Learn Python in 30 Days – Coding for Beginners
Learn Python in 30 Days – Coding for Beginners, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.05, with 32 lectures, based on 10 reviews, and has 26 subscribers.
You will learn about Combine all the fundamental programming concepts you learn in the class and use them to build your own Python projects. Learn how to code in Python and understand other people's code and what it's doing. Create your own learning application as the class project, a Quiz App that will work as a tool to help you learn any concept of your choice. Get a clearer picture of how computer programs work, which will widen your vision of how the digital world works. Learn key accelerated learning techniques (that work outside of coding too!) to boost your retention and actually remember what you learn. Learn how to download and use Visual Studio Code, iPython, and your computer's Terminal or Command-Line. Apply fundamental Python concepts such as variables, strings, functions, methods, string concatenation, user inputs, lists, and other iterables. Understand and use conditional statements (if/elif/else) and code blocks to add logic to your programs. Implement loops in your code, such as "for" and "while" loops, to level up your automation capabilities. Apply more advanced concepts such as classes, class attributes and methods, inheritance, files, exception handling, modules, and The Python Standard Library. Discover if coding is right for you and help you get a clear idea of your intentions to pursue it professionally. This course is ideal for individuals who are If you're completely new to coding. "Where do I type my very first line of code?" or You learned to code in the past but are looking for a structured refresher. or You're looking to demystify coding and get a sense of what it can be used for. or You want to set a strong foundation to get a job related to coding down the line. or You want to stretch your brain by learning something new. It is particularly useful for If you're completely new to coding. "Where do I type my very first line of code?" or You learned to code in the past but are looking for a structured refresher. or You're looking to demystify coding and get a sense of what it can be used for. or You want to set a strong foundation to get a job related to coding down the line. or You want to stretch your brain by learning something new.
Enroll now: Learn Python in 30 Days – Coding for Beginners
Title: Learn Python in 30 Days – Coding for Beginners
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.05
Number of Lectures: 32
Number of Published Lectures: 32
Number of Curriculum Items: 32
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 32
Original Price: $34.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Combine all the fundamental programming concepts you learn in the class and use them to build your own Python projects.
- Learn how to code in Python and understand other people's code and what it's doing.
- Create your own learning application as the class project, a Quiz App that will work as a tool to help you learn any concept of your choice.
- Get a clearer picture of how computer programs work, which will widen your vision of how the digital world works.
- Learn key accelerated learning techniques (that work outside of coding too!) to boost your retention and actually remember what you learn.
- Learn how to download and use Visual Studio Code, iPython, and your computer's Terminal or Command-Line.
- Apply fundamental Python concepts such as variables, strings, functions, methods, string concatenation, user inputs, lists, and other iterables.
- Understand and use conditional statements (if/elif/else) and code blocks to add logic to your programs.
- Implement loops in your code, such as "for" and "while" loops, to level up your automation capabilities.
- Apply more advanced concepts such as classes, class attributes and methods, inheritance, files, exception handling, modules, and The Python Standard Library.
- Discover if coding is right for you and help you get a clear idea of your intentions to pursue it professionally.
Who Should Attend
- If you're completely new to coding. "Where do I type my very first line of code?"
- You learned to code in the past but are looking for a structured refresher.
- You're looking to demystify coding and get a sense of what it can be used for.
- You want to set a strong foundation to get a job related to coding down the line.
- You want to stretch your brain by learning something new.
Target Audiences
- If you're completely new to coding. "Where do I type my very first line of code?"
- You learned to code in the past but are looking for a structured refresher.
- You're looking to demystify coding and get a sense of what it can be used for.
- You want to set a strong foundation to get a job related to coding down the line.
- You want to stretch your brain by learning something new.
What is this course about?
This course was created to show you that bite-size lessons can take you a long way! Most people overestimate what they can do in a day but grossly underestimate what they can do in 30 days.
Python is one of the most popular and useful languages out there. In this class, you’ll learn the fundamentals you need to write your own Python programs. The course is designed to be taken over the course of 30 days, in bitesize sessions of around 15 minutes each day. You’ll learn the concepts you need to know to start coding your own useful programs and set the strong foundation you need to move on to any programming field you might be interested.
Python is extremely flexible and it can be used in many fields, some of them are Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Data Visualization, Web Development, Programming Applications, Finance, and even Game Development! This course will start with concepts as simple as Python variables and go all the way to a final project where you will code your own Python command-line application that will help you connect the dots on all the concepts you learned throughout the course.
Who is this course for?
Learning how to code could be valuable to everyone even if you’re not looking to use it professionally. It opens up your mind to understand what goes on in the digital world that surrounds us nowadays. This course is right for you if any of the following statements resonate with you:
I’m completely new to coding. Where do I type my very first line of code?
I learned to code in the past but I’m looking for a refresher.
I’m looking to demystify coding and get a sense of what it can be used for.
I want to set a strong foundation to get a job related to coding down the line.
I want to stretch my brain by learning something new.
How will I learn?
The course is designed to be taken through 15-minute bitesize lessons each day for 30 days, and it focuses on learning smart and not hard. You can go through it at your own pace, so if you’d like to do two lessons each day and finish the course in 15 days that is fine, and if you’d like to take it more slowly that is completely fine too.
We’ll leverage evidence-based learning techniques such as Active Recall and Spaced Repetition to enhance your learning and commit the knowledge you gain to long-term memory. We have hands-on daily exercises that will help you internalize what you’re learning and even rest days to recover and review. All in all, this is how it goes:
15 minutes/day for 30 days (you choose your pace)
Follow along with each lesson as we go
Daily exercises to implement new learning
Rest and recovery days after every 4 lessons
Final project to connect the dots
What type of software will I use?
We’ll kick off the course by downloading and installing the necessary software:
Python 3
iPython – an enhanced Python interpreter
Visual Studio Code – a popular and powerful code editor
Course Contents:
Variables, numbers, strings, string concatenation, indexing
Conditionals, code blocks, For loops, While loops
Lists, Ranges, Dictionaries, Tuples, and Sets
User input
Intro to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Classes – definition, attributes, methods, inheritance
Exception Handling
Modules and Python Standard Library
Hands-on Project – Python Learning Application
Final Project:
The final project is to create your own Python Learning Application that will quiz you on any topic you’re learning and keep scores to asses what you know.
The app will read JSON files with questions, topics, and scores and quiz the user based on the contents. It will also save new scores. The application will run in the Command Line and will cover all the concepts learned throughout the 30-day course.
The purpose of the app is to allow you to create your own questions on any topic you want to study so you can quiz yourself and engage in active recall to help you remember what you learn and assess which topics need more attention based on your scores. To complete the project, you can follow these steps:
Watch lessons from day 24 to day 29.
Download JSON files from the Github website (link in lesson 24).
Read the README file from GitHub.
Follow along with lessons 24 through 29 or give it a shot on your own by seeing how the app should work based on the GitHub README file.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome
Lecture 1: How The Class Works
Chapter 2: Installation
Lecture 1: Day 1 – Install Python (Mac)
Lecture 2: Day 1 – Install Python (Windows)
Chapter 3: Python Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Day 2 – Variables
Lecture 2: Day 3 – Strings
Lecture 3: Day 4 – Functions (part 1/2)
Lecture 4: Day 5 – Rest Day 🙂
Lecture 5: Day 6 – Object Oriented Programming (OOP) – Methods
Chapter 4: Adding Functionality and Logic
Lecture 1: Day 7 – String Concatenation
Lecture 2: Day 8 – User Input (Numbers, Integers, Floats, Comments)
Lecture 3: Day 9 – Conditionals (if/elif/else) and Code Blocks
Lecture 4: Day 10 – Rest Day 🙂
Lecture 5: Day 11 – Functions (part 2/2)
Chapter 5: Iterating Through Data
Lecture 1: Day 12 – Lists, Ranges, Sorting
Lecture 2: Day 13 – Loops
Lecture 3: Day 14 – Dictionaries
Lecture 4: Day 15 – Rest Day 🙂
Lecture 5: Day 16 – Tuples and Sets
Chapter 6: Getting More Advanced With Python
Lecture 1: Day 17 – OOP – Classes Definition
Lecture 2: Day 18 – OOP – Class Attributes and Methods
Lecture 3: Day 19 – OOP – Inheritance
Lecture 4: Day 20 – Rest Day 🙂
Lecture 5: Day 21 – Files
Lecture 6: Day 22 – Exception Handling
Lecture 7: Day 23 – Modules and Python Standard Library
Chapter 7: Final Project – Learning App
Lecture 1: Day 24 – Project – Python Learning App (part 1/5)
Lecture 2: Day 25 – Rest Day 🙂
Lecture 3: Day 26 – Project – Python Learning App (part 2/5)
Lecture 4: Day 27 – Project – Python Learning App (part 3/5)
Lecture 5: Day 28 – Project – Python Learning App (part 4/5)
Lecture 6: Day 29 – Project – Python Learning App (part 5/5)
Chapter 8: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Day 30 – Endings Are New Beginnings
Tony Alamo
Spark Your Brain
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 3 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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