Learn Python by making games
Learn Python by making games, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.88, with 142 lectures, based on 1359 reviews, and has 8640 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn how to use Python effectively You will create a portfolio of python games You will learn how to manage large project well You will learn object-oriented programming You will learn and implement advanced Python features You will develop a thorough understanding of Python This course is ideal for individuals who are Everyone interested in programming It is particularly useful for Everyone interested in programming.
Enroll now: Learn Python by making games
Title: Learn Python by making games
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.88
Number of Lectures: 142
Number of Published Lectures: 142
Number of Curriculum Items: 142
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 142
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn how to use Python effectively
- You will create a portfolio of python games
- You will learn how to manage large project well
- You will learn object-oriented programming
- You will learn and implement advanced Python features
- You will develop a thorough understanding of Python
Who Should Attend
- Everyone interested in programming
Target Audiences
- Everyone interested in programming
Learn the world’s most popular programming language by making games!
This course includes an incredibly comprehensive, yet easy to follow, introduction to Python and uses that knowledge to create 4 sophisticated games using pygame. By the time you finish these projects you will have a strong understanding of Python and of coding in general. You will also have amazing projects for your portfolio.
The course contains over 130 videos and includes a huge amount of exercises so you can practice while you code along. You can also find the code for every video attach in the course. The course will start completely from scratch and I will begin by installing Python on Windows or MacOS; or you can use an online code editor. If you are in doubt, the entire first 11 hours are freely available both here on Udemy and on YouTube.
This course is going to cover every topic of Python, for example:
All of the datatypes (integers, strings, floats, booleans, lists, tuples, dictionaries etc)
You will learn classes and object-oriented programming
Inheritance, both simple and complex will be covered in detail
You will learn how to control the flow of the code using if, while, for and match
You will learn about functions and how to pass information around
There are many sections on scope to keep your code organized
Decorators will be covered in depth
File handling will be used
Python is one of the most desirable features on the job market and can get you into well-paying and interesting jobs. It is also a very easy to learn language that you can use as a starting point in your coding career. I am looking forward to seeing you in the course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Trailer
Lecture 2: Python in context
Lecture 3: Installing Python
Lecture 4: Installing a code editor (sublime) + changing the style
Chapter 2: Python 1 – Basics
Lecture 1: How code is executed
Lecture 2: Math operations
Lecture 3: Variables
Lecture 4: Functions
Lecture 5: Methods
Lecture 6: Returning values
Lecture 7: Comments
Lecture 8: More on the execution order
Chapter 3: Python 2 – Datatypes
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Numbers (integers and floating point)
Lecture 3: Strings
Lecture 4: Lists and tuples
Lecture 5: Slicing
Lecture 6: Unpacking
Lecture 7: Strings, tuples and lists
Lecture 8: Dictionaries
Lecture 9: Sets
Lecture 10: Booleans
Lecture 11: Other datatypes
Chapter 4: Python 3 – Flow
Lecture 1: Flow Intro
Lecture 2: Simple If statements
Lecture 3: Complex if statements
Lecture 4: Match case statements
Lecture 5: While loops
Lecture 6: For loops
Lecture 7: Flow + Linebreaks
Chapter 5: Python 4 – Functions
Lecture 1: Introduction to functions
Lecture 2: Parameters
Lecture 3: More on parameters
Lecture 4: Scope
Lecture 5: Lambda functions
Lecture 6: Documenting functions
Chapter 6: Python 5 – Data Handling
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Better For loops
Lecture 3: List comprehension
Lecture 4: Other comprehensions
Lecture 5: Sorting data
Lecture 6: Map & Filter
Lecture 7: File Handling
Lecture 8: Deleting data
Chapter 7: Python 6 – Classes
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Classes in practice
Lecture 3: Dunder
Lecture 4: Classes and methods
Lecture 5: Classes and Scope
Lecture 6: Simple inheritance
Lecture 7: Complex inheritance
Lecture 8: 8 Classes extra
Chapter 8: Python 7 – Modules
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: External modules
Lecture 3: Creating modules
Lecture 4: Dunder main
Chapter 9: Python 8 – Extra
Lecture 1: Intro (Pass + input)
Lecture 2: Exceptions
Lecture 3: Decorators
Lecture 4: Eval + Exec
Chapter 10: Asteroid Shooter
Lecture 1: All the project files are attached here
Lecture 2: Note on installing Pygame with Python 3.11
Lecture 3: Intro
Lecture 4: Creating a blank window
Lecture 5: Surfaces
Lecture 6: Placing elements
Lecture 7: Images and Text
Lecture 8: Movement
Lecture 9: Rectangle basics
Lecture 10: Input
Lecture 11: Recap (Surfaces and Rects)
Lecture 12: More on surfaces and rects
Lecture 13: Delta Time
Lecture 14: Laser Logic
Lecture 15: Working with time
Lecture 16: Meteors
Lecture 17: Basic collisions
Lecture 18: Sound
Chapter 11: Asteroid Shooter with classes
Lecture 1: Project files
Lecture 2: Intro
Lecture 3: Sprites
Lecture 4: Updating sprites
Lecture 5: Creating the laser
Lecture 6: Creating the meteors
Lecture 7: Adding the score
Lecture 8: Meteor upgrades
Lecture 9: Collisions
Lecture 10: Collisions with masks
Lecture 11: Sound
Christian Koch
Lecturer for Programming, maths and Economics
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 26 votes
- 4 stars: 263 votes
- 5 stars: 1062 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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