
The most appealing characteristic of Python is that it is an interpreted language. Interpreted languages are the programming languages that do not need to be compiled to run. An interpreter can run python code on any kind of computer, by itself. This means the programmer can quickly see the results, if or when they need to modify the code. On the flip side, this also means that Python is slower than a compiled language like C. And that is because it is not running on a machine code directly.
Because Python is an interpreted language, testing small snippets of code and moving them between different platforms is quite simple. Since Python is compatible with most of the operating systems, it is used universally, in a variety of applications.
Python is considered a beginners’ programming language. As it is a high-level language, a programmer can focus on what to do instead of how to do it. This is one of the major reasons why writing programs in Python takes less time than in other programming languages.
Because Python is similar to English, many find it easier to learn than other programming languages. Developers can read and remember the Python syntaxes much easier than other programming languages.
Since Python supports scripting as well, it can be used to build large, commercial applications. The main factor behind Python’s popularity in the IT world is its reliability. Being a high-level programming language, Python lets the user focus on the core functioning of the application. Meanwhile, the common programming tasks are handled by the language itself.
Now you can probably see why Python is one of the most favored programming languages by developers, data scientists, software engineers, and hackers! And the key factors behind its diverse userbase are flexibility, versatility, and object-oriented features. This is also why Python is used in complex fields like Machine Learning (ML) and Data Science (DS).
In This Course, We Are Going To Work On 25 Real World Projects Listed Below:
Project-1: Image Editor Application With OpenCV And Tkinter
Project-2: Brand Identification Game With Tkinter And Sqlite3
Project-3: Transaction Application With Tkinter And Sqlite3
Project-4: Learning Management System With Django
Project-5: Create A News Portal With Django
Project-6: Create A Student Portal With Django
Project-7: Productivity Tracker With Django And Plotly
Project-8: Create A Study Group With Django
Project-9: Building Crop Guide Application with PyQt5, SQLite
Project-10: Building Password Manager Application With PyQt5, SQLite
Project-11: Create A News Application With Python
Project-12: Create A Guide Application With Python
Project-13: Building The Chef Web Application with Django, Python
Project-14: Syllogism-Rules of Inference Solver Web Application
Project-15: Building Vision Web Application with Django, Python
Project-16: Building Budget Planner Application With Python
Project-17: Tic Tac Toe Game
Project-18: Random Password Generator Website using Django
Project-19: Building Personal Portfolio Website Using Django
Project-20: Todo List Website For Multiple Users
Project-21: Crypto Coin Planner Gui Application
Project-22: Your Own Twitter Bot -python, request, API, deployment, tweepy
Project-23: Create A Python Dictionary Using python, Tkinter, JSON
Project-24: Egg-Catcher Game using python
Project-25: Personal Routine Tracker Application using python
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction To The Course
Lecture 2: Course Outline Video
Lecture 3: Udemy Course Feedback
Chapter 2: Project-1: Image Editor Application Using Python
Lecture 1: 1 Introduction
Lecture 2: 2 tkinter
Lecture 3: 3 tkinter2
Lecture 4: 4 cvbasics
Lecture 5: 5 Implementing Frames
Lecture 6: 6 Implementing Frames Part2
Lecture 7: 7 Implementing Canvas
Lecture 8: 8 Sub Menu
Lecture 9: 9 Finishing Front End
Lecture 10: 10 Image on canvas
Lecture 11: 11 Applying Filters
Lecture 12: 12 Cropping
Lecture 13: 13 Saving Images
Lecture 14: Download the code
Chapter 3: Project-2: Brand Identification Application Using Python
Lecture 1: 1 Introduction
Lecture 2: 2 Tkinter Basics
Lecture 3: 3 Sqlite Basics
Lecture 4: 4 Developing Frontend
Lecture 5: 5 Implementing Logic
Lecture 6: 6 Creating Database
Lecture 7: 7 Integrating database with tkinter
Lecture 8: Download the code
Chapter 4: Project-3: Transaction Application With Tkinter and Sqlite
Lecture 1: 1 Introduction
Lecture 2: 2 Tkinter Basics
Lecture 3: 3 Sqlite Basics
Lecture 4: 4 Developing Frontend
Lecture 5: 5 Authentication
Lecture 6: 6 Managing Transaction
Lecture 7: 7 Managing Profile
Lecture 8: Download the code
Chapter 5: Project-4: Learning Management System with Django
Lecture 1: 1 Introduction
Lecture 2: 2 Setting Up
Lecture 3: 3 Building Models
Lecture 4: 4 Building Models part 2
Lecture 5: 5 Admin And Querying
Lecture 6: 6 Registration And Login
Lecture 7: 7 Implementing Profile
Lecture 8: 8 Implementing Profile Part2
Lecture 9: 9 Results With Matplotlib
Lecture 10: 10 Interactive Graph
Lecture 11: 11 Answering Assignments
Lecture 12: 12 Staff Assignment View
Lecture 13: Download the code
Chapter 6: Project-5: News Portal Application Using Python
Lecture 1: 1 Introduction
Lecture 2: 2 Setting Up
Lecture 3: 3 Implementing Models
Lecture 4: 4 Login And Registration
Lecture 5: 5 Profiles
Lecture 6: 6 News Home
Lecture 7: 7 Filtering News
Lecture 8: 8 Efficient Code
Lecture 9: 9 Adding News
Lecture 10: Download the code
Chapter 7: Project-6: Student Portal Application Using Python
Lecture 1: 1 Introduction
Lecture 2: 2 Setting Up
Lecture 3: 3 Homepage And API Requests
Lecture 4: 4 Login And Registration
Lecture 5: 5 Handling Notes
Lecture 6: 6 Todos And Homeworks
Lecture 7: 7 Conversion Page
Lecture 8: Download the code
Chapter 8: Project-7: Productivity Tracker Application Using Python
Lecture 1: 1 Introduction
Lecture 2: 2 Setting Up
Lecture 3: 3 Login And Registration
Lecture 4: 4 Todo Implementation
Lecture 5: 5 Profile Implementation
Lecture 6: Download the code
Chapter 9: Project-8: Study Group Application Using Python
Lecture 1: 1 Introduction
Lecture 2: 2 Setting Up
Lecture 3: 3 Login And Registration
Lecture 4: 4 ER Diagram
Lecture 5: 5 Groups Implementation
Lecture 6: 6 Filtering
Lecture 7: Download the code
Chapter 10: Project-9: Building Crop Guide Application with PyQt5, SQLite
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Designing The Python GUI
Lecture 3: Enhancing the Qt5 GUI Functionality
Lecture 4: Creation and Implementation of Database
Lecture 5: Connecting Database with PyQt5 Application
Lecture 6: Enhancing the Qt5 GUI Functionality and Application Logic
Lecture 7: Project Conclusion and Recall
Lecture 8: Download The Code
Chapter 11: Project-10: Building Password Manager Application With PyQt5, SQLite
Lecture 1: Introduction to Project on Password Manager
Lecture 2: Designing The Python GUI using Qt Designer
Lecture 3: Enhancing the Qt5 GUI Functionality
Lecture 4: Creation and Implementation of Database
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Projects in Data Science, Machine Learning, Power BI, & More
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 34 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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